The Role Of Technical SEO In Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Technical search engine optimization concerns the unseen parts of your organic growth engine, such as site architecture, mobile optimisation, and page speed. These aspects of SEO are often overlooked, yet they are crucial. The first step in enhancing your technical SEO is to assess your site and determine where you currently stand. The second stage is formulating a strategy to deal with your weaknesses. We'll go into further depth about each of these procedures below.

What Does "Technical SEO" Entail?

Technical search engine optimisation (SEO) entails improving your website's underlying structure so that search engines can more readily crawl and index its content. Site architecture includes sitemaps, page speed, URL structure, schema, and navigation.

Your design and content are meaningless if consumers can't access or navigate your site; therefore, ensuring its technical optimisation is crucial for generating organic search traffic.

The Best Practices For Implementing Technical SEO On Your Site

  • Choose a host that offers both speed and consistency. Your website's search engine rankings may suffer if your hosting provider can't keep pages from loading slowly.

  • Make sure your URLs are neat and well-organized. The URL structure of your site should be straightforward and help visitors navigate the various sections of your site. This will facilitate the indexing and crawling of search engines to your site.

  • Create a sitemap. Sitemaps are files that include links to each page on a website. Having one is crucial since it aids in search engine crawling and indexing.

  • Employ relevant keywords when naming files and creating headers. You may increase your search engine rankings by using important keywords in your page names and headers.

  • The use of image alt tags is strongly recommended. By providing a textual alternative to the photos on your site, known as "alt tags," you may increase the likelihood that they will appear in image search results.

  • Create inbound links. Connect out to other websites is known as external linking. It may boost your site's authority and relevance, which search engines value. By giving site users access to more data and tools, it may also aid in enhancing their overall experience.

What Role Does Technical SEO Play?

There is no magic pill that will guarantee your website will have "great" technical SEO.

Why do you feel the need to specialize in technical SEO? Simply put, technical SEO is the means through which you persuade major search engines like Google of the value of your website. Your website's search engine rankings might rise as a result of this. After all, their main objective is to provide users with the best possible outcomes in response to their queries. One method of making sure your site meets these criteria is via technical SEO.

If Google favored slow sites, was unresponsive, or was difficult to navigate, people would likely go elsewhere for their search results. If your site loads quickly, has no broken links, and uses secure encryption, Google's spiders will like it more.

Technical SEO Techniques: Helpful Suggestions

The technical aspects of SEO deserve your full attention. So now you need to know what you can do to improve your technical SEO. It would be hard to mention all that might be done, so I will just touch on the highlights.

A website's loading speed is also a major factor. Use a tool like Pingdom or Google PageSpeed Insights to get a quick overview of your website's current performance. Make sure you haven't missed anything by using it as a checklist. Websites may benefit from optimising their images, turning on compression, and thinking about browser caching. These tweaks may seem little, but they might have a significant impact on your site's loading time.

The next step is to get an SSL certificate installed on the website. Having an SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate set on your website will reassure your visitors. Information security, identity verification, and reliable relationships with customers are all ensured.

Last but not least, you need to let search engines know about your sitemap. Simply put, sitemaps are basically catalogues of your website's content. They are fundamental to the indexing and discovery processes of search engines. Sitemaps, thankfully, don't need much work to create. Sitemap-generating plugins are available for many content management systems, including WordPress. If you're satisfied with your sitemap, submit it to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools. This facilitates the indexing process for these crawlers.

Future of Technical SEO

The essential concept we should keep in mind now that Google is rolling out the mobile-first index is device-agnostic data since the new web doesn't necessarily utilise a keyboard, a URL, or even the Internet.

Outside the conventional idea of a web search, a large market exists. We need to be asking, "How easily can my material be retrieved by search engines and shown from device to device?" to ensure that we are optimising for device-agnostic information.

Since they show that Google is effectively pulling data from your site, featured snippet rankings are an excellent indicator of whether or not your content is up to snuff.

Similarly, releasing material using semantic markup makes it simpler for Google to understand what to do with it.

Can Technical SEO Be Performed On a Website Without Modifying Its Content?

To do technical SEO, content changes are not required. To get the greatest results, though, you need to give thought to whether or not the website's content is relevant, original, and helpful to visitors.


No matter how long your site has been up, you will likely have technical SEO issues that might hurt your results. Fortunately, most technical SEO issues can often be fixed by rolling out a simple update, so you can start reaping the benefits of SEO right away.

A technical SEO audit is the best way to discover the nature of your site's technical issues. Second, if there are any annoying technical issues that are discouraging visitors, an SEO specialist may be able to address them. You may save both time and money by investing in a professional SEO service. Is your site's technical SEO up to date? Doing a technical SEO audit will help you identify and correct any issues hindering your site's ability to attract the organic traffic you want.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2023


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