The Importance of Technical SEO for Duplicate Content

Search engines like Google have difficulty dealing with duplicate information. As a result, less of the impacted page's information is seen or is entirely omitted. Each indexed page has to have enough "unique content" for the site to perform well in search engine results without any issues related to duplicate content. The term "unique content" refers to information written just for this page and not found anywhere else online.

It is called "Duplicate Content" when the same or substantially similar text appears many times on the same website or different websites. To provide a good user experience, search engines only index material once, even if it is identical or similar to other indexed content. A page may be penalized or deleted from a search engine's index if its content has been identified as duplicate or an effort to mislead.

What's Wrong With Duplicate Content?

Google has a serious problem with duplicate content. To begin with, it is challenging to determine, algorithmically, which side of a domain is most suited for a given search query. Furthermore, Google wishes to save crawling resources by not crawling 100 copies of the same page since, by Google's standards, doing so would waste a significant amount of money on hardware performance. Type "duplicated content" into Google, and you'll get the lowdown.

Google's patents are the source for the content clusters and representative content terms. Incentivizing the production of more original material by rewarding it with similar material is a win-win. By eliminating low-quality duplicates, the overall quality of search engine results is improving.

How to Perform a Duplicate Content Technical SEO Audit

The technical SEO features of a website may be inspected by doing an SEO audit. In general, it evaluates the status of a website and finds problems that require fixing. The following technical SEO assessment might offer a better user experience and improved search engine rankings.

Start at a Crawl

Start by having a programme like SEMrush, DeepCrawl, or Spyfu crawl your website. Poor images, improper keywords, inappropriate page titles, and broken links may all be uncovered with its aid. Crawlers may also assist in finding problems like indexation limitations, the same material, and broken links.

Get a Sitemap Made

With a sitemap, finding new content and getting a feel for the site's layout is much easier. Registering a neat, straightforward, regularly updated sitemap in Google Search Console is necessary.

Verify the Various Viewing Options of Your Site

Verify that at least one version of your website is viewable.

Verify the Page's SEO Performance

Page titles and title tags, Meta descriptions, and keywords all play a role in Google's ranking algorithms.

Link Administration and Load Time Analysis

Check whether your website has a clear structure for internal and external connections. Over 90% of visitors will abandon your site if it takes longer than 5 seconds to load. That's why checking competing sites' performance and load time is essential.

Examine for Secure HTTP Material

According to Google, "70 percent of the results on the first page are HTTPS." Check for mixed content, broken links, redirects, and canonicals in the technical SEO audit.

Use Analytical Tools to Evaluate Different Website Metrics

The analytics service is put to use to provide in-the-moment statistics. Bounce rate and other variables may be compared using Google Analytics and MozBar.

Check your Backlinks

Successful websites understand the value of quality backlinks. By doing a backlink audit, you may learn where to get valuable connections, how many links your rivals have, and which keywords they use.

Crawl the Site Again

If it has been updated, Google will re-crawl a site to fix the issues found in a technical SEO audit.

Duplicated Information Caused By Technological Constraints

Separate Websites for Pictures

Images may be placed on their pages in certain CMSes. This page often just contains the picture itself and no text. Due to its lack of unique material, this page constitutes duplicate work already done on other sites with similar images. If feasible, turn off the option to create separate pages for photographs.

Hreflang and Localization

You may run into duplicate content concerns when localising for many locations when the intended audience speaks the same language. When targeting two English-speaking markets (like Canada and the United States), there is certain to be some content duplication.

Web Pages That Search Engines can Index

Search bars may be seen on various websites, enabling users to quickly and easily navigate the content. Search result pages are all essentially the same and provide little to no unique content to search engines. That's why it's a bad idea to make them accessible to indexing services.

Meta robots allow you to prevent search engines from indexing certain pages, such as the results page. Avoid directing people to your search results directly via links is also a good idea. If you have a lot of search result pages that you don't want to be indexed, you may use the robots.txt file to prevent search engines from accessing them.

Don't Share Anything That's Still Under Development

If you're creating a new page without filling it with much information, save it without posting it. Always make drafts of incomplete documents. Use the meta robots property to stop search engines from indexing thin pages if you must publish them.


An effective SEO strategy relies heavily on technical SEO. A technically ideal website will have perfect internal linking and loading times. It is important to regularly check the technical parameters for mistakes and misunderstandings so that they may be fixed as soon as feasible.

Updated on: 26-Apr-2023


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