Top 5 Popular DevOps Tools

Modern software development is infused with the DevOps philosophy. The Agile technique is practically used in the DevOps culture, which is now the most effective way for software development. With that in mind, DevOps is something that every business owner wants to use for a smooth software development lifecycle. There are a few key DevOps concepts, and several tools are available to carry them out.

DevOps Tools and Principles

The automatization of ordinary software development operations is a feature of the DevOps technique. It is realizable using several tools and technologies. There are a few key tenets for implementing DevOps. Let's discuss these guidelines and the methods for putting each guideline into practice in order to have a better understanding.

Infrastructure as Code, or IaC, is a DevOps methodology that presents the entire environment as code. Such a strategy is accomplished via manifests. The deployment environment may be changed by altering a few lines in these files that are written in descriptive language. The manifests are created by DevOps engineers, and developers are free to modify them for any test or other infrastructure function. Before the DevOps technique, there were many extra steps and QA engineers had to be present at all times. Although there are many other components, there is a misconception that IaC is simply built on CI/CD, or continuous integration and delivery IaC enables the following additional concepts as a result

  • Version Control Management

  • Configuration Management

  • Code Review

  • Continuous Improvement

  • Continuous Supply

  • Analytics Messaging

  • Tracking and Logging

Let's go into further depth about each of them.

  • Configuration Management − This idea is based on creating a dependable, mobile environment for deploying code. When used properly, Configuration Management enables swift project transfer between teams. The environment may be deployed anywhere because it is contained in a Docker container. Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Salt, and more tools provide for this procedure.

  • Code Review − GitHub and Gitlab are indeed helpful in this regard. Code review is the process of examining the code, testing out new features, and contrasting it with earlier iterations.

  • Version Control Management − Git is the most widely used version control tool. This open-source application is a distributed version control system that enables you to keep all of the changes made to your programme and return to an earlier version as needed. Because you can manage every change made throughout the development process, this is a crucial tool for DevOps and development. GitHub and Gitlab are the two most used Git tools.

  • Continuous Delivery (CD) − refers to the ability to release software to customers as quickly as feasible. Every little adjustment took a long time to execute. This procedure is automated by CI/CD pipeline, which enables speedy delivery of new features. For both CI and CD implementation, the same tools are employed.

  • Continuous Integration (CI) − is regarded as the fundamental DevOps principle. Code may be automatically tested using continuous integration, and new features can be added to the main code as quickly as feasible. If an application requires upgrades or the addition of new features, CI enables it to do so quickly rather than, say, using the Waterfall paradigm. Jenkins, CircleCI, and Gitlab CI are the most widely used CI tools.

  • Monitoring and logging − This phase of the DevOps lifecycle is crucial. For upgrades and continuous work, you should keep an eye on the performance of the infrastructure and remove any bottlenecks. Since manual logging and monitoring are rather challenging, DevOps uses tools like Amazon Cloud Watch, Carbon, Prometheus, Grafana, Icinga, Google StackDriver, Kibana, ElasticSearch, Logstash, and others.

  • Analytics DevOps engineers must now examine the data gathered in the preceding processes. The basic strategy is to recognize trends and get rid of mistakes. The following tools, Splunk and SumoLogic, are used in this stage.

  • Messaging − Amazon SQS and RabbitMQ help with this point. We can save all changes and send information across system components by using messaging.

What are the Best Tools?

  • Gradle − Ant and Maven were the first automated build tools, whereas Gradle didn't appear until 2009. Gradle's flexibility, allows users to develop code in any language, including Java, Python, C++, and others. Gradle is also supported by other IDEs like Eclipse and NetBeans. Gradle uses a Groovy-based DSL rather than XML to specify the build tools.

  • Git DevOps Tools − Git is well-liked DevOps tool, which is extensively used in the software industry. This source code management tool is well-liked by the open-source contributors. Using Git, you may track your progress and locate any required versions. Other Git capabilities include the ability to create branches and merge features. Repositories must be hosted in order for individuals to push their work, which would enable Git to be integrated into the workflow. Currently, two of the most popular services are GitHub and Bitbucket.

  • Jenkins − Jenkins is the preferred DevOps automation tool for many software developments teams. This CI/CD server has the ability to automate the various steps of the delivery pipeline.

  • Bamboo − Atlassian's CI/CD solution, Bamboo, is quite similar to Jenkins in many ways. Both could make the distribution pipeline more automated. Jenkins is free; however, Bamboo has a cost. Bamboo comes with a number of pre-built manual functionalities for Jenkins.

  • Docker − Docker has held the top spot for container platforms since its launch in 2013 and has continued to advance. The distributed development capability of Docker, a crucial DevOps tool, has elevated containerization in the eyes of the tech community. With Docker, the app's deployment process could also be automated.


In the software development cycle, DevOps is unquestionably one of the techniques that is in demand. In order to advance in their career, every IT professional needs have a solid understanding of DevOps. DevOps is a talent that is vital to learn because it is used by all businesses in their systems, so mastering it is a skill that is required. How the Configuration management code defines things like operating systems, web services, software packages, hardware specifications, etc.

Updated on: 27-Dec-2022


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