Swift Program to find the tangent of given radian value

This tutorial will discuss how to write a Swift program to find the tangent of given radian value.

A tangent function is used to define the ratio of the length of the opposite side to the adjacent side in the right-angled triangle. It is also known as the tan function. The mathematical representation of the tangent() function is −

tan() = opposite side/adjacent Side

In Swift, we can calculate the tangent of the given radian value using the pre-defined tan() function. This function returns the tangent value of the specified number. Here, the specified number represent an angle.


Following is the syntax −


Here, the value of Num can be of integer, float, or double type.

If the given value is in degrees then we can convert degrees to radians using the following formula −

Radians = Degrees * (pi / 180)

Below is a demonstration of the same −


Suppose our given input is

Number = 2.1


The desired output would be

The value of tan 2.1 is 1.7098465429045073


Following is the algorithm

  • Step 1 − Import Foundation library to use mathema tic functions. import Foundation

  • Step 2 − Declare variable to store radian value.

  • Step 3 − If the value is in degrees then use the following formula −

    If the value is in radian the ignore this step.

  • Step 4 − Find the tangent value using the tan() function −

var res1 = tan(tNum1)
  • Step 5 − Print the output.

Example 1

Finding tangent of given radian value

The following program shows how to find the tangent of the given radian value.

import Foundation import Glibc var tNum1 : Double = 1.3 var tNum2 : Double = 1.3 // Calculating the cosine of the radian value // Using tan() function // For positive radian value var res1 = tan(tNum1) // For negative radian value var res2 = tan(tNum2) print("The value of tan\(tNum1) is ",res1) print("The value of tan \(tNum2) is ", res2)


The value of tan 1.3 is 3.6021024479679786
The value of tan 1.3 is 3.6021024479679786

Here, in the above code, we find the tangent value of the given radian using the tan() function −

var res1 = tan(tNum1)
var res2 = tan(tNum2)

Display the result: tan 1.3 is 3.6021024479679786 and tan -1.3 is -3.6021024479679786.

Example 2

Finding tangent of given degrees value

The following program shows how to find the tangent value of the given degrees.

import Foundation import Glibc var tNum1 = 60.0 var tNum2 = 30.0 // Convert degrees into radian var radian1 = tNum1 * (Double.pi / 180) var radian2 = tNum2 * (Double.pi / 180) // Calculating the tangent value // Using tan() function var res1 = tan(radian1) var res2 = tan(radian2) print("The value of tan\(tNum1) degrees is ",res1) print("The value of tan\(tNum2) degrees is ",res2)


The value of tan60.0 degrees is  1.7320508075688767
The value of tan30.0 degrees is  0.5773502691896257

Here, in the above code, we calculate the value of tangent of the given degrees. Here, first we convert the degrees into radian using the following code −

var radian1 = tNum1 * (Double.pi / 180)

And then calculate the tangent value using the tan() function −

var res1 = tan(radian1)

Display the result: tan 60.0 degrees is 1.7320508075688767 and tan 30.0 degrees is 0.5773502691896257

Updated on: 26-Aug-2022


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