The Impact of Gender Discrimination on Employees’ Performance

It is time that we stop putting gender into two labeled boxes. Males and females aren't the only two types of gender. We live in the LGBTQ+ era. Accepting diversity is critical for both individuals and organizations at large. A diverse workforce in terms of ethnicity, socio-economic background, religious beliefs, color, creed, age, geographical location, educational background, and others. An organization's top-line and bottom-line performance can improve dramatically with a diverse workforce. Among all the different types of discrimination done by employers and their colleagues, we see that gender discrimination is prevailing.

Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination is being unfair to a particular group of individuals or individuals because of their gender, sexual preference, or sexual identity. Receiving unfair treatment from their employers and colleagues because of their gender or sexual preference is known as "workforce gender discrimination." Some of the examples to better understand gender discrimination in the workplace is

  • Paying less to women or individuals for the same role or the same amount of work done.

  • Passing unhealthy comments or cracking jokes because of an individual’s gender or sexual orientation.

  • Not hiring women or LGBTQ+ individuals in the company at all or for any higher roles.

  • Evaluating the performance of women or LGBTQ+ individuals too harshly or passing them up for promotion or a pay raise.

  • Asking women about their future plans in terms of marriage and kids during the interview.

  • Hiring only women for particular job roles is also known as "gender discrimination."

  • Sexual, emotional, or mental harassment of individuals at the workplace because of their gender or sexual orientation.

  • Giving less work or cutting someone off from meetings or important project discussions because they are pregnant, and many more.

Impact of Gender Discrimination on the Employee’s Performance at the Organization

Gender discrimination may be intentional or unintentional, but it surely affects the employee’s performance in the organization or his contribution to the project. Some of the major fallouts a company will face because of gender discrimination are

  • Lower Productivity Among Employees − An employee who has just experienced gender discrimination in the workplace in any form will not be able to concentrate on the work at hand. They will be underachievers or average performers throughout the year because all of their energy is focused on how to stay afloat and protect themselves from negative experiences.

  • Low Morale and Enthusiasm − An employee who is constantly facing gender discrimination will have low morale and enthusiasm at the workplace. They will never be innovative and creative in the workplace. They are being underutilized in the firm, which will surely affect the organization’s bottom line and top line.

  • Higher Attrition and Absenteeism − An employer can blame it on the employees because they are weak or too casual at work, but they fully understand that it is due to workplace gender discrimination. Employees undergoing gender discrimination will always be on the lookout for better opportunities. This will also affect the company’s image and the cost per hire for the company. Organizations will lose top employees because they are unwilling to accept diversity.

  • Stress and Mental Health Issues − Employees will be stressed as a result of constant derogatory comments, delayed promotions, and pay raises. This will lead to serious mental health issues. Employees will not be able to give their best because of all the trauma, and this will directly affect their performance at work.

  • Increase Workplace Conflict − Employees will naturally form groups and start targeting each other. They will take this battle to official meetings and just try to oppose or criticize their discriminators. We could also face situations in which brilliant ideas are crushed by our coworkers because of their gender or sexual preference. This in turn will affect the organization’s performance. There will always be hostility among the employees, and this ongoing workplace conflict will lead to poor overall performance by the employees.

How to Protect Yourself from Gender Discrimination in the Workplace?

  • Review your Employer’s Policies and Protocols Thoroughly. This will help you understand the employer’s stance whenever such a situation arises, and you can keep preparing accordingly.

  • Write Everything down and keep the Documents Handy. Write down every single incident that you might have experienced while at work. Keep all the emails, minutes of conversations, conversations with the HR and disciplinary committees, and witness testimonials in a safe place. These details will help you in pursuing any legal action that you plan to take in the future.

  • Report your Concerns and Complaints to HR, the Disciplinary Committee, or your Boss. We suggest you report your concerns in the form of emails or letters and not verbally. This will help you in recording all the documents and their actions and reactions to them.

  • File Discrimination at work Complaints with a Government Agency. Your workplace supervisor may not provide you with satisfactory solutions, so it is better to file the same complaint with a government agency. This will also ensure that the culprit is being punished. Always keep in mind that you must follow all the deadlines. For more information, contact your legal counsel.

Benefits of Having a Diverse Workforce

A diverse workforce opens Pandora's box (a plethora of benefits and surprises), including the following −

  • Broader Thinking − A heterogeneous workforce helps the company seek different creative solutions for the problems that are arising. Since we have people from various backgrounds, we can see the problem in different lights.

  • Aids in the Development of new Products − A company with a diverse workforce can better understand the general public and develop products that may solve their most vexing problem or unspoken need.

  • Improved Public Image − The company's goodwill will grow by leaps and bounds as job seekers see the organization as a safe place to work. An organization that accepts diversity shows that they are ready to embrace creativity and out-of-the-box ideas.

  • Increased Productivity and Profitability − A diverse workforce will lead to smart decision-making and creative solutions. This will directly impact the profitability of the organization, and at the same time, an employer that accepts diversity will attract productive employees.

  • Comfortable and Happy Workspaces − An organization that accepts diversity will lead to happy employees. It is known in the business world that happy employees are the most productive employees.

  • More Productive, Dedicated, and Loyal Employees − An employee who has been facing discrimination all their life because of their gender or sexual orientation will always value an organization that values them. This will lead to extremely productive and dedicated employees. Employees may overwork and overburden themselves with work just for the organization’s sake.

It is time that organizations understand that individuals are aware of their rights against discrimination and start accepting diversity. A diverse workforce will only help organizations in their success. Gender discrimination was never cool and is not even acceptable.

Updated on: 17-Jan-2023

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