Top 11 Digital Marketers or Influencers to Follow in 2023

Influencers and digital marketing experts have the necessary experience and desire to share what they've learned. This means that you need to follow them immediately. According to a survey, 45% of digital marketers consider influence marketing to be one of the most effective ways to generate revenue. If you're planning on implementing influence marketing, then why not learn from industry experts who are highly adept at helping businesses grow?

These individuals can help you keep up with the latest trends in digital marketing and provide you with the necessary insight to transform your business. Being able to follow influential digital marketers can help you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and news in the industry. These individuals are also great resources for learning more about how to improve your personal digital marketing efforts.

Who are digital marketers?

The role of a digital marketer is to drive brand recognition and lead generation through their company's digital platforms. They spend their workdays creating, posting, and monitoring content to help boost a company's digital presence. Depending on their position and seniority, a typical day for a digital marketer would involve working on various aspects of search engine marketing, social media marketing, and email campaigns.

List of the 11 best digital marketers to follow

A digital marketing influencer is someone who can share their vast knowledge and experience in the industry. There are a few individuals who you should follow to level up your knowledge of digital marketing. Here is a list of the top 11 digital marketers to follow in 2023 −

1.Gary Vaynerchuk

Regarded as one of the most prominent digital marketing experts, Gary Vaynerchuk started his career in the 1990s during the height of the Internet's rapid growth. He quickly rose to fame through his YouTube channels and became one of the pioneers of the e-commerce industry.

Besides being a successful author and entrepreneur, Vaynerchuk is also a public speaker, an investor, and the owner of VaynerMedia, a digital marketing agency. He has been on the list of the most influential digital marketers for a long time. If you're looking to learn from the best in the industry, then you should consider signing up with Gary Vaynerchuk.

2.Ryan Deiss

The Customer Value Optimization technique pioneered by Ryan Deiss has helped numerous businesses achieve impressive results. He is also the founder and CEO of DigitalMarketer. He has been a prominent digital marketing influencer for clients such as Shopify, Uber, and InfusionSoft.

Ryan started his first web-based company in 1999, while he was in college. Over the years, he has established over 40 businesses. Some of these include home improvement, finance, and health and beauty. He continues to educate young people about the latest marketing techniques.

3.Neil Patel

Neil Patel is considered to be the most influential person in the field of digital marketing. He is a renowned expert in the area of search engine optimization. He has been featured on Forbes' list of the top 10 digital influencers.

Neil Patel is a multi-award-winning entrepreneur who has helped many companies grow. He is the co-founder of several companies, such as HelloBar, Crazy Egg, and Kissmetrics. He has also worked with some of the world's biggest tech companies, such as Amazon and General Motors.

4.Ann Handley

Ann Handley, whom Forbes considers one of the most influential individuals in social media, is a partner at MarketingProfs. The company provides various resources and training programs for marketers. Ann has made significant contributions to the field of content marketing.

Her best-selling writing works include "Everybody Writes," and "Content Rules." She has helped many businesses achieve their goals through effective digital marketing.

5.Rand Fishkin

Aside from his well-known mustache, Rand Fishkin is also a former CEO of MOZ. He is a prominent figure in the marketing and search engine optimization industries.

People tend to like Fishkin mainly due to how he started as a blogger in 2003. After establishing a consulting firm, he then launched a software company that became one of the most prominent providers of search engine optimization tools. His business journey can be seen in his work. If you are a search engine optimization enthusiast, follow him because he has a proven track record of moving your project up the rankings.

6.Larry Kim

Larry is the CEO of WordStream and MobileMonkey, two of the most prominent companies in the digital marketing industry. While WordStream is known for its keyword research, MobileMonkey is best known for its Facebook Messenger capabilities. He is also one of the most popular authors on Medium.

7.Lilach Bullock

Digital marketing expert and professional speaker, Lilach Bullock, is a must-follow for anyone who is interested in learning more about lead generation. She has been featured on Forbes' list of the 20 most influential women in social media. She is also one of the most prominent individuals in the fields of website conversions, digital coaching, and sales funnels.

8.Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss is known as the bad boy of digital marketing. His book, "4 Hour Work Week," has been named one of the best-selling books of the year by the New York Times and Wall Street Journal. He also made investments in companies such as Shopify, Facebook, and Duolingo.

Aside from his books, he also produces audio programs and podcasts, which have gained over a hundred million downloads. He specializes in business development, digital marketing, and leadership.

9.Brad Geddes

If you're a fan of PPC, then you'll want to follow Brad Geddes. He's a self-professed expert in the field and the author of the Advanced Google AdWords book. He's also the founder of, which provides software that enables users to automate the testing and actions of Google AdWords ads. In addition, Geddes is the creator of, a website that offers a variety of training courses related to the topic. He's an official seminar leader for Simplilearn, and he travels the world conducting workshops.

10.Jennifer Polk

If you are a seasoned full-stack marketer who is looking to learn more about the various aspects of a multichannel marketing strategy, Jennifer Polk is the person for you. She is a renowned consultant and an authority on marketing and sales, serving chief marketing officers and other marketing specialists all across the world. Her passion for e-commerce, customer interaction, and brand awareness make her an ideal instructor for anyone who is hoping to become a CMO.

11.Jay Baer

The goal of Jay Baer's company is to help businesses turn their customers into more customers. He is a renowned author and entrepreneur who specializes in viral marketing and word-of-mouth advertising. He is also a great coach and consultant for businesses that want to improve their customer retention and increase their sales. As an agent of Convince & Convert, he helps companies such as Cisco. If you are looking to improve the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, then Jay Baer is the person you need.


Even if you are only focused on one type of marketing, such as pay-per-click or social media marketing, you should still learn from the best. These individuals will provide you with the necessary tools and insights to improve your business. People are more likely to learn from their mistakes and the successes of others.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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