The Role of Technical SEO in Schema Markup

What is Schema Markup?

Schema Markup, aka, is a tool representing the semantic vocabulary of a website. Implementing Schema allows search engine crawlers to understand your site's content much better. The semantic vocabulary is also known as micro data. 

Let's understand it with an example.

You must be familiar with HTML tags. Generally, HTML tags tell a browser how to display information presented in the tag. 

For example, <h1> Python </h1> directs the browser to display the text string "Python" in heading 1. However, it doesn't inform the intent or meaning behind the string. Python could indicate a type of snake or a programming language. 

This makes search engines sometimes more challenging to display relevant content to users.

Schema markup is a structured data code that tells your page element's true intent. In other words, Schema is a pair of glasses for your search engine to see things better.

Role of Technical SEO in Schema Markup

Helps Crawlability and Site Structuring 

Technical SEO and Schema Markup are interlinked, and none can function without the other. Schema helps search crawlers to understand better, while technical SEO improves the crawlability of the page.

That means when search engine bots enter your site, they can easily crawl each and every page. With schema markup, we will understand the intent and context behind each page and its content. This helps them classify each page and index them in order. 

Site structuring plays a crucial role in search engine ranking. A structured site not only makes improves readability but also assists users in finding content faster. This also improves user experience and engagement, which is a critical ranking factor.

Increases Revenue Generation in Google ADS 

Schema markup is significant for a successful Google Ads campaign. Although ads are not a ranking factor, it adds structure and intent to your ads.

Numerous case studies state that when combined with technical SEO, Schema helps increase organic impressions, clicks, CTR, and keyword rankings.

However, if we go in-depth, technical SEO's site structuring plays a critical role in shaping schema markup. 

Four Critical Reasons to Use Technical SEO with Schema Markup

It Improves Click-through Rates

Schema markup does not affect SEO ranking directly. However, it has a proven record of improving CTR. This is because it makes search listing more sorted and granular. This makes users understand the content inside much more accessible. 

Users will be persuaded to click when your site description appears in a user-friendly format. With a high CTR, you will get more visitors to your site. This increases your chance to turn potential customers into actual customers.

Let You Feature in Rich Snippets

Websites within the top 5 spots have more chance of featuring in rich snippets. The other factor is the content should be written in a structured way. Technical SEO can take care of the ranking and structure part. You can use Schema to boost your site architecture and content structure. This will reinforce your content to get featured in rich snippets.

Help Improves Keyword Rankings 

Technical SEO practices involve the careful placement of keywords in the right places. Whereas, Schema helps in assigning labels and intent to those keywords. 

Sometime keywords may appear mechanical and illogical. That's why search bots often scan the entire content to look for the intent behind using a keyword. 

If crawlers can't find the relation between keywords and content, they may penalize the content. Adding Schema helps search crawlers understand what the content is all about. 

It reduces your chance of getting penalized while increasing your chances to rank higher in Google, Bing, and other search engines.

Boost Sales and ROI in Google Ads

Contrary to popular belief, Google Ads still need SEO to run effectively. Besides, it also needs Data schemas to define the data types you can use to bind creative elements in dynamic ads.

In Google Ads, you have to bid for keywords. For this, you require a quality score for each keyword. Now, if you have a keyword in the right ad group and your ads are all relevant to the keywords, your score will go up. 

 However, if the site's landing page has a different content, your quality score will drop. That means you will be paying more for each click. On top of that, likely, your ads won't reach the top page.

Technical SEO ensures you don't bid on irrelevant keywords, while schema markup code adds more context to your content. Both, when done together, add significant value to your Google Ads.


Schema markup is an incredibly powerful tool for enhancing technical SEO. It helps search engine crawlers to better understand your web content and also generate leads by encouraging people to click through from the SERP pages. In short, you achieve a good user experience and high search engine rankings. But make sure that your schema markup includes strategic terms relating to your industry and products. Use effective keyword research and analysis techniques such as Google Trends, LSI keywords and competitor analysis. If you do it right, you’ll reap all benefits of enhanced SEO performance with ease!

Updated on: 20-Apr-2023


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