Top 7 Techniques to Build Personal Branding Through Blogging

Branding is an important tool in marketing that helps in the promotion of products and services offered. Personal branding is a distinctive technique that focuses on promoting oneself. It might involve promoting one’s values, expertise in a particular field or reputation in general. Personal branding can create or break an individual's image. The right techniques are crucial in building trust and credibility with others. This article focuses on bringing to you the top techniques that might help achieve personal branding through blogging.

What Is Personal Branding?

Personal branding is a conscious effort made towards creating and promoting the public perception of an individual. It usually works by positioning the individual through blogging and other measures as an expert or authority in their field. Personal branding techniques can offer various benefits according to each individual. For some, it might help elevate their career prospects and for some, it might help in monetization.

The five key elements of personal branding include self-awareness, consistency, authenticity, visibility, and relevance. The first and most important step is to understand who you are, what you stand for, and what makes you unique. Later on, it is important to maintain consistency across all social media and blogging channels. A personal brand should be relevant to the industry or area of expertise. The focus must be on communicating one’s unique perspective and insights.

How Will Blogging Help Build Personal Branding?

Blogging which started off as a way to express personal thoughts, interests, and opinions in the 90s has evolved into a more meaningful and powerful tool over the years. Nowadays it is common to see thousands of topics being addressed across various sectors like beauty, healthcare, fitness, fashion, technology, photography etc. through blogs.

In digital marketing terms, blogging can be considered a part of one’s content marketing strategies. There are four main types of blogging styles when it comes to building personal brands. Here is a brief overview of the types −

Awareness Content

In blogging, the term "awareness content" refers to the kind of content that tries to raise reader awareness of or educate them about a specific subject, issue, or problem. Instead of attempting to sell the reader something, awareness content's goal is to give them useful knowledge.

Thought Leadership Content

Content that positions a person or organisation as an authority or expert in a certain topic is known as thought leadership content. It focuses on offering insightful information, unique concepts, and viewpoints that aren't frequently seen elsewhere.

Sales-Centric Content

Sales-centric content is content that is intended to increase sales and revenue. This kind of content is made with the sole intention of convincing the reader to do something, like buy something or join up for a service.

Pillar Pages

A pillar page is a thorough, lengthy piece of information that acts as the website's main structure for a certain subject or theme. It is usually structured around a broad subject and thoroughly covers all elements of it, frequently linking out to related sites and subtopics.

According to the type of goal, a suitable type of content structure can be used in blogging for personal branding.

Top 7 Techniques for Personal Branding Using Blogging

The success of using blogging techniques for building personal branding lies in attracting a target audience and influencing your personal brand’s perception through curated and well-structured content. These 7 techniques will greatly improve the quality of blogs and optimize them for effective personal branding.

Create and Maintain a Unique Style for Personal Blogs

Creating a unique style is a crucial phase and that does not happen overnight. This does not involve the content but rather focuses on the content structure and framework. Once a style is followed, it cannot be changed easily. Therefore it is highly important to take time to identify and curate the style elements of a personal blog. This includes the style, formatting style, vocabulary usage, personality attributes, and images.

Define Target Audience

Identifying the target audience can help style the blog and curate content accordingly to have a better reach among them. It can help identify the topics for upcoming blogs, SEO keywords, and relevant listings of affiliate marketing products.

Blog Content Across Multiple Channels

In recent days, the audience are drawn towards videos and images a lot. Hence blog content can involve a summary video or a link to a video or audio description which they can listen to as they drive to the office as well. This will increase the chances of your blog content reaching the audience. This can be achieved through emails, videos, and podcasts.

Network and Write Guest Posts

Personal branding relies heavily on successful networking. This can either be online or offline. Guest posts are the most common ways to expand the network and gain more followers and audience. Guest posts in similar niches must be identified and ideas can be pitched to the editors. Other ways to enhance networking will involve testimonials and offline events.

Promote the Blogs Extensively

Promoting the blog is essential for building a strong personal brand. Social media, email marketing, and other channels can be used to share blog posts with your target audience.

Maintain Consistency and Stay Updated

Building a great personal brand requires having a consistent voice. All blog postings should be written in a consistent voice that reflects the brand’s personality and values. Also, it is important to generate quality and updated content to stay relevant and trustworthy.

Actively Engage with the Audience

Engaging with the audience is essential for building a strong personal brand. Responding to comments and questions on the blog and social media channels shows the readers that the brand values their input and feedback.


Building a personal brand through blogging is an effective way to establish oneself as an expert and gain credibility in one’s field. By defining the target audience, developing a consistent voice, and creating quality content, one can attract and engage readers and build a loyal following. By implementing the above-said techniques, you can create a powerful personal brand and achieve your professional goals.

Updated on: 26-Apr-2023


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