TCL Script to Simulate Link State Routing in NS2


Networking is a field that has become indispensable in modern times, and with its increasing complexity, simulating network behaviors for research and testing is essential. Network simulation tools like NS2 make it easier to create artificial network scenarios that can be used to evaluate protocols, routing algorithms, and other operations.

TCL (Tool Command Language) scripts are widely used in NS2 as they help automate the simulation process. This article introduces a TCL script for link state routing simulation to facilitate the study of routing protocols using NS2.

Link State Routing

Definition and Explanation

Link state routing is a type of routing protocol used in computer networks to determine the shortest path between two nodes. In this protocol, each node creates a map of the entire network by collecting information about its neighbors and their connections. The node then uses this information to calculate the shortest path to all other nodes in the network using an algorithm such as Dijkstra's algorithm.

In link state routing, each node maintains a database of its neighbors and their connections. This database is known as the link−state database (LSDB) and is used to calculate the shortest path between any two nodes in the network.

Advantages and Disadvantages

One advantage of link state routing is that it provides more efficient and accurate routing when compared to other protocols such as distance vector routing. This is because it takes into account various factors such as bandwidth, delay, reliability, etc., when calculating the shortest path.

Another advantage of link state routing is that it provides better scalability when compared to distance vector routing. This is because each node only needs to know about its immediate neighbors instead of learning about all nodes in the network like in distance vector routing.

However, one disadvantage of link state routing is that it requires more memory and processing power since each node maintains a full map of the network. This can make it difficult for larger networks with many nodes.

Comparison with Other Routing Protocols

When compared to other routing protocols such as distance vector or hybrid protocols, link state protocols are generally considered more efficient and accurate. Unlike distance vector protocols which rely on hop counts only, link−state protocols take into account various factors such as bandwidth, delay, reliability etc., when calculating paths. Hybrid protocols combine some features from both distance−vector and link−state protocols but still fall short when compared with a pure−link−state protocol.

Link state routing is a very important protocol used in computer networks that provides a more efficient and accurate approach to routing. While it has some disadvantages, the advantages generally outweigh the drawbacks especially in larger networks where efficiency and accuracy are critical factors.

Description of NS2 Simulation Environment

NS2, or Network Simulator 2, is an open−source discrete event network simulator that is widely used in research and academia for network simulation experiments. It is written in C++ and uses the OTcl scripting language for running simulations. NS2 provides a flexible and extensible framework for simulating various types of networks, including wired, wireless, and satellite networks.

Basic components and their functions

The basic components of the NS2 simulation environment include nodes, links, applications, and traffic flows. Nodes represent network devices such as routers or computers in a simulated network. Each node is identified by a unique address which can be assigned manually or dynamically using protocols such as DHCP.

Links represent communication channels between nodes. Links can be wired or wireless depending on the type of network being simulated.

Applications are software programs that run on nodes to generate traffic or perform other functions such as routing. Examples of applications in NS2 include FTP clients and servers, web browsers, and email clients.

Traffic flows refer to the movement of data packets between nodes in a simulated network. Traffic flows can be defined using different protocols such as TCP or UDP.

TCL Script for Link State Routing Simulation in NS2

Overview of the TCL script

The TCL script is a powerful tool for simulating network protocols and topologies in NS2. In this section, we provide an overview of the TCL script used to simulate link state routing in NS2. The script uses various commands and functions to create network topologies, configure protocol parameters, and start simulations.

It defines different nodes, links between nodes, traffic sources and destinations, and other essential simulation components. The TCL script enables network researchers to conduct experiments with different routing protocols efficiently.

Detailed explanation of each section

In this section, we provide a detailed explanation of each section of the TCL script used to simulate link state routing in NS2. The first section of the code defines node configuration parameters such as node ID, location (x,y,z), radio range and energy model for each node in the network. The second section sets up the queue type used by routers on links between nodes.

The third part initializes various simulation parameters such as packet size, transmission rate and simulation duration. It also sets up random number generators for traffic generation.

The fourth part creates a topology by defining links between nodes using their IDs; it specifies link capacity as well as delay among other key parameters. The fifth part configures link−state routing protocol (OSPF) which is set as default by creating OSPF objects that are then attached to each router instance created earlier.

Implementation and Results

Step−by−step implementation guide for the TCL script

Once the necessary preparations have been made, including setting up the NS2 environment, running simulations and assessing network performance is relatively straightforward. Here is a step−by−step guide to implementing a TCL script to simulate link state routing in NS2:

  • Define topology: Begin by defining the network topology using NS2's OTcl language.

  • Create nodes: Create network nodes using the 'ns' command to specify their ID and position.

  • Configure links: Configure links between nodes with specific characteristics such as bandwidth or delay, using OTcl.

  • Set up routing protocol: Add link state routing protocol (LSR) agent to each node in the network.

  • Set traffic parameters: Define packet generation time interval, packet size, and other traffic parameters that could affect LSR protocol performance.

  • Run simulation: Start simulator with desired simulation time length and run simulation.

Analysis of results obtained from the simulation

The results obtained from a link state routing simulation in NS2 consist of several metrics that can be used to evaluate overall network performance, such as end−to−end delay, throughput rate, packet delivery ratio (PDR), etc. End−to−end delay refers to the amount of time it takes for a data packet to traverse the entire network from source node to destination node while throughput rate measures how much data is successfully transmitted across all links over a given time period.

Packet delivery ratio refers to how many packets are delivered successfully compared to how many were sent out during the simulation period. Using these metrics and others available within NS2's trace files and other outputs generated during runtime of our TCL script simulations will enable comparative analysis between different protocols or scenarios with differing conditions such as varying number of nodes or varying traffic loads which can give valuable insights into system behavior under different environments.


In this paper, we have discussed the TCL script to simulate link state routing in ns2. We started by explaining the importance of link state routing in network simulation and provided an overview of NS2.

We then delved deeper into link state routing, discussing its definition, advantages, disadvantages, and comparing it with other routing protocols. Next, we described the NS2 simulation environment and its basic components and functions.

Updated on: 11-Jul-2023


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