Tips to Boost your Computer Performance

The most common problem faced by computer users is that they notice that their computer has become slow and sluggish. For less tech savvy users, they can call a technician for assistance or alter the specification to boost the performance.

But remember this particular option is not only expensive but it does not provide immediate results. Even though you may not be a tech savvy person, but you can still follow few simple optimization techniques that you can apply to keep up the performance of your computer and make it good as new.

Disk Cleanup

Similar to physical cleaning by using mop and duster, disk cleaning is the process of cleaning the software of the computer to get rid of various junk files that clutter it up. When users access the web pages or program or any other application in the system, the temporary files are automatically created. These files get piled up with the passage of time, and they end up taking a significant amount of space in the memory.

By disk clean up, you tend to get rid of varied redundant files, and it eases the burden of storage. Thus, it improves the overall optimization of the system.

Disk Defragmentation

Hard drive, files, as well as data are added in the form of chunks of information, arranged side by side in the sectors of the drive. As the number of files increases in the hard disk computer, it makes the updates keeping into consideration the largest file on the disk. Other files gets scattered through the sectors of the drive. To overcome this, the disk defragmenters are software tools which are arranged in fragments in correct order. At the same time, unnecessary or fragments that are dormant are removed. Systems tend to take comparatively less time to access these files.

To launch the disk defragment application in Windows XP click on Start, and then point to all Programs, and then next Accessories, then System Tools and then later select Disk Defragmenter. For Windows Vista and Windows 7, you would require typing Disk Defragmenter in the start menu instant search box and then selecting it from the list of results.

Once the Disk Defragmenter launches then click on the drive that you would like to defragment and then click either on the Analyze or Defragment button. By choosing the analyze, you would know whether you must defragment the drive, but you can forgo by analyzing the drive and start defragmenting it right away if preferred.

Optimizing your hard drive is an essential performance tweak to improve the performance of the computer. And at the end of the day, if you wish to improve the computer performance as well as the speed of your computer with little hassle, your hard drive should be the key focal point since it is the slowest piece of hardware in your system.

Error Checking Utility Scans

In addition to running both disk cleanup as well as disk defragmenter to improve computer performance from time to time, one should check the integrity of the files stored on the hard disk by opting to run the Error checking utility, especially after a system crash or after power outrage. You may have files corrupted, and it might potentially cause system instability.

Even though it is enough to scan for file system errors but incase if you have never scanned for bad sectors or file system errors, you must give it a whirl since bad sectors might develop over time from daily disk usage. It is not a bad idea to scan your hard disk for file system errors weekly even if your system has not crashed and to scan for bad sectors monthly.

To run error checking utility, one must close all files that are open and then click on the start then next click on the icon – My computer, depending on the version of windows, in My computer/computer window, right-click the hard disk that desire to check and then next click on properties. Then click on Tools tab, and then finally select your option desired and then click check now button.

Registry Cleaning

Registry of the computer is like a notebook where varied stuff the user does is recorded. It records every file accessed; every webpage opened and every single application installed as well as uninstalled. It does gets written in the registry. Sometimes registry tends to overflow because of accumulation of files that belong to the programs that no longer exist in the system. This hampers the system performance. Hence unwanted registry needs to be taken care from time to time to boost the system’s performance. It is considered to be an ultimate option to cure both bugs as well as errors which the user faces from time to time.

Browsing History

Web browsers tend to store the web pages visited and other related information like URL’s of videos, blogs, and pictures. It does keep piling up till the time it begins to consume significant storage space. We find too much data does affect the optimization. Few people use browsing history as bookmarks, for those people, it is advised to reduce the size of the webpage history so that it can load faster as well as take less space.

Other Manual Methods

Individuals can also opt for other manual methods such as deleting the recurring files and performing antivirus scans that can help in keeping the performance of the system in check. Windows users can use the command “Regedit” into the run function. This particular command does generate invalid entries which can be deleted manually. It is considered one way to handle registry, without using a registry cleaner. It is also advisable to back up all data as well as format the system. Reinstalling the Windows as well as backing up data is considered not only most economic but also the easiest method to optimize system’s performance.

Avoiding Redundant Software

Another fantastic way to improve computer performance is to remove unneeded software. Start by uninstalling software which you no longer use and then remove unnecessary companion software that could have been installed on your personal computer along with another application.

The toolbars, update services, enhancement packages, shopping companions as well as download managers incase is installed along with another piece of software; it can be removed without affecting the primary application. For example, when you download as well as install Yahoo Messenger, it also tends to install a browser toolbar, update manager as well as other varied application services all of which can be removed without affecting Yahoo Messenger.

In the Windows XP simply go to Windows Control panel and then access next the Add or Remove Programs applet to begin. After that, in Windows 7 or Windows Vista, simply search for Add or remove programs by using the start menu’s instant search box.

In the add or remove programs applet, go through the list of installed software’s and uninstall accordingly. Remove those which you do not require and if you are unsure about a piece of software perform Google search to learn about it and then decide for yourself whether or not it is fine to remove before proceeding with the uninstall. This method fastens the computer system, and it is considered to fastest way to improve the computer performance.

Update Antivirus Program

Even though you have antivirus software running in real time; it is always advisable that you update antivirus program along with a good anti-malware program. Remember to remove an existing antivirus program first before installing a new antivirus program, else you are sure to slow your personal computer’s performance. Two antivirus programs on one system is a disaster waiting to happen.

Activate Windows Update

By having Windows update activated you would stay up to date by receiving varied critical system patches that fix privacy as well as security holes in the operating system, bug fixes inorder to improve the Windows stability and more. For the best possible protection, you need to configure Windows update to download and install Windows updates automatically.

Windows XP users would find Windows Update setting the in Control panel under Automatic updates, and Vista and Windows 7 users would find windows update setting in the windows control panel under Windows updates.

You might be wondering instead of performing the above steps one by one inorder to upgrade the performance it would be better if you can perform all the above mentioned processes in single go?

There is software called optimizers that are capable of running system checkup as well as diagnostics, repair error and files in the computer. With the single mouse click, all essential optimization boosting processes are undertaken thus, this is what, online remote support providers do.

The optimization software after having the approval from the user, cleans the registry, performs disk cleanup, defragmentation. Thus by using computer optimizer software, the user is taking care of all problems that slow down the computer.

I don’t tolerate anything that runs slowly. Whether it be a phone, tablet or computer, it has to run at optimum speed ~ Joe Trohman

Updated on: 16-Jan-2020


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