The Distinction Between Broadcasted and Addressable Messages

It was, is, and will always be important for companies to deliver their advertising messages to consumers. These advertising messages stimulate the consumer's external stimulus, compelling them to purchase a product that meets needs other than biological ones. Advertising and promotional media have gone through a lot of changes since their evolution. From minimal television sets in the household to smartphones in every hand, because technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, businesses can now choose between advertising to a large group of consumers or segmenting the consumers and advertising accordingly.

In this article, we will be diving deep into the concepts of both broadcast and addressable messages, the pros and cons of both broadcast and addressable messages, and the future mode of communication for companies.

Broadcasted Messages

This form of communication by the companies may also be referred to as the traditional form of communication. Here, the companies design one single advertisement message and broadcast it for a larger or mass audience. The channels that companies generally use for broadcasting the messages are −

  • Large billboards or hoardings on roads and highways

  • Television sets

  • Daily Newspapers

  • Magazine articles

  • radio slots, among others.

The Pros of Broadcasting the Advertisement Messages

  • Cost Saving − Broadcasted messages are cost-saving forms of communication because companies do not have to design different advertising messages for the myriad subcategories of viewers and consumers. The company can design one impactful and mesmerizing advertisement message and use it for all the audience members. Alter the broadcast message only in cases of language barriers, ethnicity barriers, nationality changes, and other major changes. Also, since the company will be advertising only one form of advertisement, companies can buy one slot in bulk and hence save some money, which will not be possible in the case of addressable messages.

  • Can target the mass audience − Broadcasting helps the company target the mass audience. Companies do not always have the goal of ensuring sales through advertising; sometimes they want brand recognition, and sometimes they only act as a reminder for the consumers about the brand and its products. The mass audience also includes potential or laid-back consumers, and through broadcast messages, companies have the chance to convert them into potential buyers.

The Cons of Broadcasted Messages

  • It is a generalized form of communication − Since the company is using one advertisement for all its consumers, who are different in terms of religion, race, caste, creed, economic status, social status, educational background, and others, the message that the company issues is a very generalized one. The consumers do not feel connected to the brand or its product. For them, it is just another advertisement, not a product or brand that they can relate to. In simple words, companies are not able to create an impact in the minds of consumers.

  • The view-to-sales ratio is lower − because the company uses a generalized message that is not supported by data, resulting in fewer purchases than the number of views the advertisement receives -The company fails to meet its end goal of sales through its promotional efforts, and hence it becomes difficult for the companies to survive in this cutthroat market environment where consumers are spoiled with choices.

  • The messages are not interactive − broadcast messages are generally one-sided. It means that the company delivers its message, and the consumer, who might have some follow-up questions regarding the product or brand, knows no one who can help him with that. Consumers cannot even know more about the product or service being offered unless they are in the store face-to-face with the salesperson.

  • The company is not using the data-driven benefits − Today, the world runs on data. Companies now have information about an individual's age, gender, family composition, and financial status simply by watching the television shows that individual watches. Through broadcasted messages, companies are not able to derive the benefits of having such a powerful tool at their disposal.

  • It is difficult to check the effectiveness of the broadcast message − Since the broadcast messages have no follow-up links or numbers through which consumers can interact with the brand, it becomes difficult for the companies to check the effectiveness of the broadcast messages. There could be situations where the company has 5 or 6 buyers when the advertisement is viewed by thousands of people.

Addressable Messages

Addressable messages are personalized messages for the different consumer segments of a brand. It is a two-way form of communication. It is also known as the modern form of advertising or the data-driven form of advertising. Here, the companies are designing different advertisements as per the needs and characteristics of the different consumer segments. For example, two neighborhood households in New York City are watching the same show, "This is Us," at the same time, but the advertisements that they are viewing are poles apart. Companies are using the following channels for addressable messages −

  • Television sets

  • OTT channels

  • Social media platforms

  • Mobile phones and others

The Pros of Addressable Messages

  • Customized messages − Through addressable messages, companies are able to customize the advertising message for each consumer segment. An environmental practitioner with no children, for example, will see an advertisement for electric-compatible vehicles, whereas a family with two children and a stay-at-home mom will see an advertisement for utility vehicles. It helps the company create a bond with the consumer; it is like speaking directly to the consumer.

  • The messages are interactive − after every advertisement through social media or other channels, companies provide links to their website so that consumers can easily gather more information regarding the product and the brand. This helps the consumer make the purchase decision faster, and it feels like the company cares about them and their views.

  • Advertising is data-driven − companies are able to create customized messages and show them to the viewers because of the data that they have acquired through research. Data is the fuel for companies' advertising.

  • Response is measurable − Since the interaction is two-way, companies are able to measure the effectiveness of the advertisement through the number of link visits, sales made, and others. Companies can improve based on the feedback they receive.

  • The sales-to-view ratio is high − Since the company is only targeting relevant households and consumers, we see that sales go up.

The Cons of Addressable Messages

  • Cost-bearing activity − Addressable messages seem like a costly function because the companies have to design different advertisements for the different consumer segments and broadcast them on different channels. The company also has to bear the research costs.

  • Not capturing the large audience − The company is unable to capture the large audience because of its narrowcasting. The potential consumers, or the laid-back consumers, are left behind. The brand's recognition also suffers.

However, after weighing the benefits and drawbacks of both addressable and broadcast messages, one can safely conclude that addressable messages are the more effective and modern mode of communication. Today's market is flooded with similar and identical products, and the company's addressable messages will help it stand out from the crowd. Companies have to understand that winners will always stand alone, so they have to bear the cost and enjoy the benefits of a loyal customer base, more sales, and a bond with the community.

Updated on: 15-Feb-2023


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