The Scrum Ceremonies – Must To Follow

On various occasions when we perform some religious activities, we strictly follow all the rituals without any fail. Whether we follow those rituals fearing GOD or due to our faith and devotions towards the GOD, that’s a separate topic to debate. But our common belief says that the rituals must be followed with full sincerity to get the desired blessings from supreme power.

Similarly, while following any frameworks, we must follow all of its methods and processes to get the required benefits from it; Scrum is no exception from them. Scrum has certain principles and processes, when followed completely we will get the desired outcome.

What actually Agile Says?

Agile has some proven principles and values to stands out from the crowd. Let’s discuss some of those philosophies.

  • Contradictory to traditional methods, Agile believes on continuous delivery of working software to the customer, which enhance customer satisfaction
  • Changes in the requirements can be possible, even at a later stage of development
  • Quick response to the changes with continuous development
  • Frequent delivery of working software within two to three weeks of time period, maximum within a month and not more than that
  • Business people and development team works closely on a daily basis to get rid of any gap or misunderstanding in the requirements
  • The progress can be measured by the working software instead of presenting documents to the customer
  • It believes on face to face conversations within the team for effective communication, focuses on individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • The team introspects the works in regular intervals to find out better effective way and adjusts its working style accordingly

There are some agile methodologies and frameworks such as Scrum, XP, Battlefield Agility, Safe, Nexus, Kanban, DSDM, DAD etc. which can be practiced to effectively follow the principles and values of agile methodologies.

Scrum Ceremonies

To effectively follow the scrum process all the required rituals need to be followed without any fail. Let’s discuss the scrum ceremonies.

Sprint Planning Meeting

Sprint is a fixed length iterations cycle in which the development works happens, and at the end of the sprint the team delivers working software which can be shipped to the customer. So in the beginning of every Sprint cycle an important meeting held to define the goals of the sprint, which is called sprint planning meeting.

Purpose − The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and estimate the high priority user stories, and forecast the work which can be consummate in the current sprint.

Participants − The participants of this meeting should be the product owner, scrum master, development team including developers and testers and also other stakeholders.

Process − The product owner presents the user stories from the top of the product backlog, and clarifies the requirements against them. The team discusses the scope of those items and provides possible high level technical approach. Based on the discussions, the team estimates the size and complexity to find out the time to complete the works of each item. Finally, after considering the team capacity, the team selects the number of prioritized items to be taken in the current sprint. Those items are then moves to sprint backlog from product backlog.

Though Agile doesn’t prescribe this, but we can use story points technique or planning poker game for estimation. At the end of this meeting, we will get our sprint backlog with clearly defined sprint goal.

Duration − The duration of this meeting should be 4 hours per 2 weeks of sprint

Daily Stand-up Meeting

Agile principles says, face to face close communication within the team, the daily scrum meeting happens based on those principles for better communications to track the progress, identify the risks and remove the impediments.

Purpose − It helps to enhance the team communications, increases visibility of the work, allows quick decisions making abilities, identifying and removing the obstacles.

Participants − Scrum Master, Scrum Team and Product Owner (Optional) are required for this meeting

Process − This is a daily stand-up meeting held at same place and same time throughout the sprint, where each team members explains the accomplished work since the last meeting, any obstacles if they are facing, and what is he will going to do till the next meeting. The Scrum master facilitates the meeting, and attendance is compulsory for all the members of scrum team. The presence of product owner is optional but his presence can clarify any requirements doubts and also helps to take quick decisions. Another benefit of this meeting is that the team member knows each other’s works which improves team’s project knowledge.

Duration − It is a short duration meeting of 15 minutes.

Sprint Review Meeting

Purpose − This meeting is also called as Demo or Showcase meeting held at the end of the sprint to demonstrate the actual working software to review and get the feedback.

Participants − Scrum Master, Product Owner, Scrum Team, Stakeholder/Sponsors and/or Customers.

Process − The team showcase the working software to the product owner and the stakeholders. The product owner reviews the works and accepts the user stories that have been done. In case of any uncompleted stories or changes, the product owner moves those stories back to product log to re-prioritize them later.

Duration − The duration of this meeting should be 2 hours per 2 weeks of sprint

Sprint Retrospective Meeting

Purpose − The purpose of this meeting is to collect the feedback on how the team worked in the just concluded sprint. And based on those input the team identify the improvements for the next sprints. A lesson learned discussions to improve the way of work for the betterment of the team and the project.

Participants −Scrum Master, Product Owner and Scrum Team need to participate in this meeting

Process −The team discuss what went well and how things can be done in better way considering people, process, tools and relationships. The Scrum Master encourages team to find out best practices and improvements within the scrum framework to do the things even better.

Duration − The duration of this meeting should be 2 hours per a sprint of 2 weeks

Updated on: 17-Jan-2020


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