Swift Program to Split a set into Two Halves

In Swift, a set is used to create an unordered collection of unique elements. To split a set into two halves we use a approach in which we first determine the midpoint of the given set using integer division method and then loop through the set and insert element into either the first half or second half set according to the index related to the midpoint.

For example −

Original Set - [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 1]
Set1 - [2, 4, 5]
Set2 - [6, 7, 1]


  • Step 1 − Create a function which takes a set as a parameter and then split the set into two halves and return the result in a tuple.

  • Step 2 − Inside the function, find the size of the given set.

  • Step 3 − Find the midpoint of the given set using integer division method.

  • Step 4 − Create two new sets named as firstHalfSet and secondHalfSet to store first half and second half of the given set.

  • Step 5 − Now run a for-in loop to insert data into firstHalfSet and secondHalfSet according to the midpoint.

  • Step 6 − Return a tuple which contains firstHalfSet and secondHalfSet.

  • Step 7 − Now outside the function create a set of integer type.

  • Step 8 − Call the above created function and pass the set as a parameter.

  • Step 9 − Print the output.


In the following example, we will create a user defined function named as splitSet(). Which takes a set as a parameter and return a tuple of two sets. Inside the function, first we find the size of the set using count property and then find the mid-point by dividing the size of set by 2. Then we create two sets to store the first half and the second half of the set. Then run a for-in loop to iterate through each element of set and check if the current index is less than the midpoint. If yes, then enter the element present at the currentIndex into firstHalfSet. Otherwise, enter the element into secondHalfSet. And in each iteration the value of current index is increased by one, this process continue till the end of the given set. And then return a tuple which contain two sets. Outside the function we create a set of integer type: [99, 22, 33, 66, 11, 55] and pass it into the splitSet() and then store the result into a tuple and then display the two halves of the given set.

import Foundation
import Glibc

// Function to divide the set into two halves 
func splitSet(myset: Set<Int>) -> (Set<Int>, Set<Int>) {
   let setSize = myset.count
   // Midpoint of set
   let setMidpoint = setSize / 2
   // Creating new sets for storing data
   var firstHalfSet: Set<Int> = []
   var secondHalfSet: Set<Int> = []
   var currentIndex = 0
   // Run for-in loop to insert data into new sets according to the midpoint
   for number in myset {
      if currentIndex < setMidpoint {
      } else {
      currentIndex += 1
   return (firstHalfSet, secondHalfSet)

// Test case
let mset: Set<Int> = [22, 99, 33, 66, 11, 55, 33]
let (Set1, Set2) = splitSet(myset: mset)
print("Original set is:", mset)
print("First half of the given set:", Set1) 
print("Second half of the given set:", Set2)


Original set is: [11, 66, 22, 99, 55, 33]
First half of the given set: [11, 66, 22]
Second half of the given set: [99, 33, 55]


So this is how we can split a set into two halves. However it is not necessary that the order of the elements in the resultant sets are same as the original set because sets are unordered collections.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2023


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