The Role of Technical SEO in Site Migrations

Migrating a website to a new domain or platform can often be daunting for any business or individual. You're starting from square one and trying to replicate your current success in the online space. Technical SEO should be an essential part of planning to make the transition more accessible and successful. It helps redirect pages correctly from the old site, prevents duplicate content issues, encourages crawlability and visibility on search engines, and much more. In this blog post, we will explore the role of technical SEO regarding migration plans and their benefits. We will see how it impacts the website's performance and learn helpful SEO migrating strategies.

Understanding The Basics

Regarding site migrations, technical SEO ensures that a website's search engine visibility is not adversely impacted. Site migrations refer to any website changes that affect its URL structure, such as switching to a new domain, restructuring URLs, or changing the content management system. Technical SEO helps ensure the site migration process is smooth, and the website's search engine rankings are not negatively impacted.

What is The Role of Technical SEO in Site Migration?

Below are the various aspects of technical SEO in site migrations.

Pre-Migration Audit

Before embarking on a site migration, conducting a pre-migration audit is essential. The audit will help identify any technical SEO issues that may negatively impact the website's search engine visibility. The audit should cover the website's current URL structure, the content, the internal links, and the external links. The audit will help identify broken links, duplicate content, missing alt tags, missing meta descriptions, and other technical SEO issues.

Planning The Migration

The migration plan should be based on the pre-migration audit and ensure all technical SEO issues are addressed. The plan should include detailed URL mapping, 301 redirects, canonical tags, and sitemaps. The URL mapping will help map the old URLs to the new URLs, ensuring that any internal links to the old URLs are redirected to the new URLs. The 301 redirects will ensure that any external links to the old URLs are redirected to the new URLs. Canonical tags should be added to the new pages to avoid duplicate content issues. The sitemap should be updated to reflect the new URL structure.

Implementing The Migration

The website should not be taken offline during the migration process, and any downtime should be kept to a minimum. The implementation of the migration should be done in stages to minimize any disruption to the website's search engine visibility. The implementation process should be closely monitored to ensure that any issues are quickly addressed.

Post-Migration Audit

A post-migration audit ensures that the website's search engine visibility has not been adversely impacted. The post-migration audit should cover the website's current URL structure, the content, the internal links, and the external links. The audit will help identify any broken links, duplicate content, missing alt tags, missing meta descriptions, and any other technical SEO issues that may have arisen during the migration process.

Continuous Monitoring

After the migration is complete, it's essential to continue monitoring the website's search engine visibility. The website should be monitored for any sudden drops in search engine rankings or traffic. Any issues should be quickly addressed to minimize any adverse impact on the website's search engine visibility.

Choosing The Right Migration Approach

One crucial aspect of planning a site migration is choosing the right approach. There are various approaches to site migration, and the chosen approach can significantly impact the website's search engine visibility. Some common migration approaches include a domain name change, URL restructuring, content management system (CMS) change, and platform change.

Avoiding Common Migration Pitfalls

Site migrations can be complex, and there are several common pitfalls that website owners can fall into, which can adversely impact the website's search engine visibility. Some common pitfalls include −

  • Not considering the impact of the migration on search engine visibility: Before embarking on a site migration, it's essential to consider the potential impact on the website's search engine visibility. It's important to ensure that the migration plan addresses any technical SEO issues that may arise during the migration.

  • Not properly mapping the old URLs to the new URLs: Proper URL mapping is essential to ensure that any internal links to the old URLs are redirected to the new URLs.

  • Not implementing 301 redirects correctly − 301 redirects are critical to ensuring that any external links to the old URLs are redirected to the new URLs. It's essential to ensure that the redirects are implemented correctly to avoid any adverse impact on the website's search engine visibility.

  • Not updating the sitemap − The sitemap should be updated to reflect the new URL structure. This helps search engines discover and index new URLs correctly.

Updating Structured Data

Structured data is an essential aspect of technical SEO, and it's essential to ensure that structured data is updated during site migrations. Structured data helps search engines understand the content of a website better and can impact how search engines display results for specific queries.

It's essential to ensure that the structured data on the website is updated to reflect the new URL structure. This can be achieved by updating the URLs in the structured data code or implementing 301 redirects to the new URLs.


The next time you plan or consider a site migration, keep technical SEO in mind. It's essential to ensure important elements like canonical tags, XML sitemaps, redirects, and meta robots are properly configured during the process. Technical SEO should never be an afterthought; systematic planning and preparation play a critical role in successful migration execution with fewer pains along the way. All of these aspects built together result in an effective and manageable transition for your site, which ultimately leads to greater opportunities to improve your web presence.

Updated on: 14-Apr-2023


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