String slicing in Python to check if a can become empty by recursive deletion

In this tutorial, we are going to write a program that will check whether the given string can become empty or not by recursive deletion of chars using slice. Let's see an example to understand it more clearly.


string = "tutorialstutorialspointpoint"
sub_string = "tutorialspoint"


  • After first iteration tutorialstutorialspointpoint becomes tutorialspoint.
  • After the second iteration, the string will be empty.

We can achieve the result using find() method of the string. Follow the below steps to write the program.

  • Initialize the string and sub_string.
  • If any of them is empty, then return False
  • While string length is greater than zero. Do the following.
    • Check whether the sub_string is present in string or not.
    • If not present, then return False
  • Return True as the loop doesn't terminate in middle.


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def is_valid(string, sub_string):
   # checking the lengths of string and sub_string
   if len(string) > 0 and len(sub_string):
      # iterating until string becomes empty
      while len(string) > 0:
         # finding the sub_string in string
         index = string.find(sub_string)
      # checking whether its present or not
      if index == -1:
         # returning false
   return False
   # removind the sub_string
   string = string[0: index] + string[index + len(sub_string):]
   # returning True
   return True
      # returning False
   return False
   if __name__ == '__main__':
      # initializing the string and string
      string = 'tutorialstutorialspointpoint'
      sub_string = 'tutorialspoint'
# invoking the method
print(is_valid(string, sub_string))


If you run the above code, then you will get the following result.



If you have any queries in the tutorial, mention them in the comment section.

Updated on: 11-Jul-2020


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