Test Data Generation (What, How to, Example, Tools)

The idea that "designing test cases is tough enough, why to care about something as minor as test data" may occur to you as a tester. This guide will provide an overview of test data, explain why it's important, and show you some effective methods for creating it.

What Does Test Data Mean in Software Testing?

The term "test data" refers to the actual information fed into a software application during the testing process. It stands for information that has an effect on or is impacted by, the execution of software during testing. Positive testing uses test data to ensure that functions provide the anticipated outcomes for the specified inputs, whereas negative testing uses test data to evaluate the program's responsiveness to out-of-the-ordinary scenarios.

The quality of the program might suffer if not all viable test cases are covered by the available testing data.

What is the importance of this?

Test data are essential, and this example shows why. Let's say you're interested in mobile app testing. When testing mobile apps, it's important to use a wide range of input data, including photographs in different file formats, music files in supported and unsupported formats, videos, contact files, and sample emails. The tester will be unable to proceed with testing and will not obtain the desired findings if this data is not available.

Test Data Types

There are several ways to categorize test data.

Using "blank files" or "no data" guarantees that the application can handle errors and throw the correct error because the program has been given no information to work with.

A "valid set of test data" is a collection of files that can be read and processed by the software. They should function as intended when used as input.

An "invalid set of test data" is a collection of unsupported file formats intended to verify that the application can read them and display an accurate error message if it encounters one.

Load, performance, and stress testing need large volumes of data that cannot be generated dynamically during execution and must instead be prepared in advance. To load an application, for instance, a tester may require as many as 10,000 unique format files, any of which may have been produced by an automated script or preexisting test data.

The test data is designed to guarantee that all boundary conditions are satisfied by including data with every possible combination of boundary values. For a text box that accepts integers from 2 to 20, for instance, type in 2 (for the minimum) and 20 (for the maximum). These values are the limits of what the software can handle, and if the tester pushes past them, the program will crash.

The ideal set of test data would include every conceivable combination of data, making it impossible to miss any major faults.

What exactly is "Test Data generation"? Why it's important to create test data before test execution.

Everyone is aware that testing generates and utilizes massive amounts of data. A test's initial conditions are defined by the data used in the test, and the tester modifies the program through this data. It plays a significant role in the majority of Functional Tests.

Whether you need to develop test data from scratch (which is likely the case) or just choose test data that is suitable for your test cases depends on the nature of your testing environment.

Normally, test data is created in accordance with the test case it will be used in.

Test Data may be generated −

  • Manually

  • Mass transfer of data from production to testing environment

  • Mass copy of test data from older client systems

  • Automated Test Data Generation Tools

It is impossible to manage test data without first creating sample data, which should be done before actual test execution begins. Since many testing environments need extensive preliminary processes or lengthy test environment configurations to generate test data. In addition, you risk going over schedule if you wait until the test execution phase to create the necessary test data.

Various testing types and some speculation on their respective data needs are provided below.

Test Data for White Box Testing

Test data Management in White Box Testing is gleaned from an in-depth analysis of the source code itself. Consider the following while selecting test data:

  • It is preferable to test as many possible paths through the program's source code, so testing data may be created to guarantee that every possible path through the code has been explored.

  • Each possible program execution route is tested, and test data can be optimized to cover as many use cases as possible.

  • Negative API Testing −

    • Incorrect logic types may have been utilized to call several methods in the testing data.

    • Incorrect parameter combinations may be utilized to call the program's methods in the course of testing.

Test Data for Performance Testing

The goal of performance testing is to determine how quickly a system recovers from an imposed load. This kind of testing isn't meant to find bugs, but rather to eliminate bottlenecks.

One crucial aspect of Performance Testing is that the data used to simulate production conditions be as close as possible to actual production data. Okay, testing with real data is great, but how can I get my hands on some? is a problem that naturally emerges. The answer comes straight from the individuals who are most knowledgeable about the problem: the customers. They might be able to share data they already have with you, and if they don't, they might be able to help you out by commenting on what the real-world data could look like if it existed.

It is common practice in maintenance testing projects to copy production data to the test bed. Sensitive client information, such as Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account details, etc., should be anonymized (scrambled) before being used in the copy.

Test Data for Security Testing

Testing for security flaws in an information system is known as penetration testing. In order to conduct a thorough evaluation of software security, it is necessary to compile data on the following −

  • All client information is treated with the utmost discretion and is never disclosed to third parties. If your app encrypts data using SSL, for instance, you may create a set of test data to verify that the encryption was performed correctly.

  • Check the reliability of the system's data to ensure its integrity. To create useful test data, you need first to examine the architecture, programs, data sources, and files.

  • The term "authentication" refers to the steps used to verify the claimed identity of a user. The purpose of testing data, which may be created in the form of a unique combination of usernames and passwords, is to guarantee that only authorized users have access to the system.

  • What rights a user has is communicated through the authorization process. To ensure that only users with the necessary permissions may do a specific activity, testing data may include a unique combination of users, roles, and activities.

Test Data for Black Box Testing

When performing Black Box Testing, the tester does not have access to the source code. You may use test data that satisfies the following conditions in your functional test cases −

  • Verify how the system responds when given no input

  • Verify the system's reaction to known, good test data

  • Invalid test data Verify the system's reaction to invalid test data

  • Verify what happens to the testing system when given incorrect data.

  • Test Data Satisfying Boundary Value Conditions - Boundary Condition Dataset

  • Test Data Verifying Your Equivalence Partitions in the Equivalence Partition Data Set.

  • Test data for validating your decision-table testing strategy is available in the Decision Table Data Set.

  • Test data for your state transition testing strategy in the State Transition Test Data Set

  • Data for testing purposes that corresponds to your use cases.

Instruments for Automatically Generating Test Data

You may use several automated test data generation tools to generate a wide range of data types. A few instances of such instruments are shown below −

Database testing (performance testing, quality assurance testing, load testing, or usability testing) can benefit greatly from the use of the DTM Test Data generator, a highly customizable application that generates data, and tables (views, processes, etc.).

Banner Software's Datatect, a SQL data generator, creates test data in a variety of formats, including ASCII flat files and native formats for RDBMS, including Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, and Informix.


High-quality testing information is crucial for identifying and fixing fundamental problems with operations. At each stage of a multi-stage product development cycle, the test data selection should be reevaluated. As such, make sure to monitor it regularly.

Updated on: 03-Jul-2023

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