Technical SEO Best Practices: The Complete Guide

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a term that is often used in connection with websites. The algorithms used by search engines to evaluate and rank websites are built into the systems.

Although numerous factors go into SEO, the foundation for your website's algorithms is built during technical SEO. Simply put, technical SEO involves fine-tuning the website's code and server settings so search engines can more easily scan and index your site's content. So, what exactly does search engine optimization include technically? What is it?

What Does "Technical SEO" Entail?

With the help of technical SEO, you may improve your site's architecture so that search engine spiders can easily crawl and index your content. Technical SEO analyses and changes the site's underlying code to improve a website's search engine rankings. Technical SEO expertise is required to optimize your website for search engines holistically.

Improving page load speed, making it simpler for search engines to crawl, and giving search engine algorithms enough information about your website to index it effectively are the primary components of having a great technical SEO. On-page SEO includes technical optimisation. As a result, its primary objective is to enhance different aspects of your site that might boost its reputation with search engines.

What Role Does Technical SEO Play?

If your technical SEO isn't solid, it won't matter how well-designed or well-written your website is. Why? Search engines' crawling and indexing processes need your sites to be easily discoverable and understandable to their algorithms. Simply, technical SEO helps search engines understand the content of your sites. Content-related data might contain metadata, picture descriptions, related material connections, and more. Just the surface has been touched upon here.

Technical SEO considers many issues, including mobile friendliness, content duplication, website load times, etc. This does not imply that you need to spend countless hours perfecting technical SEO on your website. Yet, search engine optimization (SEO) makes it simpler for search engines to index and rank your content. We've compiled a detailed checklist of the most crucial technical SEO criteria to remember as you work to enhance your website's technical SEO.

Webpage Load Time

Your site's speed is a major influence on how well it does in search engines. Consider using a content delivery network (CDN), optimizing your media files, and minifying your code to speed up your website.

Optimisation For Mobile

More than half of all website visits now originate from mobile devices, making mobile optimisation crucial for search engine rankings. Make sure your site is mobile-friendly by making it responsive.


Websites using a sitemap are much more readily crawled and indexed by search engines. Create a detailed and up-to-date sitemap for your website.


With the robots.txt file, you can instruct search engine spiders which parts of your site to index and which to skip. Maintain an up-to-date robots.txt file that represents the site architecture appropriately.

Data Organization

Improve your website's exposure and search engine rankings by providing search engine crawlers with structured data that describes the structure and meaning of the information on your site. Make sure the structured data on your site is current and correct.

Canonical Keywords

By instructing search engines on which page to prioritise, canonical tags help eliminate the potential for duplicate content concerns on a website. Maintain updated canonical tags on your website.

Format of a URL

A logically structured URL structure will increase search engines' ability to index your site's information. Ensure your website's URL structure is straightforward and simple to use.

Site Map In XML

Create an XML sitemap for search engine spiders to boost your website's exposure and rankings. Maintain an up-to-date and thorough XML sitemap for your website.

Link Failure

Search engine optimization and user experience may both suffer from broken links. Make it a habit to routinely check for and repair any broken links on your site.

Auditing Basics For Technical SEO

Find and fix any technical problems (such as broken links, duplicate content, or sluggish page loading times) that may be hurting the website's search engine rankings.

  • Optimizing the website's content and meta tags for the keywords that have been determined to have the highest relevance and value is important.

  • Ensure the site is optimized for mobile use by performing a mobile-friendliness test.

  • Do a site audit to find problems with the site's layout and navigation and suggest solutions.

  • Examine the website's backlink profile to find any spammy or low-quality connections that might be hurting its search engine rankings and remove them.

  • To boost the website's rankings in search engine results pages, it is important to verify that schema markup and other structured data are there.

  • Keep an eye on the site's search engine rankings and visitor numbers over time, and use that information to inform continuing updates on the audit's findings.

Improving a website's structure, performance, and security are technical SEO factors that may be tweaked to boost the site's position in search engine results. Businesses may boost their online profile, attract more visitors, and generate more organic leads and sales with the help of sound technical SEO practices.

Why Should You Attempt Technical Optimization For Your Site?

Maintaining search engines and user-friendliness requires technological optimisation. Search engines aim to provide relevant and useful results for users' searches. Google's bots thoroughly evaluate all your web pages based on several criteria. Page load time, content comprehension, organized data, and many other technical elements play a role in this procedure. This ensures that search engines get a complete view of your page's subject matter.

As important to the user experience is technical SEO. A website's ability to hold the interest of its visitors depends on its speed, reliability, and ease of use. A solid technological basis for your website may do wonders for its usability.


Perfecting your site's technical SEO is well spent for any company or brand owner, as the long-term advantages will more than compensate for any learning curve. Plus, if it's done perfectly, you won't have to worry about it again until the next site health audit.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2023


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