The First Cities on the Indus (4700 years ago)


The first cities on the Indus River were built over 4700 years ago. These ancient cities were located in what is now Pakistan and western India. The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the largest and most advanced civilizations of its time.

The Indus Valley Civilization

The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the first cities to develop in the Indus River Valley. The city was located in present-day Pakistan and dates back to around 3,000 BCE. The city was home to a large number of people and had a complex social structure. The city was also well-fortified, with high walls and a strong defensive system.

The Indus Valley Civilization was an important step in the development of cities. It showed that cities could be large and complex, with a sophisticated social structure. The city also had a strong defense system, which was important for protection against invaders.

The First Cities Situated on the Indus River

This civilization was one of the most advanced civilizations of its time. It had a complex system of writing, and its people created beautiful art and architecture.

The Indus Valley Civilization was first discovered in the 1920s when archaeologists began excavating sites on the river. Since then, many more sites have been found, and we have learned a great deal about this ancient civilization.

Today, the Indus River is still an important part of Pakistani culture. It is home to many cities, and it provides water for agriculture and industry. The river is also a popular tourist destination, as it is beautiful and has a rich history.

Some of the cities on the Indus are −


Harappa was one of the other cities on the Indus. It was founded around 3300 BCE. Harappa was an important city because it was located at the crossroads of two major trade routes. The city was also home to a large number of craftspeople who produced goods for trade.

Harappa was a well-planned city. The houses were built close together and were arranged in a grid pattern. The streets were straight and wide. There was a public bath and a marketplace in the city. The people of Harappa worshiped many gods and goddesses. They believed in reincarnation and had a caste system.

The city of Harappa declined around 1900 BCE. One possible reason for this is that the river changed course and no longer flowed through the city. This made trade difficult and caused the city to lose its importance.


Mohenjo-Daro was one of the first cities on the Indus. It was founded around 2500 BCE. Mohenjo-Daro was located in what is now Pakistan. It was a major trading center for the region. It was a well-planned city. It had a system of streets and lanes, and it was divided into different areas for living, working, and religious purposes.

The people of Mohenjo-Daro had a sophisticated culture. They had advanced architecture and art, and they used a system of writing that has not been deciphered yet. Mohenjo-Daro was destroyed around 1500 BCE, probably by invaders from the northwest.


Lothal was another city on the Indus. It was located in present-day India. Lothal was a thriving city with a population of around 5,000 people. The city had a well-developed system of irrigation and drainage. It also had a large dockyard and a thriving trade with other cities on the Indus.

Lothal was an important city for its time. It was one of the first cities on the Indus and it helped to develop trade and commerce in the region. The city also had a strong system of defense, which helped to protect it from invaders.

Today, Lothal is an important archaeological site. Excavations at the site have uncovered many artifacts that help us to understand life in this ancient city.


Dholavira was one of those few cities on the Indus which was located in present-day India. The city was founded around 3,600 BCE.

Dholavira was a large city for its time. It covered an area of 200 hectares. The city had a complex water management system. This system included dams, canals, and reservoirs. The city also had a Great Bath. This was a large pool that was used for public bathing. The people of Dholavira were skilled craftspeople. They made pottery and stone tools. They also traded with other cities on the Indus. Dholavira was abandoned around 1,700 BCE. It is not known why the city was abandoned.


Kalibangan was also one of the cities on the Indus River. It was located in present-day Pakistan. The city was founded around 2600 BCE.

Kalibangan was an important city for trade. Goods from all over the region were traded there. The city was also home to a number of industries, including pottery and metalworking. The city was well-planned and organized. The houses in Kalibangan were made of brick and had tiled roofs. They were arranged in neat rows. The streets in the city were also straight and well-made.

Kalibangan was an important center of culture and learning. The city had a number of temples and other religious buildings. It also had a library where people could study ancient texts.

The city was destroyed around 1700 BCE, probably due to floods or earthquakes. However, it remained an important site for archaeologists who have uncovered many artifacts from the Indus civilization.

