The Best Management Practice Portfolio

It is important to know how your company will perform in the future and to ensure you are doing everything possible to make that happen. This article discusses how the best management practices can help build a successful company.

What is a management practice portfolio?

A management practice portfolio is a collection of evidence that supports the effectiveness of a particular management practice. The purpose of a management practice portfolio is to help managers justify their use of specific management practices and to provide information that can be used to improve the effectiveness of those practices. A good management practice portfolio should include at least three pieces of evidence −

  • Data from past performance or trials. This data should show that the management practice effectively achieves its goals.

  • Observations from current employees or clients. This data should show that the management practice is being used successfully and that people are happy with it.

  • Research similar practices in other industries or countries. This data should show whether or not the management practice is common and if it is effective.

Why should you have one?

The best management practice portfolio is essential for any company that wants to improve its management practices. Compiling a comprehensive, up-to-date list of best practices allows your company to identify and adopt the most effective techniques worldwide.

Portfolio management is a key process for any organization, guiding many aspects of your organizational process. Figure 1 depicts the workflow that portfolio management is involved with, which shows major information flows between the process blades - feedback loops are assumed and not shown.

Practical tips for making a decision for portfolio management

The process of portfolio management is−

Identify value

A great way to increase your business's productivity is by working with your product management team. This will allow your portfolio management team to identify potential new ideas and products for development. You will do this by monitoring the business environment to see what your competitors are doing, obtaining feedback from existing customers, and envisioning the future needs of your customers through agile modeling and brainstorming sessions.

Planning Capability

To be successful, your business needs the right people with the right skills to accomplish its goals. To do that, management must exercise good decision-making processes and coordination to ensure the right people are at the right place and time.

Exploring endeavors

A savvy entrepreneur with a good idea will need pro-level help. The development process can take a long time and has many pitfalls, so it helps to have someone on your team who can guide you through each step. A smart development team will consider your business case for the endeavor, as well as alternate approaches—they may even run a focus group or small experiment to understand better where potential obstacles might lie.

Prioritizing endeavors

You'll want to prioritize potential endeavors and invest wisely in the ones you deem important. There are many factors to consider when prioritizing, so no one approach works for all situations.

Managing the budget of the portfolio

Managing your portfolio can be difficult due to the number of ideas you have and the amount of time and energy it takes to produce them. Moving away from project-based financing is a great strategy for cost savings and performance, but it needs to catch up in fashion among traditional firms. We recommend planning on a rolling wave approach rather than an annual budgeting process to get more efficient with your portfolio.

Initiating Endeavors

When a new product is to be developed, either the product team or the project team can take on the task. When you start building an idea, however, your approach needs to be leaner. Here's where you'll need service teams and operational teams as well.

Financing endeavors

Entrepreneurs face many challenges. Chief among these are risk, cost, and funding. Entrepreneurs will need both funds and support to reduce costs, access new markets, and raise awareness.

Ending Endeavors

Sometimes, it takes a lot of time, resources, and effort to complete a project. Sometimes, they're canceled partway through, while others go to completion. Some projects are retracted from the marketplace, meaning they can never be bought again, while other offerings are disbanded when automated service teams exist.

Addressing risks of the portfolio

Each initiative should identify and understand its unique risks. At the company level, these risks must be aggregated to ensure we're mitigating real issues that might affect the entire company along with all our projects.

Governing portfolio

One person will spearhead the overall portfolio. This includes in-progress development projects and operational solutions (think marketplace design). Portfolio governance is a subset of your overall strategy.

How to get started?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the right way to get started with portfolio management will vary based on your organization's particular needs. But some tips that may be helpful include −

  • Start by assessing your current management practices. This will help you understand where to focus your efforts and what improvements can be made.

  • Create a plan of action. This document should detail your plan to improve your management practices and track progress.

  • Create benchmarks and measurement tools. These will help you track whether your goals are being met and make adjustments as necessary.

  • Adopt an agile methodology. This approach encourages rapid decision-making and change, which is important when trying to improve management practices quickly.

  • Train staff members on new methods and strategies. This will help them be more effective in their roles and ensure that all employees are aware of the changes being made across the organization.

Benefits of the Best Management Practice Portfolio 

A portfolio of best management practices (BMP) can be an effective way to attain environmental and economic benefits. BMP portfolios are various techniques, policies, and strategies that work together to address environmental or economic problems.

Generally, a BMP portfolio is most effective when it is tailored to the specific needs of a particular organization. A well-designed BMP portfolio should include the following five components −

  • Identification of environmental or economic problems

  • Selection of appropriate techniques, policies, and strategies

  • Implementation of the selected techniques, policies, and strategies

  • Evaluation and refinement of the selected techniques, policies, and strategies as necessary

  • Maintenance and updating of the BMP portfolio

How to stay on track?

There are a few things you can do to stay on track when it comes to your management practice portfolio. First, ensure that all of your work is properly documented, which will help you track progress and identify any weaknesses in your skills. Additionally, regularly review your portfolio to ensure that it meets your client's needs and reflects your best work. Finally, keep a positive attitude and remember that mistakes are part of the learning process − embrace them!


The best management practice portfolio showcases your organization's strengths and offers potential clients a glimpse into your services. Crafting an effective portfolio is not easy, but it can be done with careful planning and execution. By developing a portfolio that highlights your unique selling points, you will increase your chances of landing future contracts and increasing revenue.

Updated on: 01-Dec-2022


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