Study Pollen Germination on a Slide


Pollination is mainly carried out with the help of abiotic pieces of equipment of the atmosphere like the wind as well as water. The grain of pollen mainly germinates if it absorbs some nutrients and water for its growth within a pollen tube.

What is Pollen Germination?

Figure 1: Pollen germination

The germination of the pollen grain is a particular procedure through which the reproduction system of plants proceeds. The grains of pollen are transferred to the ovary part where the germ pores come out during germination.

Aim of this Experiment

The principal aim of this experiment is to closely observe the germination procedure of pollen on a single slide.

Used Equipment

For this experiment, the equipment required are −

  • A china rose, which is freshly plucked

  • Boric acid of about 10 mg

  • A beaker

  • A microscope

  • 10 grams of sucrose

  • Cover slips,

  • A slide

  • A dropper

  • 20 grams of magnesium sulphate

  • 30 grams of calcium nitrate

Process of this Experiment

A particular process is required to successfully complete this experiment that is mentioned below

  • In the first stem, the solution of nutrients has to be prepared with dissolving sucrose along with boric acid of about 10 mg in the water of 100 ml.

Figure 2: Pollen germination procedure

  • Then a few drops of the solution have to be poured on the cavity slide and then it should be dusted with a few grains of pollen from stamen of a complete flower with the help of fingers or brush.

  • The slide must be kept for at least 5 minutes and after that, it is viewed after a 30-minutes interval with the help of a microscope.

Discussion of this Experiment

It is observed during the experiment that after enlarging the vegetative cells the grains of pollen are slightly germinated when it is submerged in a medium of nutrients. It is also observed that a pollen tube is formed during the growth of the nucleus and it emerges from a pair of germs. Then it forms two separate gametes that are male called viable pollen grains. The produced gametes are known as sperm nuclei. Some other types of grains of pollen are not in the tube of pollen so they are not included in the viable pollen grains. The process of germination of pollen is mainly carried out in a medium of nutrients. This study is fully observed with the help of the microscope and proper atmosphere conditions are provided.

Precautions for this Experiment

In order to complete this experiment successfully, some precautions should be maintained carefully. The precautions of this particular experiment are mentioned below −

  • A fresh slide must be used for this experiment. A dirty slide that is used previously is not at all required for this experiment. The slides are mainly applied for the dusting grains of pollen and if the slides are not clean then it is very difficult to proceed with the experiments.

  • For the process of germination of pollen, only a few drops or nutrients are required, not more than 2 or 3 drops. Excessive nutrients can ruin these experiments and hamper the procedure of the germination of pollen.

  • In this experiment, only those flowers are required that are plucked freshly and this experiment should be started within a few minutes after plucking the flower.

  • The slide of the cavity is mostly used for close observation and must have a depression in the middle of the solution.

  • All the equipment for this experiment must be applied in proper quantity and it is seen that excessive use of pieces of equipment along with the nutrient solution can hamper the experiment and the ultimate results will be zero.

  • The timing of the experiment is very limited so there is no extra time required for this experiment. The resting phase and the observation process should be done after a specific time.


Figure 3: Pollen grain in ovary

In the process of germination of pollen, the nucleus is moved down the pollen tube as well as generative cells that develop into two separate male gametes. Between two sperms, one fuse with the eggshell that exists in the ovule and improves into an embryo. The other sperm combines with the resting nucleus from the ovule to form endosperm. This process is called double fertilisation as there is fertilization happening twice. This happens during the process of germination of pollen.


Q1. What is pollination?

Ans. Pollination refers to the process of reproduction of plants and it is considered the most important stage of the plant’s life cycle. This process is completed with the help of flowers and it depends on the genetic pieces of information of a particular plant. This process is different from flower to flower as per their genetic characteristics.

Q2. What are the types of pollination?

Ans. In terms of the reproduction process of a plant, there are two different processes, one is self-pollination and the other is cross-pollination. Self-pollination is the most significant reproduction process that is seen in most plants. There are multiple types of cross-pollination is seen in the body of a plant such as anemophily, zoophily as well as ornithophily. Besides this, entomophily and chiropterophily are significant types of cross-pollination.

Q3. What is the method of pollination?

Ans. The method of process of pollination mainly starts with the germination of pollen to stigma and after the creation of a pollen tube, that bond is created between ovary and stigma. After that, the grains of pollen are transferred to the ovary of the flower.

Updated on: 24-Apr-2023

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