The echo Command in Linux


The echo command is a fundamental command in Linux that is used to send text or variables to the terminal. It is one of the most basic and essential Linux commands, and mastering it is imperative for beginners to navigate the command line more easily. In this post, we'll take a closer look at the use and advanced features of the echo command.

Basic use of echo command

The echo command is used to print text to the terminal. It can be used with both single and double quotes, with double quotes allowing the use of variables and special characters.

$ echo "Hello, Linux!"
Hello, Linux!

$ echo "Hello, Linux!"
Hello, Linux!

In the examples above, we used the echo command to print "Hello Linux!" to the terminal As you can see, the result is the same whether we use single or double quotes.

The echo command also has an option, ‘-e’, which allows us to interpret backslash escapes, such as newlines, tabs, and backspaces. For example, the following command will print "Hello Linux!" in two lines −

$ echo -e "Hello,
Linux!" Hello, Linux!

The echo command can also be used to print special characters, such as the bell character, using the ‘-e’ option and the appropriate escape sequence. For instance −

$ echo -e "Hello,\aLinux!"
Hello, Linux!

The above command will produce a warning sound (bell) when executed. Another option to the echo command is ‘-n’, which will prevent the command from adding a new line to the end of the output.

$ echo -n "Hello, Linux!"
Hello, Linux!

As you can see, in the example above, the cursor is positioned after the output instead of moving to the next line.

Advanced use of echo command

The echo command has several advanced functions that can be used to manipulate text in the terminal. When echo command is mixed with the power of Bash, it can be simply used for various advanced tasks.

Shell Variables

To print a variable, we use the echo command followed by the variable name preceded by the dollar sign.

$ name="John"
$ echo "My name is $name"
My name is John

In this example, we first define a variable called "name" and assign the value "John". Next, we use the echo command to print "My name is" followed by the value of the "name" variable.

Append and overwrite text in files

The echo command can also be used to add text to a file or overwrite a file. To add text to a file, we use the echo command followed by the text we want to add and the ">>" operator.

$ echo "This is a new line" >> existing_file.txt

This command will add the text "This is a new line" to the existing file "existing_file.txt".

To overwrite a file, we use the echo command followed by the text we want to add and the ">" operator.

$ echo "This is the new content" > existing_file.txt

This command will replace the existing content of the "existing_file.txt" file with "This is the new content".

Input and output redirection with echo command

The echo command can also be used in combination with input and output redirection operators. the greater than (>`) operator is used to redirect the output of a command to a file. For example, the following command will redirect the output of the echo command to a file called "output.txt" −

$ echo "Hello, Linux!" > output.txt

The less than (<) operator is used to redirect input to a command. For example, the following command will use the contents of a file named "input.txt" as input to the echo command −

$ echo < input.txt

The pipe operator (|) is used to pipe the output of one command to the input of another command. For example, the following command will use the output of the echo command as input to the cat command −

$ echo "Hello, Linux!" | cat


The echo command is a powerful and versatile command that is essential for any Linux user to master. It can be used to print text to the terminal, manipulate variables, append and overwrite text in files, and redirect input and output. With its many features and options, the echo command is a great tool for automating tasks and streamlining workflows in Linux.

Updated on: 13-Feb-2023

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