The Role of Cloud Computing in Artificial Intelligence


Even though cloud computing has been around longer than artificial intelligence, it has helped artificial intelligence development in a big way. Since cloud computing came along, there has been a huge push. Some parts of AI that have changed over time are data and data sets, processing power like GPUs, models, algorithms, and talents and abilities. This essay will examine how cloud computing has helped artificial intelligence (AI) grow.

Role of Cloud Computing in Artificial Intelligence

Cloud delivery models

With IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), AI experts can immediately get a fully functional computing environment without waiting for an infrastructure team to set it up (CPU, memory, disc, network, operating system). Recently, cloud service companies have begun to offer GPU hardware.

PaaS makes it easy for AI experts to make new apps by giving users access to AI and data science services like Jupyter notebooks and data catalog services.

SaaS users can now use AI services inside the app to get the most out of programs like customer relationship management (CRM) and payment processing software (Software as a Service).

Cloud technologies

Thanks to containers, all data scientists can now work in the same place and with the same interface. Data scientists can still host their containers on that platform, even if a cloud provider runs it with more GPU capabilities.

Using Kubernetes, data scientists could create data science platforms that were easier to scale and were built with containers. Kubernetes allows it to deploy containerized data science applications to several cloud providers without setting up or maintaining the underlying computer infrastructure.

Data is the most crucial part of artificial intelligence, so make sure you use enough of it. To evaluate algorithms and models, you need to be able to get to a lot of data. The right knowledge makes storing public and private data in the cloud easy and safe.

Talent/Skills Availability

There are now many undergraduate and graduate degree programs in data science and AI engineering at colleges and universities throughout the United States and worldwide.These programs are available in many fields, such as computer science and mathematics, and higher education institutions often offer this curriculum at undergraduate and graduate levels.

Experts in deep learning, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, natural language processing, and natural language comprehension can work together on projects and compete against each other on cloud-based platforms like Kaggle and CrowdANALYTIX.

These platforms make it possible to process information and share data. Anyone who wants to use this service can do so alone. It is easy to get there and only takes a short time. There are several sets of data to choose from. These modern environments are good for the growth of smart people, and as a result, they are good for the development of the people who use them.


DevOps is a method for running IT operations and making software that uses many of the same languages (Ops). The phrase "for the first time" was used for a conference with the same name. The DevOps method is not new but has several benefits when used to build a microservices architecture. DevOps doesn't take care of problems during the Data Science life cycle. In 2018, Gartner developed a new idea called "Models." MLOps came before ModelOps (Machine Learning Operations). It was something that DevOps got.

Today, every major cloud provider, like AWS, Azure, GCP, IBM, Oracle, etc., offers a full range of API services and platforms for data science and machine learning (such as natural language processing, computer vision, and automated machine learning). IBM, SAS, and RapidMiner, three of the biggest companies in their fields, offer cloud-based data science and machine learning solutions. With cloud-native (Kubernetes) infrastructures, the same data science platforms and AI API services can also be used on-premises. Cloud service providers and analytics companies have said they would make their products better soon.

The following are some advantages that cloud computing has seen as a result of AI's considerable impact

Sense of Autonomy

Cloud computing with AI might aid businesses in becoming more data-driven and strategic. People can work more productively as a result. Overall productivity may be increased by using artificial intelligence to automate time-consuming, repetitive tasks and data processing that does not need human participation.

IT teams might use AI to supervise and track essential activities. AI may handle the tiresome work while humans focus on more strategic efforts that add value to the firm.

Cut down on your expenditures

Cloud computing is more cost-effective than on-premises data centers since it eliminates the need for hardware management and maintenance costs. Although launching an AI effort may be expensive, organizations may acquire the necessary technology through monthly payments to a cloud provider. Research and development costs may be kept to a minimum using this service. Without human aid, AI systems are also capable of data analysis and conclusion-making.

Minimum effort data management

Critical sectors, including data processing, administration, and organization, have been significantly impacted by AI. By leveraging more reliable real-time data, artificial intelligence may enhance an organization's overall performance. Finally, AI technologies make gathering, organizing, and updating information easier.


Researchers and tech companies are making predictions about the industries and uses of artificial intelligence that will grow the fastest in the next few years. If we want to get the most out of AI, we need to turn it into use cases that take advantage of cloud delivery and processing methods. Edge computing brings the cloud's low latency and ability to work even when the internet is down to a company's servers. This would be especially helpful for businesses with a lot of data and processing power (e.g., video analytics). The progress of quantum computing will help machine learning in particular.

Updated on: 15-Mar-2023

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