Storing a Command in a Variable in a Shell Script

In a shell script, you can store a command in a variable by using the syntax −


For example −


You can then execute the command stored in the variable by prefixing it with $ −


This will execute the command date.

Storing the Command in an Array

In a shell script, you can store a command in an array by using the syntax minus;

array_name=( "command1" "command2" "command3" )

For example −

commands=( "ls -l" "pwd" "date" )

You can then execute the commands stored in the array by using a loop and referencing the array element by its index −

for i in "${commands[@]}"

This will execute the commands ls -l, pwd, and date in that order.

You can also access specific command in the array by its index like ${commands[1]} and execute the command using $


This will execute the command pwd.

Problems Storing Code in a Variable

There are a few potential problems with storing code in a variable in a shell script −

  • Code Syntax Errors − If the code stored in the variable contains syntax errors, the script will not execute correctly when the variable is used. This can be difficult to debug, as the error message may not indicate that the problem is with the code stored in the variable.

  • Security Issues − Storing code in a variable can be a security risk, as it can allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on a system if the script is not properly validated or sanitized.

  • Code Injection − If the code stored in the variable is not properly escaped, it can allow an attacker to inject malicious code into the script. This can lead to the execution of arbitrary code, data loss, or other malicious actions.

  • Variable Expansion − Some commands and variables may not work as expected when stored in a variable, as variable expansion may occur at unexpected times or in unexpected ways.

  • Variable Value Change − The value of the variable can change at runtime which can cause unexpected behavior and errors.

It's important to thoroughly test and validate any code stored in a variable before using it in a script, and to be aware of any security risks associated with the use of variables in this way.

Problems Using Eval

Using the eval command in a shell script can also cause several potential problems −

  • Security Issues − Using eval can be a security risk, as it can allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on a system if the script is not properly validated or sanitized.

  • Code Injection − If the code passed to eval is not properly escaped, it can allow an attacker to inject malicious code into the script. This can lead to the execution of arbitrary code, data loss, or other malicious actions.

  • Unexpected Behavior − eval can lead to unexpected behavior if the code passed to it is not well understood or if it is not properly tested.

  • Syntax Errors − eval can cause syntax errors if the code passed to it contains errors.

  • Performance Hit − eval can have a performance hit as it needs to parse and interpret the code passed to it at runtime.

  • Difficult to Debug − When using eval it can be difficult to trace the exact command that is being executed, which can make debugging more challenging.

It is generally recommended to avoid using eval where possible and to use alternatives such as functions, command substitution, or arrays to achieve the same results in a safer and more efficient way.


In conclusion, storing code in a variable or using eval in a shell script can be useful in certain situations, but it also presents several potential problems. Storing code in a variable can lead to syntax errors, security issues, code injection, and unexpected behavior. Similarly, using eval can also introduce security issues, code injection, unexpected behavior, syntax errors, performance hit, and difficult to debug. It's important to thoroughly test and validate any code stored in a variable or passed to eval before using it in a script, and to be aware of any security risks associated with the use of these techniques. Alternatives such as functions, command substitution, or arrays can often be used to achieve the same results in a safer and more efficient way.

Updated on: 24-Jan-2023


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