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person icon Vivian Aranha



Basic to Advanced Training in TensorFlow

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Vivian Aranha

category icon TensorFlow,Machine Learning,Artificial Intelligence,Deep Learning,IT & Software

Lectures -49

Duration -4.5 hours



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Course Description

TensorFlow, a powerful open-source machine learning framework, enables building and training diverse models with its flexible architecture and high-level APIs like Keras. 

Key concepts include tensors, computational graphs, neural networks, and deployment tools like TensorFlow Serving. Next steps involve exploring advanced topics, contributing to the community, engaging in real-world projects, and continuous learning. 

TensorFlow Extended (TFX) facilitates end-to-end ML pipelines. By mastering TensorFlow's capabilities, users can deploy models in production environments, contribute to open-source projects, and stay updated with industry trends, empowering them to solve complex problems and advance their careers in machine learning.


1. Tensors:

  • Tensors are the fundamental data structures in TensorFlow, representing multi-dimensional arrays of numerical values.
  • Scalars are 0-dimensional tensors, vectors are 1-dimensional tensors, matrices are 2-dimensional tensors, and higher-dimensional tensors are arrays with more than two dimensions.
  • Tensors can be constants (immutable), variables (mutable), or placeholders (for input data during computation).

2. Computational Graph:

  • TensorFlow uses a computational graph to represent mathematical operations as nodes and data flow as edges.
  • Nodes in the graph represent operations, such as addition, multiplication, and neural network layers.
  • Edges represent the flow of tensors between operations, indicating the input-output relationships.

3. Sessions:

  • TensorFlow uses sessions to execute operations and evaluate tensors within a computational graph.
  • Sessions allocate resources, such as CPU or GPU, and manage the execution of operations in the graph.
  • Sessions are responsible for initializing variables, running operations, and releasing resources after computation.

4. Variables and Operations:

  • Variables are mutable tensors that hold values that can be updated during computation.
  • Operations are functions that take tensors as input, perform computations, and produce output tensors.
  • TensorFlow provides a wide range of built-in operations for mathematical operations, neural network layers, optimization algorithms, etc.

5. Neural Networks:

  • Neural networks are computational models inspired by the structure and function of the human brain.
  • TensorFlow enables the construction and training of neural networks for tasks such as classification, regression, and clustering.
  • Common neural network architectures include feedforward networks, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and transformers.

6. Training and Optimization:

  • Training involves iteratively adjusting the parameters of a model to minimize a loss function, using techniques such as gradient descent and backpropagation.
  • TensorFlow provides optimizers, loss functions, and metrics for training and evaluating machine learning models.
  • Hyperparameter tuning, regularization, and early stopping are common techniques used to improve model performance and prevent overfitting.

7. Deployment and Serving:

  • Once trained, TensorFlow models can be deployed for inference on various platforms, including servers, mobile devices, and the cloud.
  • TensorFlow Serving is a system for serving machine learning models in production environments, providing scalable and efficient inference capabilities.
  • TensorFlow Lite enables the deployment of models on mobile and embedded devices with limited computational resources.

8. TensorFlow Extended (TFX):

  • TensorFlow Extended (TFX) is a platform for building end-to-end machine learning pipelines, from data ingestion to model deployment and monitoring.
  • TFX components include data validation, preprocessing, model training, evaluation, and serving, facilitating the development and deployment of production-grade ML systems.

9. TensorFlow Quantum (TFQ):

  • TensorFlow Quantum (TFQ) is an open-source library for quantum machine learning, allowing researchers and developers to build and train quantum machine learning models using TensorFlow.
  • TFQ integrates quantum computing concepts and tools with TensorFlow's computational graph and optimization capabilities, enabling the development of quantum-enhanced machine learning algorithms.





Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Introduction to TensorFlow
6 Lectures
  • play icon What is Machine Learning? 10:59 10:59
  • play icon Introduction to TensorFlow 07:53 07:53
  • play icon TensorFlow vs. other Machine Learning frameworks 15:11 15:11
  • play icon Installing TensorFlow 11:46 11:46
  • play icon Setting up your development environment 09:39 09:39
  • play icon Verifying the installation 13:33 13:33
Basics of TensorFlow
9 Lectures
Intermediate TensorFlow
9 Lectures
Advanced TensorFlow
9 Lectures
Practical Applications and Projects
8 Lectures
Further Learning and Resources
6 Lectures
Summary of Tensor Flow
2 Lectures

Instructor Details

Vivian Aranha

Vivian Aranha

After completing my Master's in Computer Science at George Washington University, started working on Web and Mobile Applications. Have been training people in Mobile Technologies since 2009 in both iOS and Android Technology.

Been building Mobile Apps and Websites since 2002 for brands like Delta Air Lines, The Washington Post, Cars, Kaplan, and many more. Have more than 150 mobile applications of my own.

Hands-on experience architecting, developing, and publishing apps since 2009.

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