Tips to Manage Docker Containers Using CLI

The way we create, ship, and deploy applications has been completely transformed by Docker. Developers can package their applications and dependencies into containers using Docker's lightweight containerization technology, which ensures consistency across various environments. Although Docker offers an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI), the command-line interface (CLI) is still a potent tool for effectively managing Docker containers. In this article, we'll look at some key CLI management tips for managing Docker containers, along with code samples for each tip.

1. Installing Docker CLI

Before we delve into managing Docker containers, it is crucial to have the Docker CLI installed on your machine. Docker CLI is available for various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Visit the official Docker website to download and install Docker CLI according to your operating system.

2. Starting and Stopping Containers

Run the given command to start the container −

docker start <container_id_or_name>

Run the given command to stop the container 

docker stop <container_id_or_name>

Replace <container_id_or_name> with the actual container ID or name. This allows you to easily control the lifecycle of your Docker containers directly from the command line.

3. Listing Containers

To list all running containers, use the following command −

docker ps

If you want to see all containers, including the ones that are not running, add the -a flag −

docker ps -a

These commands provide an overview of the containers on your system, their status, and essential information such as their ID, names, and resource usage.

4. Removing Containers

Use the next command to remove a container −

docker rm <container_id_or_name>

The container must first be stopped using docker stop if it is currently running before being deleted. Removing unnecessary containers keeps your environment clean and helps free up system resources.

5. Inspecting Container Details

To inspect detailed information about a specific container, use the following command 

docker inspect <container_id_or_name>

This command provides a wealth of information about the container, including its configuration, network settings, and mounted volumes. The output is in JSON format, allowing you to extract specific details programmatically.

6. Accessing Container Logs

To view the logs generated by a container, use the following command 

docker logs <container_id_or_name>

This command displays the container's standard output and error logs. Logs are crucial for troubleshooting and monitoring the behavior of your containers.

7. Executing Commands in Containers

To execute a command within a running container, use the following command 

docker exec <container_id_or_name> <command>

Replace <command> with the desired command to run inside the container. This feature is particularly useful when interacting with a running container or performing debugging tasks.

8. Attaching and Detaching from Containers

To attach to a running container and access its console, use the following command 

docker attach <container_id_or_name>

To detach from a container without stopping it, press Ctrl + P, Ctrl + Q. This allows you to leave the container running while returning to the host shell.

9. Managing Container Volumes

Docker volumes are used to persist data between container restarts. You can use the following command to create a volume 

docker volume create <volume_name>

To mount a volume when starting a container, use the -v flag 

docker run -v <volume_name>:<container_path> <image_name>

This ensures that data stored in the volume is accessible within the container and survives container recreation.

10. Managing Container Networking

To expose a container's network ports, use the following command −

docker run -p <host_port>:<container_port> <image_name>

Replace <host_port> with the desired port on the host machine, and <container_port> with the corresponding port inside the container. This allows communication with the containerized application via the specified ports.

Here are a few more tips you can have a look at 

1. Managing Container Images

  • Pulling Docker Images − Describe the docker pull command and how to use it to download Docker images from private repositories or Docker Hub.

  • Listing Images − Describe the output format and key information displayed when listing available Docker images using the Docker images command.

  • Removing Images − Use the docker rmi command to remove unused or unnecessary Docker images from the local machine.

2. Creating and Managing Docker Networks

  • Creating a Docker Network − Explain the advantages of container isolation within a network and show readers how to use the docker network create command to create a custom Docker network.

  • Listing and Inspecting Networks− Describe the docker network ls and docker network inspect commands used to list and inspect existing Docker networks.

  • Connecting Containers to Networks− Explain how to use the docker network connect command or the container creation process to connect containers to specific networks.

3. Docker Compose

  • Introduction to Docker Compose − Describe Docker Compose in a nutshell as a tool for creating and running multi-container Docker applications.

  • Installing Docker Compose − Describe the installation process for Docker Compose and list any prerequisites for the installed Docker version.

  • Writing Docker Compose Files − Write a basic Docker Compose file to define and run multiple containers and give a brief overview of the YAML syntax used in these files.

  • Running Docker Compose − Describe how to start containers specified in the Docker Compose file using the docker-compose up command.

4. Container Resource Management

  • Managing Container Resources − Explain how to limit the CPU and memory resources allocated to Docker containers using the --cpu and --memory flags when running containers.

  • Monitoring Container Resource Usage − Introduce tools like docker stats and docker top to monitor container resource utilization in real-time.

5. Docker Swarm

  • Introduction to Docker Swarm − Give a brief overview of Docker Swarm as a native clustering and orchestration solution for Docker.

  • Creating a Swarm Cluster − Provide step-by-step instructions on creating a Docker Swarm cluster using the docker swarm init and docker swarm join commands.

  • Deploying Services − Explain how to deploy services as scalable and resilient units within the Docker Swarm cluster using the docker service command.


For developers and system administrators, mastering the CLI is crucial for managing Docker containers. The advice offered in this article can be used as a springboard for utilizing the power of the Docker CLI to manage volumes, the network, inspect container details, and control lifecycles. You can optimize your Docker workflow and streamline your content management process by mastering these methods.

Refer to the official Docker documentation for additional details on specific commands and options. Docker CLI offers numerous other features that can further enhance your container management capabilities, so keep exploring and experimenting with Docker to unlock its full potential.

Updated on: 28-Jul-2023


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