Top 5 open-source pipeline tools for DevOps

DevOps is nothing new, but since its inception in 2008, a growing number of firms have embraced it in order to remain competitive, keep one step ahead of their rivals, and improve the customer experience.


Git is a distributed version control system that makes it easier to create, modify, and track software (like CVS, Subversion, etc.). Given that they both refer to comparable properties, "Git" and "VCS" are used interchangeably in this article.

Users may create, modify, and monitor changes to projects using a version control system, which is a piece of software. A VCS is a best practice and the way to go when producing software, just like any other system, however few businesses properly embrace and deploy a VCS.

Regardless of the application, version control is crucial to software development. Being a software developer involves several different tasks, including creating, updating, and upgrading programs. Because of this, a large number of software programs and utilities provide editing or uploading capabilities on their website or social networking platform. However, sharing information and collaborating across silos can be challenging for engineers working in a team environment.


Selenium is a part of the browser automation project, and you may use it to build automated tests to make sure your online application produces the results you want. You may achieve this with the use of a few tools and libraries provided by Selenium.

Selenium is a JavaScript program that includes a few tools and modules to assist in building real-time online applications. The following tools and libraries are part of the most recent stable Selenium release −

  • Selenium Browser

  • Selenium WebDriver

  • Selenium Example

  • Selenium IDE

  • Selenium Charts

Selenium works flawlessly with all browsers that support the CanJS JavaScript driver.

Download the latest Selenium WebDriver installer, available here −

Before you initialize Selenium and start using it, you will need to run the script you downloaded.

First, copy and paste the following file's contents −


If you are using Linux, you can use a terminal or SSH to run it −

brew install NodeJS brew install ./

If you are using Windows, just make sure you have the WebDriver .NET Library installed −

Install-Package WebDriver.Net

First, you have to configure your environment by running −

samples \ selenium-webdriver-zaa \

Then you can type this command −


Your browser should open to the Example Usual Way.

An efficient method for automating web browser operations is Selenium. It works well for developing or improving easy-to-use web apps. You can write tests much more quickly thanks to it.


Jenkins is a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) platform that is open source. Unit tests, code coverage, functional testing, and application performance testing can all be automated when you utilize Jenkins for Continuous Integration. Your CI/CD application may then be released to a test environment or a production environment.

The Jenkins platform is excellent for publishing updates to your application. By publishing a "set" on an updated set, you may automate changes using a command line. Before releasing your code, you may test and change it using this feature.

Continuous Deployment is also supported by Jenkins. Jenkins will automatically execute the build, test, and release jobs when you push code to the local repository if Continuous Deployment is configured for Jenkins. When you push code to a remote repository, Jenkins will deploy the application.

Last but not least, Jenkins is employed to do two tests on your application: a test suite and a health check. Jenkins will create the development version of the application and carry out the CI/CD pipeline's health check. Jenkins will build and test the application when the tests succeed. Jenkins will build and test the application for release if the health check is successful.


Splunk is a software program that enables you to examine machine data. Splunk is an acronym for "Spatial Monitoring Informatics Explorer." With Splunk, you can quickly do a search over a sizable quantity of data using keywords or data pieces. Additionally, you may go deeper into that data to locate the important details you want. It is therefore the ideal instrument for identifying issues before they get out of hand.

The technology will undoubtedly help data analysts, but the biggest winners will be the developers.

Splunk comes with a GUI when you first use it. You may set up parameters for your software environment from here. You can skip this step if your machine is virtualized or running a generic OS.

If your environment is clustered, you must setup your program and assign it to a group. This is often carried out from a central place, either on your own computer or the host server computer.

Many developers utilize Splunk as it offers the ideal platform for the development and testing process. Splunk is used by developers to −

  • Establish, monitor, and automate testing procedures.

  • track the efficiency of the application.

  • Check for security weaknesses.

  • Secure the application.

  • Examine your application to identify any problems.


Docker is based on the concept of running many apps simultaneously in containers. That means you can switch between applications with only a few clicks (for instance, from the development environment to the staging environment to the production environment).

You may instantly alter the environment for a single developer (or the entire team) by grouping the functions you wish to utilize in that environment, and you can then fast restart the entire environment without affecting any application data.

Developers are able to focus on their work thanks to this arrangement, which frees them from having to worry about when the new environment will be operational or how long it will take to move the data. You may construct a completely new DevOps approach that decreases time, effort, and hazards related to the development and deployment cycles by integrating technologies built to operate in Docker containers, such as Helm and Deis.


These are some of the top open-source pipeline tools for DevOps. Each tool has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it's important to evaluate your needs and choose the tool that best fits your team's workflow and technology stack.

Updated on: 27-Feb-2023


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