The Role of Cloud Computing in the Internet of Things (IoT)

Today, technologies are becoming stronger through collaborations. Cloud computing and the IoT are two different rides that surprised the 21st century with their innovations and potential. Cloud computing is an on−demand power that delivers data storage, infrastructure, computing power, software, etc., to businesses when required and allows them to pay for their use. It made enormous resources accessible to everybody virtually without the need to install hardware at their premises. Cloud computing help organizations to improve productivity, better dealings with data, security, and growth.

On the other hand, IoT brought smartness to everything. It has opened the doors for advanced traffic management, pollution monitoring, agriculture, and healthcare solutions by enabling smart methods to be integrated into business tools. At a closer look, IoT connects the targeted devices to the network to share and excel in data. However, when combined with cloud computing, they create opportunities for each other to succeed.

IoT systems collect a massive amount of data, which offers different use cases for big data technologies. Besides, cloud computing provides an environment to store and process this data. Cloud computing can also offer a platform to perform complex queries in IoT data management. Many cloud computing platforms and models are available for IoT system deployments, and we can choose the platform according to the requirements of the IoT connections.

How Cloud Computing Benefits IoT?

Cloud computing technology shares many advantages with the Internet of things. At some point, it succeeded in taking the industry to the level that the cloud might be mandatory in the future of the Internet of things. Enhancing IoT networks by moving them from local on−site resources to distributed imaginary servers, the cloud has many beneficial use cases. A few of them are discussed below.

Storage Mobility

We should notice that cloud computing is a simple medium to carry data packets generated by IoT across the Internet. These days, IoT generates enormous data from many device connections, including smart offices, self−driven cars, and smart devices like Alexa. This data needs real−time management and storage, but storing it in hardware only allows us to access it at installed premises. However, data stored in the cloud servers is accessible all over the globe through the Internet. So, IoT data and device connections can be deployed in cloud servers than on−site to get the accessibility feature. This on−demand feature helps IoT devices reach maximum performance at any time with resource availability.

Data Security

Companies value data as the top priority in this data−driven world. Companies can sustain themselves in this competitive world only if they can use extensive data services efficiently in IoT. Big data solutions are challenging to handle and are prone to data leakage if we don't take security precautions seriously. IoT connections gather confidential information on every transaction; this information security is mandatory. Deploying these connections in the cloud keeps our data safe, as cloud infrastructure has various inbuilt security protocols.

Innovations In IoT

Every successful product is the result of numerous failures. An experiment is an actionable step that needs to be taken in any industry to develop new outcomes. Experimenting with IoT devices is a little complex because to build an IoT system, we invest a lot, whether it be effort or money. We can limit our loss by deploying IoT experiments in cloud infrastructure. Though the system fails, there will not be hardware capital loss. Cloud computing also makes IoT devices' data backup and disaster recovery cheaper.

IoT Flexibility

IoT connections look for resource expansion when required and shrink them when not used. So, deploying IoT systems in cloud platforms makes the process scalable and flexible. This service from cloud computing increases or decreases IT resources like computing power, storage, and bandwidth to IoT systems as per the requirement. After integrating IoT devices, it is also easier to add additional devices, if needed to the network through cloud computing.


IoT has the potential to transform the way you do business. Moving this technology to the cloud helps your business achieve its goals and vision faster. Businesses can also observe enormous growth in their profits if these inseparable technologies are integrated. It's important to note that IoT deployment to the cloud is not a one−time step but rather an iterative process. The growth curve here is a progressive one than an immediate hit. As more IoT Cloud providers emerge in the coming years, we can hope to see new and exciting areas of IoT Cloud Computing. It's considerable to warp that cloud computing takes IoT systems to the next level with enhancements like reliability, accessibility, connectivity, and integration.

Updated on: 26-Dec-2022


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