string.sub() function in Lua

Another important function of the Lua’s string library is the string.sub() function. The string.sub() function is used to extract a piece of the string.

The string.sub() function takes three arguments in general, the first argument being the name of the string from which we want to extract a piece, the second argument is the i-th index or say, the starting index of the string piece that we want, and the third and the last argument is the j-th index of the last index of the string piece we want.

It should be noted that both the starting index and the ending index, i.e., the second and the third argument are inclusive.



In the above syntax, the s identifier is used to denote the string from which we are extracting a substring, the i is the starting index of the substring and the j identifier is the ending index of the substring.

An important point to note about the string indices is that the indexing start from 1 not 0, so the first character of the string is at index 1.


Let’s consider a few examples where we will make use of the string.sub() function.

Consider an example shown below −

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s = "hello world"
x = string.sub(s,1,5)




Another example on the same string −

y = string.sub(s,7,10)



We can also pass negative indexes inside the arguments (second and third argument) of the string.sub() function; the negative indices are used to count from the end of the string.


Consider the following example −

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s = "[in code]"
print(string.sub(s, 2, -2))


in code

Updated on: 08-Sep-2023

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