The Importance of Convincing End Customers in a BPO\n

For any business, be it retail, IT or reality, new clients are hard to come by. It often takes months of grueling follow-up with a prospective customer to actually get them on board. This is exactly why it is critical that we value customers we already have and work harder towards attaining fresh clients.

Even the leading BPO companies face stiff competition from one another as well as new ventures, thus making customer retention as one of the prime objectives of a business.

There are certain companies that are not affected if a customer shifts loyalty. However, the ideal scenario is one where the inflow of business is constant and lasts for a longer period of time. Hence most BPO companies thrive on client’s goodwill. It becomes extremely crucial to prevent their customers from shifting their attention to a competitor. This is where the customer support team needs to step in, to assist in client retention. There are certain ways in which BPO employees can convince an end customer.

First Impression is the Last Impression

This might seem like an age-old adage, but when it comes to customer satisfaction it holds true every single time in every single situation. Right from the word “go” your interaction with the customer should be convincing. It is always the first conversation you share with your client that determines the ‘life’ of the business relationship. If you’ve managed to convince your patron on your first attempt, smaller misunderstandings can always be tackled amicably later on.

Attending to Complaints from Day 1

It is no doubt that as the popularity of the BPO industry continues to catapult, the demands and expectations of customers keep growing. The best approach to live-up to these demands is by resolving complaints at the first attempt. Escalating a problem to a higher level gives the impression that customer care support executives are incapable. The

The more number of calls and emails shared with the clients, the higher is the level of frustration. In no time this frustration can breed contempt for the brand in entirety.

Change How You Queue Those Calls

Customers tend to get irritated and often lose patience while waiting for support staff to attend to their calls. This usually happens when on the other end, BPO employees have a long queue of calls to receive. Add to the wait, a boring call hold-tune and you’ve just blown your client’s top! It is always a good idea to give them options for getting a call-back or exploring a self-service feature. Such an initiative makes the customer feel prioritized and hence makes retaining them easier.

Accept Criticism and Work on Them

The best way to work on your drawbacks is by knowing what they are. This realization only comes when your clients give you feedback. Once you’ve built a good rapport with a customer, go ahead and ask them for their opinions on your services. Learn to take negative observations in your stride and instead of taking offense, acknowledge them and ensure the same mistakes are avoided the second time.

Learn to take negative observations in your stride and instead of taking offense, acknowledge them and ensure the same mistakes are avoided the second time.

Customers Come First

It is essential that existing customers are kept satisfied since most of the moolah lies in their hands. Even the smallest of efforts are sufficient to make them happy. It need not be a substantial offer, but small discounts every now and then, along with regular updates on the latest offers, is a good way to show your clients you care.

Now that we are living in the age of social media, it becomes almost mandatory to maintain customer satisfaction.

A client’s public feedback on a social networking platform can make or break a brand. Customer life cycle management is of utmost priority for those working in BPOs. When you’ve convinced your end customer, you’ve opened up a whole world of brand equity, fresh business and repeat sales.

Updated on: 27-Apr-2022


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