Switch your blog from blogger to wordpress

Numerous bloggers start their careers as bloggers with an aim that they must choose a platform and then they migrate to another platform later if required. Often this process involves moving from free hosting to a self hosted site. Those who are established bloggers usually wish to have more control over their websites.

Blogger is one of the most popular platform for beginners since anyone can use it without hassle. But it has drawbacks as it lacks customization features. Even though, migration seems to be an easy process from Blogger account to WordPress, three major aspects still remain the same – need to keep track of traffic, search engine ranking and subscriber base.

Reasons for Shifting from Blogger to WordPress

  • Adds flexibility: Even though blogger has great features, which helps beginners to start off, but few bloggers after sometime, they wish to have varied themes and bloggers seem to concentrate much on codes of numerous posts instead of focusing on their write-up’s.

  • Google terms of service are sometimes questionable as it tends to claim ownership of the blog’s written by the bloggers. Hence, in order to claim ownership for their work, many bloggers tend to switch to WordPress.

  • Free might cost you valuable services: Services always have hidden cost, they always do.

  • Time to move on: When bloggers get incredible traffic, they feel it is right thing to do.

  • Bloggers blocked in schools: Few schools block the blogger’s blog as schools rely on white list approach.

Sub Domain Vs Custom Domain

One should understand the difference between sub domain and custom domain.

  • Blog with sub domain address ends with blogspot.com

  • Blog with custom domain address ends with .com

What Bloggers Need?

The first thing a blogger requires, is to have a WordPress hosting company and a domain name. Once the bloggers have signed up for Word press hosting and also have set up their domain name, the second step they need to take is, install Word press on their hosting account.

Step1: Exporting Content from Bloggerto WordPress

The bloggers needs to log into their blogger dashboard and then go to setting and under the blog tools click on link, which states export blog. A popup would appear, and the users need to click the button which states download blog. The users would find their blogs content downloaded on their computer in an XML file. They can import into their WordPress site, once the download has been complete.

Step 2: Importing Blogger to WordPress

The bloggers need to visit their WordPress admin and visit tools and then import. On import page, they need to click on blogger. A popup would appear, which would ask you to install the blogger to word press importer. Click on install button to the process. The WordPress would now not only download but also install the blogger importer plugin. Once installation is complete, bloggers would require you to click on the activate plugin and run importer link for them to continue.

On the screen stating import blogger, WordPress will ask the bloggers to upload the XML file. This is the file which is downloaded in step 1. Click on the button which states, choose file and upload the XML file, which they have downloaded earlier. Next, they need to click on the upload file and then import button to continue.

WordPress would now import bloggers posts when it is complete. Bloggers would be asked to assign an author to the imported post. They can assign their blogger post to an existing author or create a new author account. Congratulations! for successfully importing your blogger content into WordPress.

Step 3: Setting Up Permalinks

Permalinks are URL structure of individual pages. WordPress allows bloggers to set up URL structure which is friendly. To set permalinks, go to setting, then permalinks screen and choose month as well name for their permalink structure.

Step 4: Setting up Redirection

In order to successfully move from Blogger to WordPress, they need to set up redirection on two levels. Firstly, blogger must redirect their visitors to their new WordPress blog. Secondly, once users reach WordPress site, they should redirect them to the exact post they wish to read.

To set up redirection on the blogger blog, they require to log on their blogger account, and then go to their blog’s setting and click on Template, scroll down to the bottom of the page and then click on links which states revert to classic template link. You will now find “edit template HTML text area. You are now required to replace everything in the text area with code. Bloggers need to save their template so that they have successfully implemented redirection on their blogger blog.

Step 5: Redirect Feeds

Log into your blogger account and visit Settings >> other page, under site feed section, they should click on add link next to post feed redirect URL. Here the bloggers can enter their new WordPress site’s feed address.

Step 6: Import Images from Blogger to WordPress Media Library

Import all images from their blogger into their WordPress media library. Once the images are owned in wordpress media library, they can easily create image galleries and more.

What Next?

As your WordPress site becomes up and running, here are few things which you will have to consider –

  • Add your new WordPress site to Google webmaster and then verify the site ownership and submit XML sitemap listing of the URL’s on your new site.

  • Install few plug-ins which are essential and pay attention to improve security of your WordPress site.

Updated on: 12-May-2022


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