The First and Second Anglo-Mysore Wars


There were four main wars fought between the Mysore rulers and the British. The first Anglo-Mysore war had occurred between 1767 and 1769; whereas, the second war happened between 1780 and 1784. The kingdom of Mysore has come out as one of the most powerful empires.

Image 1: Map illustration showing the territories involved in the first and the Second Anglo-Mysore War between the Kingdom of Mysore of southern India and the British East India Company.

Background of First Anglo-Mysore war

There was a demand from the British East India Company (BEIC) to have permission to make a link between their possessions at Bengal as well as Madras. The proposal was sent to Hyderabad’s Nizam but the proposal was denied by him.

In this part, the Marathas as well as the Hyderabad’s Nizam were threatened by the empire of Mysore and it was laid under Haidar Ali. Here, the Britishers were tensed about the victory of Ali and the reason for this is that the victory affected their commercial as well as political interests.

The matter is told about the South Indian part but finally, it is seen that a treaty happened between the BEIC as well as Hyderabad’s Nizam. This company made Nizam surrender the Circars of Northern and instead of this, the company will protect Nizam from the threats of Hydar. It is observed that Nizam, the Marathas, as well as this company strongly fight against Haider.

Course of the First Anglo-Mysore war

The treaty between the Marathas, Nizam as well as the company has come into sight of Haider and he became aware of the fact that they conspire against him.

History has proved Ali as a great intellectual person and he handles this situation very diplomatically. He pays the Marathas as well as promises Nizam to share territories with him. Haider in collaboration with Nizam attacks the Arcot Nawab because he has a territorial dispute with this person.

Thus, the war of First Anglo-Mysore started and a storm occurred in history. This problem continued for around eighteen months without any conclusion. And all of a sudden, Haider becomes presented at the Madras gate and the Britishers get forced for making a treaty with him.

Treaty of Madras

Image 2: The commitments of the Madras-treaty

The rise of the Treaty of Madras happened when Ali forced the Britishers to make a treaty with him. The first war of Anglo-Mysore ended with the sign of a treaty on 4th April 1769. This treaty was signed between BEIC and Haider Ali with some facts.

It was said that the war prisoners will be liberated, and there will be mutual reinstitution of each other’s conquered territories. The company were committed to Ali to protect him in case of any attack from the neighbours.

Background of Second Anglo-Mysore War

The Second Anglo-Mysore war started in 1780 and continued till 1784. This event took place after when Tipu Sultan showed the Britishers a way out by attacking State of Travancore. The event came to an end by signing Treaty of Mangalore.

Haider realises the fact that the French were more helpful than that the company and he gets help from the French for his requirements of lead, saltpetre as well as guns.

At this time American Independence war started and it became a headache for Lord Warren Hastings because both British, as well as French, fought the opposite. Here, the Britishers tried to attack Mahe but it was under the protection of Haider ad the attack in this place increased the rage of Ali.

Course of the Second Anglo-Mysore War

An alliance was taken place between Ali and Nizam as well as Marathas and they collaborated to fight against the company. In the year 1781, Ali defeated the army of English who were under Colonel Baillie and then he captured Arcot. In this way, the second war of Anglo-Mysore happened.

The English then pulled Marathas as well as Nizam from the side of Ali and then the Porto Novo Battle took place between Ali and the British on 1st July 1781. In this battle, Ali gets defeated and was made a prisoner. The death of Ali happened in the year 1782 and his son Tipu Sultan take this battle over.

Treaty of Mangalore

The continuation of the 2nd war of Anglo-Mysore is seen for another year. It is observed that both sides get tired and they signed a treaty namely the Treaty of Mangalore in 1784. As per the treaty, both sides are reinstituted from each other’s territories.


The first, as well as the second war of Anglo-Mysore, were proved as important wars in the history of India. They were considered to be the two most famous wars against the company of the British. The most important characters of these two wars are BEIC, Nizam, Haider, the Marathas, as well as the son of Haider. The treaties played important roles in those wars and the noted commitments in the treaties are considered to be great. These are referred to be the importance of those two wars in the history of India.


Q1.Who gets the victory of the 1st war of Anglo-Mysore?

Ans.The first war of Anglo-Mysore was considered to be inconclusive and that is the reason it had bought to an end with a treaty. The treaty was the treaty of Madras and it happened on 4th April 1769.

Q2.What is Porto Novo?

Ans. Porto Novo is considered to be a war that was fought against Ali by the British. This was taken place in the year 1781 and Ali gets defeated in this war and the army of British was under Sir Eyre Coote.

Updated on: 18-Dec-2023


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