Ten Foods that Keep your Blood Sugar Under Control

Managing your blood sugar can feel like a full-time job for people with diabetes. What you eat is one of the biggest ways to keep it in check, but it doesn't have to be boring! Today we're going to look at ten tasty foods that won't spike your blood sugar and may even help you get better control. So if you're ready to break away from ramen noodles and lettuce leaves, let's dive into some delicious diabetes-friendly meals packed with flavour – without the stress!

Ten Highly Beneficial Food for People with Diabetes


Avocado is known as a superfood due to its many health benefits. One of the ways it's good for us is how it affects our blood sugar levels. While other high-fat foods can raise blood sugar, avocados have a low glycaemic index, meaning they do not cause an increase in blood glucose levels. This is because they are filled with healthy fats and dietary fibre that slow down digestion and hinder the uptake of simple sugars into the bloodstream. These heart-healthy fats also help reduce cholesterol by reducing LDL (or bad cholesterol) and increasing HDL (or good cholesterol). All of these properties make avocado an ideal addition to any meal for anyone looking to manage their blood sugar levels.


It is often thought that eating berries can have a significant impact on blood sugar levels, and however, research has found that the effect is quite minimal. When considering dietary fibre and other nutritional factors, berries are among the best fruits for people with diabetes or keeping their blood sugar in check. Additionally, berries generally have low glycaemic indexes, contributing to their minimal impact on blood sugar. There are many benefits to adding berries as part of a healthy diet, and steps should be taken to incorporate more of them into your meal plan. So rather than avoiding them due to false concerns about their contributions to one's blood sugar level, it really may be okay to reach for the berry basket at the store!

Fatty Fish

Eating fatty fish, such as salmon and mackerel, has been linked to improved health due to its Omega-3 fatty acid content. Recent research has particularly examined the effects of fatty fish on blood sugar levels. While there is some evidence that eating fatty fish may have slight benefits for regulating blood sugar levels, the overall impact appears to be minimal. Scientists believe that metabolic processes are more affected by changes in dietary fat, such as saturated or trans fat, rather than alterations in seafood consumption. The glycaemic index is generally not affected by fish either. Therefore, although fatty fish can be a healthy dietary choice overall, it does not appear to have much influence on blood sugar levels.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and Seeds are often seen as good snacks to stay full between meals, but they have the bonus of having little impact on blood sugar. This is why they are recommended for people with diabetes—the low glycaemic index of nuts and seeds helps maintain a stable glucose level throughout the day. As an additional benefit, they are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to overall health. While not typically considered a key part of any diet, nuts and seeds can play an important role in controlling blood sugar levels or even weight-related issues such as obesity. Including these nutritious snack items in your daily life can ensure that your body receives enough nourishment while learning to balance your blood sugar levels.


Eggs are a great choice for those who are looking for a diet option that won't spike their blood sugar levels. Recent research on eggs shows that they have little to no effect on your glucose levels; in fact, consuming eggs as a dietary addition resulted in beneficial changes in some participants' readings. Specifically, the results showed lower average glycated haemoglobin values, suggesting that consuming eggs is associated with improved glycaemic control. Eggs are a nutritious, tasty food for many breakfast dishes, and now it can be guilt-free given its low effects on blood sugar!

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are an essential part of a healthy diet, but unfortunately, many people miss out on their benefits due to misinformation about their impact on blood sugar levels. While it is true that vegetables naturally contain carbohydrates and can be higher in sugar than some foods, the human body does not treat them in the same way as other sugars we consume. Leafy greens contain important vitamins and minerals like iron, fibre, Vitamin K and Beta Carotene with minimal impact on blood sugar levels due to complex carbohydrates. These complex carbs help regulate appetite while providing sustained energy without the insulin spike associated with simple carbs. So get creative with leafy greens in your cooking and enjoy all the nutrition they offer!


Yoghurts are often promoted as a health food, but the truth is that they can have minimal impact on blood sugar. Certain types of yoghurts contain added sugars which make them less useful in helping control blood sugar levels, while others may contain more protein and probiotics - beneficial bacteria - than carbohydrates. While diets containing yoghurt are not necessarily free from consequences for glucose metabolism, many studies have shown that these foods can help reduce it over time. Because of this potential to affect blood sugar, adding yoghurts to your diet might be something you want to consider if you are looking for ways to keep better track of its levels.


Studies have shown that garlic has a minimal impact on blood sugar levels due to its relatively low carbohydrate content. Its trace amounts of carbohydrates make it insufficient to cause a significant rise in sugar levels and therefore is safe for diabetics to consume. Rather than impacting blood sugar, the real health benefit of garlic comes from its other nutrients, such as allicin, which are found abundantly in raw garlic cloves and provide strong antioxidant-like benefits that may protect against oxidative damage to cells. Research indicates that the compounds found in garlic are known to act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents, which may reduce the risk of chronic diseases. While eating garlic may not have much of an explicit or immediate effect on blood sugar levels, its nutrients are still beneficial to overall health. They should be incorporated into any individual's diet.


Vinegar is a popular condiment with a long history of use as a food flavouring and preservative. However, recent research has demonstrated that vinegar plays a lesser role in stabilizing blood sugar levels than was previously thought. This is because vinegar has only minor effects on the absorption and digestion of carbohydrates, which are responsible for spikes in blood sugar. When consumed alongside certain foods that contain simple sugars, vinegar can slightly delay those sugars from entering the bloodstream and spiking glucose levels. Still, the effect is so small that it could not constitute an effective form of sugar control unless large amounts of vinegar were ingested every day. So while vinegar may be beneficial as part of an overall balanced diet, it should not be counted on as providing any serious impact on controlling blood sugar levels.

Dark Chocolate

Enjoying a bar of dark chocolate has become a popular way to treat one's sweet tooth. However, it is important to note that eating dark chocolates has little impact on blood sugar levels. According to recent studies, dark chocolate has surprisingly low glycaemic properties and does not contain many carbohydrates or sugar, so it does not cause major changes when indulged in moderation. Eating it in large quantities can cause an increase in the body's glucose levels, though this is uncommon and would only be relevant when the intake amounts are extremely high. In general, the effect of having a few squares of dark chocolate is relatively insignificant on an individual's blood sugar or insulin response.


These are just a few foods that can help keep your blood sugar in check. If you have diabetes or prediabetes, work with a registered dietitian to create a meal plan for you. And remember to include physical activity in your daily routine. Just 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week can help lower blood sugar levels.

Updated on: 14-Feb-2023


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