Swarts Reaction


Swarts reaction is commonly applied for making alkyl fluorides from the base of alkyl chlorides. The reaction process of Swarts reaction mainly involves providing external temperature to heat the alkyl chlorides in the existence of fluorides that comprise some heavy metals. Examples of this method are $\mathrm{AgF\:,\:HgF_{2}}$ as well as $\mathrm{CoF_{2}}$ and in this reaction, acetone is commonly applied like a solvent for improving the rate of reaction.

What is Swarts regents?

Swarts regents with the chemical formula $\mathrm{SbF_{3}}$ is the most used reagent in this reaction and it is mainly applied in this reaction as an agent for replacing chlorine with another ingredient, fluorines. This replacement takes place in the existence of Sb salts and the antimony includes an oxidization step of +5. This reagent refers to a mixture of antimony trifluoride as well as chlorine.

Swarts reaction: Mechanism

Swarts reaction mainly follows the reaction of SN2 while metal along with the bond of fluorine has been broken. After that, a new bond is created during a reaction that forms with the combination of carbon as well as fluorine. The atoms of chlorine, as well as bromine that are displaced during the reaction, made a bond with the help of metal. As per this reaction, fluoride is mainly produced during the reaction after the process of formation. It is often seen in a lower temperature rate for boiling compared to other chlorides.

Figure 1 − Mechanism of Swarts reaction

There is a great possibility for the reaction of chlorinated hydrocarbons with the metallic form of fluoride to produce chlorinated hydrocarbons to which fluorine is completely attached. Therefore, fluorination of this reaction is widely used for fully substituting bromine as well as chlorine within alkyl chlorides with fluorine. In this type of particular form of variation, anhydrous hydrogen fluoride is completely fluoridated in the existence of antimony salts along with antimony that has a particular level of oxidation synch as +3 or +5.

Application of Swarts reaction

The application of this reaction in the chemical industry is greatly valued. This reaction is known for making different types of fluorides that are very helpful in different types of chemical works.

  • The reaction process is very helpful in making Alkyl fluorides that have a wide chemical application. Freons are produced through this process. Fluorinated aliphatic organic compounds that are produced in this reaction are generally known as freons.

  • Fluorination is another important factor that increases its importance and it is mainly carried out in this form. It is produced by applying anhydrous hydrogen fluoride in the existence of Sb salts. The oxidation state of this reaction is +3 as well as +5.

Figure 2 − Exchange of halogen between vinyl and aryl halides

  • Alkyl fluorides, alkyl bromides and alkyl chlorides are the products of the reaction.

  • It is got after heating the alkyl chlorides in the existence of fluoride along with a few heavy metals.

  • This reaction will be incomplete without the application of sodium or potassium fluoride which results in a lower rate of yielding.

Reagent of Swarts reaction

The principal reagent of this reaction is Chlorine with the chemical formula of Cl2 and the combination of Antimony Trifluoride with the chemical formula of SbF3. During the reaction process, Antimony Trifluoride is applied as a replacement agent that guides to replacement of the location of fluorine with chlorine and it takes place in the existence of Sb salts. The state of oxidization of this process is +5 and the reagent of this reaction refers to a combination of SbF3 and Cl2.

Difference between Swarts and Finkelstein reaction

Several differences can be seen between these two reactions and most of the differences are seen in terms of reaction reagents as well as their mechanism.

Figure 3 − Finkelstein reaction

Swarts Finkelstein
This reaction is very helpful in the conversion of alkyl chlorides or bromides into alkyl fluorides. This reaction mainly converts alkyl chlorides or bromides into iodides.
The reactants of this reaction can be alkyl chlorides or it can be alkyl bromides by an agent of fluorinating. This reaction process includes different reactants that are either initial halides or the ultimate halides or alkyl halides. It does not at all take place for the tertiary reaction such as vinyl or aryl halides.
It is a reaction to SN2 and fluorination. In this reaction, heavy metallic hades is applied that is based on broken or new bonds. It is also a reaction to SN2 and fluorination but in this reaction, the solubility is a little different. Halide salts is used in this reaction.

Table 1: Difference between Swarts and Finkelstein reaction


Swarts reaction is very important for the recent chemical industry as this reaction from a higher rate of alkanes from a lower level of alkyl halide. The reaction produced an even number of atoms of carbon and it mainly takes place in the existence of ether that is dry in texture. This happened because sodium has great reactive power and it mainly forms an oxide after the reaction with water.


1. Which product is produced from the Finkelstein reaction?

Finkelstein reaction produced an atom of halogen after the replacement of a single atom of halogen. The reaction involves the production of sodium iodide that is treated with the bond of 1-chloro-2-phenylethane to 1-iodo-2-phenylethane

2. What is the reaction of application AgF in this reaction?

Higher alkyl halides can react with other molecules even at a lower rate of metallic halides for generating lower alkyl halides during this reaction. The ion of F is not at all displaced by chlorine or bromine in case heavy metallic fluoride is not applied.

3. Which solvent is applied in this reaction?

Acetone is the most important solvent that is used in this reaction. Particularly dry acetone is used because it refers to a polar aprotic solvent.

Updated on: 12-Mar-2024


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