Indus Valley Civilization Cities

The first cities on the Indus were built by the people of the Indus Valley Civilization. The Indus civilization was one of the earliest civilizations in the world. It developed in the Indus Valley, in what is now Pakistan and northwest India, around 4,500 years ago. This civilization was one of the most advanced civilizations of its time. The first cities on the Indus were well-planned and had a sophisticated drainage system. They were also built with brick walls and stone foundations. This made them very strong and durable.

The Indus civilization was a very advanced society. They had a well-developed system of writing, mathematics, and astronomy. They also developed new technologies, such as metallurgy and wheeled carts. The first cities on the Indus were an important part of this civilization.

The people of this civilization were experts in irrigation and crop cultivation. In fact, some of these cities were among the largest in the world at that time. The two main cities were Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa. These cities were home to thousands of people.

Mohenjo-Daro, for example, was home to around 35,000 people. That’s about the same as the population of London today. They had well-built houses, temples, and public baths.

The Indus Valley Civilization was ultimately destroyed by a series of natural disasters. However, its legacy continues on in the form of the first cities on the Indus.

Trading with Other Civilizations

The people of the Indus Valley Civilization were skilled artisans and had a thriving trade with other civilizations. They were also able to develop a complex irrigation system that allowed them to grow crops in the arid climate of the region. The first cities on the Indus were built around 3,500 BCE.

The city of Mohenjo-Daro was one of the largest cities on the Indus. The people of the Indus Valley Civilization were also skilled metalworkers. They produced bronze and copper objects that were traded with other civilizations. One of the most famous artifacts from the

Indus Valley Civilization is the bronze statue of a dancing girl, which was found in the city of Mohenjo-Daro.Overall, the first cities on the Indus were technologically advanced and had a thriving economy.

Abandoned Indus Cities Around BCE

The cities on the Indus were abandoned around BCE. There are many theories about why this happened, but the most likely explanation is that the climate changed and made the area uninhabitable. The Indus Valley was a dry, arid region, and as the climate changed, it became even drier. The river changed its course, making it difficult to access water. This would have made it difficult to sustain a city in the area.

Another theory is that the cities on the Indus were destroyed by invaders. There is some evidence of this, as there are many ruins of cities in the area. However, it is not clear who these invaders were or why they would have wanted to destroy the cities.

Whatever the reason for their abandonment, the first cities on the Indus were lost to history. The first cities on the Indus were a significant event in history. They remain a mystery, and we may never know exactly what happened to them. It marked the end of an early attempt at urbanization in the region and set the stage for later civilizations.


The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the most advanced civilizations of its time. The first cities on the Indus were well-planned and had a complex system of irrigation. This allowed them to thrive in a region that was otherwise hostile to human settlement. The people of the Indus Valley Civilization were also skilled craftspeople and traders. They built a thriving trade network that stretched from India to Mesopotamia. The Indus Valley Civilization was an impressive achievement and it is still studied today for its many contributions to our understanding of early urban societies.


Qns 1. How do archaeologists know that cloth was used in the Harappan civilization?

Ans. One of the major discoveries made at archaeological sites on the Indus River was evidence of expert weaving. Evidence such as pieces of patterned cloth, fragments of woven fabric, and many types of sewing needles have been found in archaeological excavations at Harappan sites.

Qns 2. Which was the first city discovered about 4700 years ago?

Ans. Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, and Kalibangan were the first cities founded. Harappa is one of the best preserved ancient cities in the world and has been extensively researched.

Qns 3. How many cities are in the Indus valley civilization?

Ans. There are at least 60 Indus Valley Civilization sites, including 15 major urban sites. At least five of these cities were major urban centers with independent large populations.

Qns 4. Who discovered Indus Valley Civilization?

Ans. The Indus Valley Civilization was first discovered by British Archaeologist Sir John Marshall in the 1920s. The civilization got its name from the Indus River which is one of the regions where most of the excavations have been carried out.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2023


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