Top 10 Benefits of learning DevOps

It's crucial to know what DevOps is before you can comprehend why you should study it. Software development is connected to DevOps. Here, the operations team and the development team work together to streamline the software development process.

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a methodology in which the operations department or function (Ops) and the development team (Dev) work together across all phases of the software development process. These include the creation, testing, deployment, and maintenance of products.

DevOps offers the same quality assurance checks and standards as the aforementioned techniques should, which is why it's sometimes considered an outgrowth of Agile and Lean processes. Before Agile, operations and development were compartmentalized. The operations team took care of all procedures once the product was created by the developers. Agile and DevOps were born out of the devastation this method caused. By focusing on the effective delivery of fully functional software throughout each iteration, DevOps expands upon Agile. Both the internal teams developing the product and the end user experience less irritation as a result.

10 Benefits of learning DevOps are

Reduce Production Cycle Length

Teams divided into development and operations may lengthen the production cycle. It becomes more challenging for the two teams to work together on the procedures needed to get the programme up and running. Eliminating silos and fostering close collaboration hastens innovation and development.

Raise the Success Rates of Deployments

One of the main reasons a deployment fails is programming problems. The DevOps strategy ensures problem detection at an early stage through frequent code releases. Together, the dev and ops teams can significantly reduce recovery time.

Better Communication and Collaboration

The culture of software development has been transformed by DevOps. This is due to the fact that when all stakeholder teams participate in the development process, they concentrate on a single goal rather than pursuing various goals. Enhancing synergy enhances communication. A smoother development cycle, rapid error detection and correction, and a quicker path to the mark are all made possible by better communication.

Automation for Enhanced Efficiency

Continuous integration decreases the amount of manual testing and development. Automation cannot be used for some development process tasks. DevOps directs engineers' attention toward certain tasks, leaving the others to tools that might hasten development, such as −

  • Cloud - based Platforms. The utilization of hardware resources for development causes unneeded tangles in the relevant system infrastructure. Processes move more quickly as a result of the problem being solved by scalable infrastructures like cloud-based platforms.

  • Create tools for accelerating the compilation of code.

  • Parallel workflow processes are run for smoother operation of the continuous delivery chain.

Engage with Competent Developers

Developer generally discovers bad code when it's too late, which is unfortunate. The truth is that while some developers are skilled at what they do, others struggle with coding. This issue has a solution thanks to DevOps. When developers are regularly evaluated, it is simpler to evaluate their performance within a DevOps team and assign each team member tasks that are most appropriate for their skill set.

DevOps is aware that writing code is only one aspect of creating software. There are other additional responsibilities in the process. Even if a team member is bad at coding, they may excel in any of the other positions. Reassigning team members' tasks sooner in the process avoids time wastage and

A positive workplace cultures

Working in a DevOps team fosters inter-departmental trust and enhances interpersonal relationships in the following ways −

  • It encourages a deeper comprehension of other teams' struggles and what it takes for them to complete their tasks.

  • Teams understand that other teams and team members can support them in overcoming the obstacles they experience at work.

  • Alternative career routes can be established by networking across departments.

Respected IT Profession

Increasing instances of black-hat hacking over the past few years have made security a top priority for many firms. It suggests that learning DevOps security best practices can increase your ability to cope with security-related problems.

Gain More Value

Every few months, new trends in IT emerge that each promise a better, faster, cozier, and more effective way of doing things. By offering useful approaches, industry experts also attempt to improve the whole software development process. IT specialists who don't adapt to these changes frequently fall behind or have to completely rethink their employment.

Upgrading Product Quality

The DevOps approach integrates quality into the development process, which lowers the incidence of unforeseen work. An emphasis on security during the designing and development stage reduces the need to address security issues afterwards, saving time and allocating more resources to other tasks. In addition, each team member is accountable for quality and security; this shared responsibility assures team accountability for the finished output.

Raising Your Salary

As businesses continue to look for ways to enhance workflow operations, DevOps professionals are in great demand. According to a study, 46% of IT companies believe there is a rising skills gap and that these positions require competent candidates. Despite being difficult, those who choose this area of work can anticipate earning a respectable pay. The average income for the various roles is not significantly different, yet your remuneration will depend on your role. For instance, Site Reliability Engineer makes $125K on average, DevOps Release Manager $92K, and DevOps Engineer $115K.


The need for qualified DevOps engineers is growing at the fastest rate, as this article has shown. However, there aren't many employed as DevOps engineers. DevOps is needed by businesses that deal with the continual development and release of software. It aids in building a strong link between the operating and development phases. In order to benefit from some improved employment chances, now is the ideal moment to study DevOps and dive into the organic world. By selecting a more suitable course, you may learn the steps to become a DevOps engineer and begin working on it right away.

Updated on: 14-Dec-2022


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