Technical SEO Techniques and Strategies

When it comes to search engine optimization, the technical aspects are crucial. Your SEO efforts are unlikely to bear fruit if there are issues with the technical aspects of the process. To this end, it is of the utmost importance that you learn about technical SEO and how to do it properly.

It's good news that after you've performed a technical SEO audit of your website and fixed any possible issues, you won't have to worry about them again.

We'll cover what technical SEO is, why it's important, and how to do a technical audit of your website using our handy technical SEO strategy checklist in this article.

So What Does "Technical SEO" Entail?

Technical search engine optimization (SEO) focuses on enhancing the backend structure of a website to boost its visibility in SERPs. The foundations of technical optimization include making a website quicker, simpler to crawl, and more intelligible for search engines.

Technical search engine optimization (SEO) is a subset of on-page SEO that emphasizes enhancing aspects of your website itself to get better ranks. Unlike off-page SEO, which focuses on increasing a site's visibility via means other than its pages, on-page SEO focuses on improving a page's existing content.

Just Why is it Important to Make Technological Improvements to Your Site?

Google and other search engines aim to provide consumers with the most relevant information in response to their searches. As a result, Google's bots scour the web and assess each page based on a wide range of criteria. Considering the user's perspective on issues like page load time is important. More characteristics aid web crawlers in understanding the content of your pages. It is one of the many functions served by structured data.

So, enhancing the site's technological components aids search engines in indexing and understanding your content. If you succeed at this, you could get promoted. Achieve some financially rewarding outcomes, if you will.

The converse is also true: disastrous technological errors on your website may have negative financial consequences. If you add a trailing slash to your robots.txt file in the incorrect spot, you won't be the first person to completely prevent search engines from indexing your site.

Yet, you shouldn't worry about SEO at the expense of user experience. An effective website is one that serves its intended audience by meeting their needs in terms of speed, clarity, and usability. Thankfully, if you provide a solid technological groundwork, your users and search engines will benefit.

If a Website is Technically Optimized, What Makes it so?

A well-built website loads quickly for visitors and is simple to navigate for search engine spiders. With the right technological foundation, search engines can better comprehend a site's content. It also eliminates ambiguity brought on by things like content duplication. It also avoids the problem of broken links leading users and search engines in circles. This article will quickly cover a few key elements of a technically sound website.

One, it's Quick

Today's online pages must be lightweight and load quickly. Nowadays, nobody has time to wait for a website to load. In 2016, studies found that if a mobile website doesn't load within three seconds, 53% of visitors will quit. This pattern persists. Studies conducted in 2022 show that for every additional second that an e-commerce website takes to load, conversion rates decline by around 0.3%. As a result, you stand to lose potential visitors if your website loads slowly.

Search Engines May Index it

Spiders are the automated programs used by search engines to crawl your website. Following the links on your site is how the robots find new material to index. You may ensure that readers will grasp the significance of your site's most vital information by using an excellent system of internal links.

But this isn't the only option for directing robots. If you don't want them to access a certain page or set of pages, you may prevent them from crawling it. You may even permit them to crawl a page while instructing them to ignore any links on that page and exclude the page from search results altogether.

The Number of Broken Links is Minimal

As we've already established, dealing with a website that loads slowly is annoying. A nonexistent page is even more frustrating for site users than a delayed page. A 404 error page will be shown if a visitor tries to access a page that does not exist on your site. Your painstakingly curated user experience has just been destroyed.

Even search engines dislike coming across these mistake sites. And since they follow every link they come across, even if it's hidden, they locate even more dead connections than visitors.

There is no Duplicate Material to Cause Issues with Search Engines

SEO strategy may get confused if they see duplicate information on different pages of your site or other sites. Since both sites provide the same information, how should Google decide which to prioritize? That's why they may demote all of the duplicates.

You may be dealing with duplicate content difficulties and are unaware of them. This is so for technical reasons but also means that the same material might be found at several Addresses. The URL may change, but the content remains the same for site visitors and search engines.

Safe to Use

Site security is greatly enhanced by technological optimization. It's not optional to ensure your users' privacy by creating a secure website. One of the most important things you can do to safeguard your (WordPress) website is to switch to HTTPS.

The information transferred between the browser and the server is encrypted using HTTPS to prevent interception. It means, for instance, that users' credentials are protected whenever they check in to your site. An SSL certificate is required to use HTTPS on your website. Google knows the importance of keeping user data safe, so they've made HTTPS a ranking indication.

Websites with a Global Audience Utilize Hreflang

When a website is designed for users in more than one nation or even many countries where the same language is spoken, search engines require guidance in determining which of these audiences to prioritize. They can direct interested parties to the most relevant regional website with your assistance.

That's exactly what hreflang tags are for. They allow you to choose the locale and language of each page. This eliminates the possibility of a duplicate content issue since Google will recognize that your US and UK sites are created for distinct audiences even if they display identical information.


To ensure that search engines can crawl and index your site without hiccups, you need to do a series of tests and tweak various parameters. If you complete an SEO audit once a quarter, you won't have to worry about your technical SEO again in most circumstances.

Some of the activities (such as page speed optimization, adding structured data, etc.) may seem technical, but without doing them, your website will not perform to its maximum potential.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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