The border Shorthand Property in CSS

The border property is used to define the border properties for an element. It is a shorthand for the following properties −

  • border-width − medium, thin, thick or a specific length

  • border-style − solid, dashed, dotted, double

  • border-color − Set the color


The syntax of the CSS border property is as follows −

Selector {
   border: /*value*/

The value is the border style, width, and color.

The following examples illustrate CSS border property −

Set a dotted border

In this example, we have set a dotted border using the border property with the style dotted −

#demo {
   border: 4px dotted magenta;


Let us see the example −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      img {
         margin-top: 14px;
         margin-left: 30px;
         border: 2px solid orange;
         box-shadow: 0 0 12px 1px black;
      #demo {
         border: 4px dotted magenta;
   <img src="">  
   <img id="demo" src="">

Set a double border

In this example, we have set a double border using the border property. Here the border width is 2px, style is double and color navy −

td {
   font-size: 24px;
   border: 2px double navy;


Let us see the example −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      table {
         margin: 1em;
         border: 3px dashed green;
      td {
         font-size: 24px;
         border: 2px double navy;

Set a dashed border

In this example, we have set dashed border using the border property. Here the border width is 2px, style is dashed and color blue −

h2 {
   border: 2px dashed blue;


Let us see the example −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      body {
         background: rgba(50,100,50,0.4)url("") no-repeat center;
      h2 {
      border: 2px dashed blue;
   <h2>Learning is fun</h2>

Set a thin border

In this example, we have set a thin border using the border property with the width thin −

h2 {
   border: thin solid blue;


Let us see the example −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      body {
         background: rgba(50,100,50,0.4)url("") no-repeat center;
      h2 {
      border: thin solid blue;
   <h2>Learning is fun</h2>

Set a thick border

In this example, we have set a thick border using the border property with the width thick −

h2 {
   border: thick solid red;


Let us see the example −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      body {
         background: rgba(50,100,50,0.4)url("") no-repeat center;
      h2 {
         border: thick solid red;
   <h2>Learning is fun</h2>

Updated on: 28-Dec-2023


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