The Role of Voice Search Optimization in Modern SEO Strategies

No matter what business you may be in and looking to drive business from the online space, you will know that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) always plays a critical role. SEO is, of course, a very dynamic field. If your web pages are to rank high on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), you need to employ all the SEO strategies that are in sync with the latest SEO trends.

Are you losing traffic because people need to search in the way you believe they are? It might be the situation if your website needs to be optimized for voice search.

If so, you must note that some relevant SEO methods and voice search tools will help you obtain more traffic from Siri and Alexa users and become crucial foundations of your overall SEO strategy.

But before we get into the exact strategies to boost your web traffic through voice search optimization, let us know precisely what voice search is.

What is Voice Search?

The standard pitch would be - it is the future, but let us focus on more informative issues.

Voice search is a speech recognition technology enabling users to do searches by speaking directly to their devices. These span from smartphones and laptops to home assistant devices such as Alexa from Amazon, Cortana from Microsoft, Siri from Apple, and Google Assistant. Overall, Google voice searches have increased in recent years; therefore, adding voice search to your digital marketing plan is essential.

Whether you hire a website design firm or construct your website from the ground up, be sure it is optimized for voice search.

One of the Most Rapidly Expanding Forms of web Searches is Voice Search

According to Perficient, 55% of smartphone users use voice search to inquire. Another recent study claims that 39.4% of US internet users use a voice assistant at least once a month. Voice chat is also getting more dependable as technology advances.

Voice search is no longer a fad. You, therefore, need to take it more seriously if you still need to do so.

Now that we know what voice search means and realize its crucial importance in the current web scenario, let us look at some key strategies that will give your Voice Search Optimization a head start.

Key Voice Search Optimization Strategies you now need to Employ

1. Optimize your Website for Local Search

Many voice searches are for local information; they are three times more likely than text-based searches to be for local information. This makes logic when you think about it.

You may be outside and seek some quick answers to some basic questions. The solution is simple.

You only need to out your mobile device and ask a question. This means that you must concentrate on the local aspect of your SEO.

Local SEO is already an important aspect of digital marketing for many firms. Local searches account for around 46 percent of total searches and are highly engaged purchasers. Locals will go into your business and purchase immediately, which means they will appear in the local newspaper.

2. Create Conversational Content that is also Concise and Clear

The days of compressing keywords into your text only to impress spiders are long gone. To be effective in SEO, you must be genuine, utilize language organically, and provide relevant, high-quality content. Essentially, you must be human (which we all are, so this should be no issue).

Voice search is an example because when individuals search using speech, they speak more naturally than when they type a query into search engines. Not only should your content reflect the conversational manner in which consumers ask inquiries to their voice assistants, but it should also do so for voice search purposes.

Today's rankings prioritize user experience. The pages that provide the greatest answers to people's inquiries while offering the finest experience will increase.

It is a vital strategy when you are looking for voice search optimization for your web pages.

To do this, you must provide individuals with rapid access to the information they want (by being brief).

At the same time, you also must make it enjoyable. You can do it by using natural and conversational language.

You're matching the words individuals used in their voice search (user intent) when you do this and boosting engagement through your real brand voice.

3. Identify your Customer and Device Behavior

Marketers must go further into knowing the consumer and their behavior, much as voice search engines employ data, location, and many data points to comprehend search context.

Real-time data and consumer insights research may assist in identifying how various individuals use voice search and what sort of speech-enabled device they use.

4. Context may be Provided via Schema Markup

If this is your first time, learn about schema markup.

You need to mark up your content using a schema to notify search engines what your site is about. This HTML add-on assists search engines in understanding the context of your content, allowing you to rank higher in general searches and more relevant in voice search inquiries.

By adopting schemas, Google understands language, and they may be a terrific method to add extra information to your website so you're ready to answer queries.

These are some technical concepts that, if you take care of them, can significantly boost your Voice search optimization.

5. Take Control of your Google My Business Listing

Local SEO and voice search rely heavily on your Google My Business listing.

Google must have reliable information on these parameters since voice searches are frequently used to obtain crucial details about your business, such as contact number, address, and opening hours.

Your website and structured data help make sure Google gets the appropriate information about your business. Still, Google wants to be extra accurate, so it looks at your Google My Business listing. This will provide Google with all the information required to understand your company.


To sum up, we hope you realize the importance of Voice Search optimization. We hope the strategies suggested here will deliver the best results.

Updated on: 09-May-2023


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