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The Git, Github & GitLab Bootcamp

person icon Selfcode Academy


The Git, Github & GitLab Bootcamp

Master the essentials and the tricky bits: rebasing, squashing, stashing, reflogs, blobs, trees, & more!

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Selfcode Academy

category icon Coding,Development Tools,GIT AND GITHUB,Git & Github,Development Tools GIT,

Lectures -46

Duration -9.5 hours



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Course Description

Unlock the full potential of version control and collaborative development with our comprehensive course on Git and GitHub. Designed for beginners and advanced users alike, this course will guide you through essential concepts, practical workflows, and advanced techniques to boost your productivity and streamline your development process.

What You Will Learn:

Module 1: Introduction to Version Control

  • Understanding Version Control: Learn the importance of version control in software development.

  • Introduction to Git: Discover the basics of Git, the most popular version control system.

  • Installation and Configuration: Get Git up and running on any platform and configure essential settings.

Module 2: Git Basics

  • Creating a Repository: Initialize and clone Git repositories.

  • Git Workflow: Master the basic Git workflow, including staging and committing changes.

  • Committing Changes: Learn how to make and commit changes effectively.

  • Branching and Merging: Explore branching strategies and merge branches seamlessly.

  • Resolving Conflicts: Understand and resolve merge conflicts with ease.

  • Undoing Changes: Revert commits and discard unwanted changes.

Module 3: Advanced Git Concepts

  • Git Log and Reflog: Analyze repository history with powerful Git commands.

  • Git Hooks: Automate tasks with Git Hooks.

  • Interactive Rebase: Rewrite commit history like a pro.

  • Git Aliases: Create custom Git commands for efficiency.

  • Submodules and Subtrees: Manage complex projects with submodules and subtrees.

Module 4: Introduction to GitHub

  • Getting Started with GitHub: Set up your GitHub account and profile.

  • GitHub Repositories: Create, fork, and clone repositories on GitHub.

  • Collaboration on GitHub: Master pull requests and code reviews.

Module 5: GitHub Branching and Workflows

  • GitHub Branching Strategies: Implement effective branching strategies.

  • GitHub Actions: Automate workflows with GitHub Actions for CI/CD.

  • GitHub Pages: Host static websites using GitHub Pages.

Module 6: Introduction to GitLab

  • Getting Started with GitLab: Create and navigate your GitLab account.

  • GitLab Repositories: Manage repositories and import projects on GitLab.

  • GitLab CI/CD: Configure CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment.

  • GitLab Merge Requests: Streamline code reviews with merge requests.

Module 7: GitLab Advanced Features

  • GitLab Groups and Subgroups: Organize code with groups and subgroups.

  • GitLab Container Registry: Manage Docker images with GitLab’s Container Registry.

  • GitLab Pages: Host static websites with GitLab Pages.

Module 8: Git Best Practices and Tips

  • Effective Git Usage: Follow best practices for commits, branching, and collaboration.

  • Git Security Best Practices: Secure your Git repositories and workflows.

  • Git Tips and Tricks: Boost your productivity with advanced Git commands and tips.

Additional Key Skills You Will Master:

  • Understanding Git Internals: Understand how Git works behind the scenes.

  • Git Objects: Explain the difference between Git objects: trees, blobs, commits, and annotated tags.

  • Essential Git Workflow: Master the essential Git workflow: adding & committing.

  • Working with Git Branches: Create and manage branches effectively.

  • Merging and Conflict Resolution: Perform Git merges and resolve merge conflicts.

  • Using Git Diff: Use Git Diff to reveal changes over time.

  • Git Stashing: Master Git stashing for temporary work storage.

  • Undoing Changes: Undo changes using git restore, git revert, and git reset.

  • Local and Remote Repositories: Work with local and remote repositories.

  • Collaboration Workflows: Master collaboration workflows such as pull requests and "fork & clone".

  • Interactive Rebase: Squash, clean up, and rewrite history using interactive rebase.

  • Retrieving Lost Work: Retrieve "lost" work using git reflogs.

  • Custom Git Aliases: Write custom and powerful Git aliases.

  • Git Tags: Mark releases and versions using Git tags.

  • Hosting with GitHub Pages: Host static websites using GitHub Pages.

  • Markdown READMEs: Create comprehensive markdown READMEs.

  • GitHub Gists: Share code and snippets using GitHub Gists.

Why Enroll in This Course?

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers everything from basic Git commands to advanced GitHub and GitLab features.

  • Hands-On Labs: Practical sessions to reinforce your learning.

  • Assignments and Quizzes: Test your knowledge and skills.

  • Expert Guidance: Learn from experienced instructors with real-world insights.

  • Career Advancement: Equip yourself with skills in high demand by employers.

    Enroll now and become a Git and GitHub expert, capable of managing complex projects and collaborating seamlessly with your team. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your existing skills, this course is your pathway to mastering version control and collaborative development.


Gain proficiency in setting up, configuring, and synchronizing local and remote repositories, enabling seamless collaboration and code sharing.

Understand and execute Git merges, along with techniques for resolving merge conflicts, ensuring a cohesive and conflict-free codebase.

Discover and apply advanced Git functionalities such as stashing, rebasing, and custom aliases.


Familiarity with basic computer operations, such as navigating the file system, using the command line, and basic text editing.

A computer with internet access is required to install Git, access GitHub and GitLab, and participate in hands-on lab sessions.

A text editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE) of your choice, such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom, for writing and editing code.

Some experience with any programming language will be helpful, but not mandatory. The course will focus on version control concepts that are applicable across various languages and development environments.

The Git, Github & GitLab Bootcamp


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Introduction to Version Control
4 Lectures
  • play icon Understanding Version Control 15:02 15:02
  • play icon Introduction to Git 11:26 11:26
  • play icon Installation and Configuration 04:15 04:15
  • play icon Module1-Quiz 06:21 06:21
Git Basics
10 Lectures
Advanced Git Concepts
10 Lectures
Introduction to GitHub
3 Lectures
GitHub Branching and Workflows
6 Lectures
Introduction to GitLab
4 Lectures
GitLab Advanced Features
6 Lectures
Git Practices and Tips
3 Lectures

Instructor Details

Selfcode Academy

Selfcode Academy

At SelfCode Academy, we are more than just an educational platform; we are the gateway to unlocking the world of coding and technology. As a premier EdTech brand, we are dedicated to empowering individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the digital age.

Our mission is to demystify the world of coding and make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or prior experience. We understand that technology is shaping the future, and coding is its language. That's why we have curated a range of comprehensive coding courses that cater to beginners, intermediate learners, and even seasoned programmers looking to upskill.

What sets SelfCode Academy apart is our commitment to excellence in education. Our courses are meticulously designed by industry experts to ensure relevance, practicality, and engagement. Through our user-friendly online platform, learners can access a variety of programming languages, development tools, and project-based learning opportunities.

We recognize that each individual learns at their own pace, which is why our courses are self-paced, allowing learners to progress in a way that suits their schedule and preferences. We provide a supportive learning environment with dedicated instructors, a vibrant community forum, and interactive resources that facilitate both independent and collaborative learning.

At SelfCode Academy, we believe that coding is not just a skill, but a mindset that fosters creativity, problem-solving, and innovation. Our vision is to equip learners with the ability to turn their ideas into tangible digital solutions, whether it's building websites, developing apps, or shaping the technologies of tomorrow.

Join us on a transformative journey where you'll gain more than just coding skills – you'll gain the confidence to navigate a tech-driven world and make your mark on it. Welcome to SelfCode Academy, where your coding aspirations become a reality.

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