Tick the correct answer:
(a) The reproductive part of a plant is the
(i) leaf
(ii) stem
(iii) root
(iv) flower
(b) The process of fusion of the male and the female gametes is called
(i) fertilisation
(ii) pollination
(iii) reproduction
(iv) seed formation
(c) Mature ovary forms the
(i) seed
(ii) stamen
(iii) pistil
(iv) fruit
(d) A spore producing organism is
(i) rose
(ii) bread mould
(iii) potato
(iv) ginger
(e) Bryophyllum can reproduce by its
(i) stem
(ii) leaves
(iii) roots
(iv) flower

Correct Answer:

(a) The reproductive part of a plant is the (iv) flower.

(b) The process of fusion of the male and female gametes is called (i) fertilization.

(c) Mature ovary forms the  (iv) fruit

(d) A spore-producing organism is (ii) bread mould

(e) Bryophyllum can reproduce by its (ii) leaves.


Carpels and stamens are the components of a plant that are responsible for reproduction. Flowers' primary purpose is to set the stage for the development of fruits and seeds.

There are four whorls that make up a flower, and they are called the petals, carpels, sepals, and stamens.

The leafy structures known as sepals are the ones that surround the flower bud.

In order to attract insects that are necessary for pollination, petals are often brightly colored.

Stamens are the components that make up the androecium, which is a male reproductive structure. It is made up of the filament, which holds the pollen grains, and the anther, which holds the filament.

Carpels are the component parts of the female reproductive structures known as the gynoecium. It is made up of three different components, including the style, the ovary, and the stigma. Pollen adheres to the stigma and travels along the path of style until it reaches the ovary. Ovules, which are found in the ovary, are responsible for the production of the seed.

The fusing of a male gamete and a female gamete is the first step in the formation of a zygote, which later develops into an embryo during the process of sexual reproduction. The seeds that are produced have the potential to give rise to new plants.

The process of sexual reproduction in plants can be broken down into three distinct stages:

1. There are two distinct kinds of pollination, which are referred to as self-pollination and cross-pollination. It is possible for pollen grains to move from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or of blossoms from other plants.

2. The creation of the zygote occurs when, following pollination, the male gamete travels from the stigma to the ovary by way of the style of the pistil. A zygote is created when a male gamete and a female gamete are combined.

3. The development of the fruit and the seed occurs the following fertilization when a zygote transforms into an embryo. The ovary matures into the fruit, and the ovules grow into the seeds.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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