Top Behavioural Interview Questions

The ability to operate well as part of a team is highly prized in today's competitive and linked society. Collaborating with others to pursue a common objective can result in extraordinary accomplishments and inspire innovation. In this article, we will look at a situation in which I had the opportunity to work in a team setting to achieve a common goal.

This event not only illustrated the value of effective communication and coordination but also the power of group problem-solving and creative thinking. Through this example, we will look at the problems faced, the methods used, and the overall success accomplished as a team.

Here are a few questions with answers for them −

Describe a Situation Where you had to Work as Part of a Team to Achieve a Common Goal

When there is a pressing need to complete a task, working as a team can make a significant difference. I'd want to describe an experience in which I had to work with others to attain a common goal.

We were handed a project at a former employer that required us to create a new software application. The goal was to develop a user-friendly and efficient solution that would help our company's internal procedures run more smoothly.

At the start, we met as a group to examine the project's requirements and outline the exact goals we hoped to achieve. We assigned specific duties based on individual abilities because each team member possessed a distinct combination of talents and knowledge.

Communication was critical throughout the endeavor. To ensure that everyone was on the same page, we scheduled frequent meetings and discussed progress updates. This assisted us in identifying any issues or blockages early on, allowing us to discover solutions as a team.

By working together, we were able to successfully overcome them. When someone faced a problem, the team would gather together to brainstorm alternative solutions. We valued different points of view and encouraged each team member to contribute their ideas. We developed creative solutions to difficulties and kept pushing forward as a result of this working together.

Share an Example of a Time When you had to Make a Difficult Decision and Explain Your Thought Process

Example − Last year, I had to choose between employment and launching a business. Both solutions had pros and cons, so this decision was hard. I'll describe my decision-making process.

Step 1: Identifying the Pros and Cons

First, I listed each option's pros and cons. Stable jobs provide job stability, guaranteed income, and a consistent routine. Starting my own firm offered increased wages, liberty, and the freedom to pursue my passion. It also has financial risks and success uncertainty.

Step 2: Assessing My Values and Goals

I reflected on my values and goals. Entrepreneurship, financial freedom, and risk-taking were considered. I also considered how long I could survive without a regular income if I started a business.

Step 3: Advice and Research

Mentors, friends, and relatives with corporate and entrepreneurial expertise helped me comprehend. I asked them about each path's pros and cons. I also researched industry trends, market conditions, and business concept demand.

Step 4: Weighing the Short-term and Long-term Implications

My decision-making required both short-term and long-term effects. Solid employment offered financial security and stability, but it also hindered growth and fulfillment. Starting my own business was risky financially, but it offered long-term personal and professional growth.

Step 5: Trusting My Gut and Embracing the Unknown

After careful consideration, I decided to pursue entrepreneurship and push myself over stable employment. Starting my own business fit my principles and long-term aims better, despite the risks. Trusting my intuition, I chose entrepreneurship.

Discuss a Time When you Demonstrated Leadership Skills and the Impact it had

One frequently asked question in job interviews is about displaying your leadership ability. Interviewers want to know if you've ever led a team or taken command of a situation. They want to know how your leadership abilities have benefited others and what results you have accomplished.

Remember a time when you demonstrated your leadership abilities. It could be a work-related circumstance, a volunteer project, or even a personal situation. The main thing is to select an example that clearly demonstrates your leadership talents and the impact you have on others.

Begin by describing the event or issue you encountered. Clearly state the situation and the difficulties you encountered. Then consider how you stepped up and took the initiative. Describe the steps you used to direct and motivate others toward a common objective.

Emphasize the significance of your leadership. Did your efforts result in higher productivity, better teamwork, or project completion? Provide measurable outcomes or particular accomplishments that indicate your leadership's success.

Discuss the talents and attributes you used during this event as well. Did you effectively communicate, assign work, or handle conflicts? Discuss any techniques you used to overcome challenges, as well as how you inspired others to perform at their best.

Describe a Time When you had to Handle a Difficult Customer or Client and how you Managed the Situation


Handling challenging clients is a common behavioural interview question. Employers want to see how you handle difficult situations and remain professional. This answer will explain a real-life experience with a difficult customer and how to handle it.

The Encounter

I had a difficult customer while working in customer service. The person complained to me about a product they bought. From the start, it was clear that this scenario demanded subtlety and patience.

Maintaining Composure

I told myself to stay calm to face this difficult customer. I listened without interrupting and acknowledged their frustration. I avoided confusing idioms and jargon by using simple English.

Empathy and Understanding

I empathised with the customer's frustration. I repeated their concerns to demonstrate my understanding. I addressed each issue by utilising concise and clear wording.

Offering Solutions

Next, I worked towards finding a solution that would satisfy the customer. I politely discussed product replacement and return choices. By giving them options, I enabled the customer to handle the issue. I patiently explained each choice and answered their questions.

Collaboration with Colleagues

Handling problematic customers may involve involving colleagues or supervisors. I calmly asked the customer if they would like to talk to a higher-up, knowing my boundaries. I showed that I was devoted to finding a solution, even if it required help from someone with more authority or knowledge.

Closure and Follow-Up

I assured customer satisfaction after a resolution. I praised them for their patience and pledged my satisfaction. I also gave them my contact data and encouraged them to contact me with any queries. This follow-up strengthened the pleasant image and maintained consumer connections.

Updated on: 10-Nov-2023


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