The person A has only B chromosomes in all its gametes. On the other hand, another person C has chromosome D in half of gametes and chromosome E in the other half of gametes. When chromosomes B and D combine during fertilisation, a female zygote results. On the other hand, combination of B and E chromosomes produces a male zygote.(a) What are chromosomes (i) B (ii) D, and (iii) E?
(b) Out of B, D and E, which two chromosomes are of the same type?
(c) Which chromosome is smaller in size?
(d) What is the general name of chromosomes such as B and E?
(e) Out of the two persons A and C, which one is (i) male, and (ii) female?

(a) (i) B and (ii) D chromosomes are X chromosomes, while (iii) E chromosome is Y chromosome.

(b) Out of B, D and E, B and D chromosome are of same type i.e. they both are X chromosome.

(c) Chromosome E (Y chromosome) is smaller in size.

(d) The general name of B and E chromosomes are sex chromosomes.

(e) Out of two persons A and C, A is male (as it contains only X type of chromosomes in all gametes) while C is female (as its half of gamete contains X chromosomes and in half Y chromosomes present).

Updated on: 20-Mar-2023


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