Swap the bytes of the masked array data in Numpy

To swap the bytes of the array elements, use the ma.MaskedArray.byteswap() method in Numpy. Toggle between low-endian and big-endian data representation by returning a byteswapped array, optionally swapped in-place. Arrays of byte-strings are not swapped. The real and imaginary parts of a complex number are swapped individually. It returns the byteswapped array. If inplace is True, this is a view to self.

The numpy.ma.MaskedArray is a subclass of ndarray designed to manipulate numerical arrays with missing data. An instance of MaskedArray can be thought as the combination of several elements −


At first, import the required library −

import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma

Create an array with int elements using the numpy.array() method −

arr = np.array([[35, 85, 45], [67, 33, 59]])
", arr) print("
Array type...
", arr.dtype)

Get the dimensions of the Array −

print("Array Dimensions...

Create a masked array and mask some of them as invalid −

maskArr = ma.masked_array(arr, mask =[[0, 0, 1], [ 0, 1, 0]])
Our Masked Array
", maskArr) print("
Our Masked Array type...
", maskArr.dtype)

Get the dimensions of the Masked Array −

Our Masked Array Dimensions...

Get the shape of the Masked Array −

Our Masked Array Shape...

Get the number of elements of the Masked Array −

Elements in the Masked Array...

Swap the bytes of the array elements, use the numpy.byteswap() method in Numpy −

After Swap...


# Python ma.MaskedArray - Swap the bytes of the masked array data

import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma

# Create an array with int elements using the numpy.array() method
arr = np.array([[35, 85, 45], [67, 33, 59]])
", arr) print("
Array type...
", arr.dtype) # Get the dimensions of the Array print("Array Dimensions...
",arr.ndim) # Create a masked array and mask some of them as invalid maskArr = ma.masked_array(arr, mask =[[0, 0, 1], [ 0, 1, 0]]) print("
Our Masked Array
", maskArr) print("
Our Masked Array type...
", maskArr.dtype) # Get the dimensions of the Masked Array print("
Our Masked Array Dimensions...
",maskArr.ndim) # Get the shape of the Masked Array print("
Our Masked Array Shape...
",maskArr.shape) # Get the number of elements of the Masked Array print("
Elements in the Masked Array...
",maskArr.size) # To swap the bytes of the array elements, use the byteswap() method in Numpy print("
After Swap...


[[35 85 45]
[67 33 59]]

Array type...

Array Dimensions...

Our Masked Array
[[35 85 --]
[67 -- 59]]

Our Masked Array type...

Our Masked Array Dimensions...

Our Masked Array Shape...
(2, 3)

Elements in the Masked Array...

After Swap...
[[2522015791327477760 6124895493223874560 --]  
[4827858800541171712 -- 4251398048237748224]]

Updated on: 02-Feb-2022


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