Top 10 Natural Language Programming Libraries

In the rapidly changing field of artificial intelligence (AI), libraries for natural language programming (NLP) have a vital function in empowering developers to construct robust and smart applications. NLP libraries offer an extensive range of tools and assets that ease the handling and examination of human language, enabling machines to comprehend and react to written information.

Within this article, we will delve into the finest ten NLP libraries that every AI developer should acquaint themselves with. By gaining an understanding of the capacities and characteristics of these libraries, we can harness their advantages to devise pioneering and remarkably effective applications centered around NLP.

Top 10 Natural Language Programming Libraries

Below is the list of the top 10 Natural language programming libraries −

SpaCy: Fast and Efficient NLP

SpaCy stands as a well-liked and extensively used NLP toolkit renowned for its rapidity and effectiveness. It provides strong backing for a range of NLP undertakings, encompassing tokenization, identifying named entities, part-of-speech labeling, and dependency parsing. SpaCy's simplified interface and pre-trained models render it a superb option for both novices and proficient users. Thanks to its user-friendly design and comprehensive reference materials, developers can seamlessly incorporate SpaCy into their ventures, unlocking top-notch NLP capabilities.

NLTK: The Natural Language Toolkit

The Natural Language Toolkit, commonly known as NLTK, is a robust and extensive library that offers a diverse array of functionalities for Natural Language Processing (NLP). This library encompasses a broad spectrum of features, such as text categorization, word segmentation, word reduction, sentence analysis, and many others. NLTK also encompasses a wide range of linguistic datasets and lexical references, which greatly enhances its value for researchers and programmers in the NLP domain. Its intuitive interface and strong backing from a vibrant community have played a pivotal role in establishing NLTK as a highly sought-after and widely embraced resource within the NLP community.

Gensim: Topic Modeling and Document Similarity

Gensim is a robust natural language processing (NLP) toolkit explicitly crafted for exploring topics and analyzing the similarity between documents. It provides effective implementations of well-known algorithms like Hidden Semantic Analysis (HSA), Hidden Dirichlet Allocation (HDA), and Word2Vec. Gensim's user-friendly interface and ability to handle massive text collections make it a perfect option for handling extensive textual datasets and deriving valuable knowledge from unorganized information.

Stanford CoreNLP: Advanced NLP with Java

Stanford CoreNLP is a strong and comprehensive NLP library crafted in the Java programming language. This remarkable library offers an extensive array of tools for processing natural language, encompassing the identification of named entities, analysis of sentiments, resolution of coreferences, and much more. CoreNLP's diverse range of modules and sophisticated algorithms have positioned it as a favored option for tackling intricate NLP assignments. While setting up and configuring CoreNLP may involve some initial steps, its adaptability and precision render it an invaluable resource for developers aiming to harness advanced NLP functionalities. In fact, CoreNLP's prowess in handling complex language tasks is widely recognized and has contributed to its growing prominence in the field. With its exceptional capabilities, CoreNLP empowers developers to delve into the depths of natural language processing, enabling them to explore new horizons and unlock untapped possibilities.

Transformers: State-of-the-Art Language Models

Hugging Face, the organization behind Transformers, has introduced a groundbreaking toolkit that has completely transformed the landscape of natural language processing (NLP). This advanced library incorporates cutting-edge language models like BERT, GPT, and RoBERTa, which have revolutionized NLP tasks such as answering questions, generating text, analyzing sentiment, and more. With its user-friendly API and a wide selection of pre-trained models, Transformers has become the preferred choice for developers seeking powerful NLP capabilities. The exceptional performance and extensive range of applications offered by Transformers have positioned it as an indispensable resource in the realm of NLP. Its remarkable impact and popularity among developers continue to grow exponentially.

TextBlob: Simplified Text Processing

TextBlob serves as a convenient Python package that builds upon the NLTK framework, delivering a user-friendly interface for various natural language processing (NLP) undertakings. Alongside the fundamental NLTK features, TextBlob extends its capabilities to encompass tasks like ascertaining the parts of speech, extracting noun phrases, gauging sentiment, and more. Thanks to its intuitive application programming interface (API) and straightforward usage, TextBlob emerges as an optimal preference, particularly for those who are new to NLP or developers seeking swift and uncomplicated NLP solutions. Moreover, TextBlob empowers users with additional functionalities, augmenting their potential to explore and analyze textual data.

AllenNLP: Deep Learning for NLP

AllenNLP stands as a robust and potent open-source toolkit crafted to facilitate deep learning in natural language processing (NLP). This comprehensive library offers a range of pre-existing models and modules, catering to various essential NLP tasks like identifying semantic roles, categorizing texts, and comprehending written passages. What sets AllenNLP apart is its remarkable adaptability, accompanied by a wealth of comprehensive documentation and unwavering backing from a vibrant community. As a result, researchers and developers seeking to delve into cutting-edge NLP architectures and methodologies unanimously gravitate towards AllenNLP, recognizing its indispensability in fostering innovation and breakthroughs within the field.

Polyglot: Multilingual NLP

Polyglot is an exceptional natural language processing (NLP) library that provides built-in support for a wide range of languages. It offers a plethora of features, including text categorization, identification of named entities, analysis of sentiments, and much more. What sets Polyglot apart is its extensive language coverage, encompassing over 130 languages. This expansive linguistic support makes Polyglot an indispensable asset for developers engaged in creating multilingual NLP applications.

Its seamless integration capabilities ensure a smooth workflow for developers, allowing them to harness the power of Polyglot in their projects effortlessly. Whether it's processing texts in various languages or enabling cross-lingual analysis, Polyglot emerges as a reliable and efficient tool for developers seeking to explore the realm of multilingual NLP. With its versatile functionality and user-friendly interface, Polyglot stands out as a go-to solution for anyone working with diverse languages in the realm of natural language processing.

FastText: Efficient Text Classification

Facebook AI Research has developed a powerful tool called FastText, which is specifically designed to excel in tasks related to text classification and word representation. This library provides robust implementations of cutting-edge models like Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) and Skip-gram.

FastText stands out due to its remarkable speed, scalability, and capability to efficiently handle extensive text datasets. As a result, developers engaged in text classification projects often prefer FastText for its exceptional performance and ability to tackle the challenges posed by large-scale textual data. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, FastText offers a comprehensive solution for developers seeking to enhance their text classification endeavors.

PyTorch-Transformers: Deep Learning for NLP

PyTorch-Transformers, a robust framework built upon the PyTorch platform, serves as an influential toolkit offering a diverse range of pre-trained models for natural language processing (NLP) endeavors. This comprehensive library encompasses renowned models such as GPT, BERT, and XLNet, which have attained remarkable success in numerous NLP assessments and evaluations.

The seamless integration of PyTorch-Transformers with PyTorch's extensive deep-learning ecosystem positions it as the preferred option for both pioneering researchers and skilled developers engaged in cutting-edge NLP initiatives. Moreover, leveraging the synergistic capabilities of these frameworks allows for the exploration of advanced NLP projects, paving the way for groundbreaking advancements in the field.


In this article, we've discussed the finest 10 libraries for natural language programming, which can significantly elevate our AI development expedition. These resources encompass a diverse array of functionalities, from swift and effective NLP processing to cutting-edge language models. By harnessing the capabilities of these libraries, we can tap into the full potential of NLP and construct astute applications that comprehend and interact with human language with precision.

Updated on: 08-Aug-2023


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