Top Command Line Tools to Find Files Quickly in Linux

In Linux, there are several command line tools that can be used to quickly and easily find files on the file system. These tools are powerful and versatile, allowing users to search for files based on a variety of criteria such as name, type, size, and more. Some of the most popular command line tools for finding files in Linux include ‘find’, ‘locate’, ‘grep’, ‘whereis’, ‘which’, ‘fd’, and ‘ack’. These tools are widely used by system administrators, developers, and power users, to find and locate files in a quick and efficient way. In this topic, we will explore some of the top command-line tools for finding files in Linux, and provide examples of how to use them effectively.

1. Find Command

The find command in Linux is a versatile and powerful tool for searching for files and directories on the file system. It can be used to look for files based on various criteria, such as name, type, and size, among others.

The command follows this format −

find [path] [options] [expression]

Path − the starting point for the search, it can be one or more directories. If no directory is specified, the search will start from the current working directory.

Here are some examples of how the find command can be used 

To locate all files named "example.txt" in the current working directory and its subdirectories 

find . -name "example.txt"

To search for all directories named "temp" located in the /var directory −

find /var -type d -name "temp"

To locate all files that are larger than 100MB in the home directory −

find ~ -size +100M

To remove all files with the ".tmp" extension in the current working directory 

find . -name "*.

2. Locate Command

The locate command in Linux is a utility for swiftly finding files on the file system. It does this by creating an index of the file system and keeping a record of the file locations. This makes it faster for the locate command to search for files, as compared to find, which scans the file system in real time.

The standard format of the locate command is −

locate [options] [expression]

Options: Different options can be used to change the way the search is conducted. Some examples include −

  • -b − searches for files in the entire file path instead of just the name.

  • -c − displays the number of matches found.

  • -i − ignore the case when searching.

Search Criteria − This can be a simple string or a more complex regular expression. It is the pattern or text you want to find in the files.

3. Grep Command

The grep command in Linux is a versatile tool for searching text for specific patterns. It is an acronym for "global regular expression print" and is utilized to search for a specific string or sequence of characters in one or more files. Its basic structure is as follows −

grep [options] [pattern] [file(s)]

Options  various options that can be used to modify the behavior of the search. Some common options include −

  • -c − Show the count of lines that matched the search.

  • -i − Perform the search without considering the case of the characters.

  • -v − Select lines that do not match the search pattern.

  • pattern  The specific text or regular expression you want to search for.

  • file(s)  The file or files to search. If no files are specified, the search will be done on the standard input (typically the output of another command).

4. Whereis Command

The whereis command in Linux is a useful tool for finding the location of the binary, source, and manual files related to a specific command or program. It searches in directories specified in the system's PATH environment variable and in directories used for storing binary, source, and manual files.

The command follows this format −

whereis [options] [command or program]

Options  Various options that can be used to change how the search is conducted. Some examples of options include −

  • -b − Limit the search to binary files.

  • -m − Limit the search to manual files.

  • -s − Limit the search to source files.

command or program: The name of the command or program you want to locate.

5. Which Command

The ‘which’ command in Linux is a powerful tool that helps in identifying the location of the binary executable of a specific command. It searches for the specified command in the directories that are specified in the system's PATH environment variable, which is a list of directories that the system checks to locate commands.

The command follows this format −

which [command]

Here are some examples of how the which command can be used −

To locate the binary executable for the "ls" command −

which ls

To locate the binary executable for the "grep" command.

which grep

The which command is useful for determining the location of a specific command and its binary executable. It only shows the location of a command if it is in the PATH variable.

6. Fd Command

The fd command, which stands for "fast directory search", is a useful tool for quickly locating files and directories in Linux. It is a more user-friendly and efficient alternative to the traditional find command.

The command follows this format −

fd [options] [pattern] [path]

Where ‘options’ allow you to modify the search's behavior, ‘pattern’ is the name of the file or directory you are searching for, and ‘path’ is the directory or directories where the search should begin. In the absence of a specified path, the search will begin in the current working directory. The ‘fd’ command also supports regular expressions and search patterns, and allows you to search for files based on their type, such as directories, files, symlinks, etc. Additionally, it has a built-in feature that allows you to preview the search results, making it an efficient and user-friendly tool for quickly finding files and directories in Linux.

7. Ack Command

The ack command, which stands for "acknowledgment", is a command line tool for searching for specific text patterns in files on a Linux system. It is designed to be more efficient and user-friendly than the traditional grep command, particularly when searching through large codebases. The command allows you to search across multiple directories, exclude certain files and directories and present the results in a clear format.

The command follows this format −

ack [options] [pattern] [path]

The ‘options’ option allows you to change the search behavior, ‘pattern’ specifies the text to be searched for, and ‘path’ specifies the directory or directories where the search will begin. If no path is specified, the search will take place in the current working directory.


In conclusion, the find, locate, grep, whereis, which, fd, and ack commands are some of the most commonly used command line tools in Linux for finding files and directories. A find command is a powerful tool that can search for files and directories based on various criteria such as name, type, and size. The locate command is also a useful tool that can quickly find files on the file system by indexing the file system and maintaining a database of file locations. Grep is a powerful tool for searching for patterns in text. Whereis and which are both used to find the location of binary executables for a given command. And fd and ack are alternatives to the traditional find command, designed to be more user-friendly and faster. Each of these commands has its own unique features and syntax and can be used in different scenarios based on specific requirements.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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