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Steemit Earning Full Course step by step

person icon Hamza Yousafzai


Steemit Earning Full Course step by step

No Investment, Just Earnings on Steemit

updated on icon Updated on Jul, 2024

language icon Language - Hindi

person icon Hamza Yousafzai

category icon Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

Lectures -23

Duration -3 hours



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Course Description

Welcome to the Steemit Earning  Course specifically designed for bloggers and content creators on the Steem blockchain. This course is tailored to the needs of individuals who are new to the Steemit platform and interested in learning how to earn Steem cryptocurrency through their writing, content creation, and curation efforts on the blockchain. Through this course, you will learn the fundamental concepts of the Steem blockchain, including how it works, its features, and the different tools and resources available to help you succeed as a blogger and content creator. You will also learn various tips, strategies, and best practices for creating high-quality content, curating content, building a strong reputation, and growing your Steemit account.

Whether you're an aspiring blogger, writer, or content creator, this course will provide you with the essential knowledge and skills needed to succeed on the Steem blockchain. So, let's discuss our lectures.


In this lecture, you will learn the step-by-step process of creating a Steemit account. Steemit is a blockchain-based social media platform that allows users to create and curate content, and get rewarded for their contributions.


Welcome to the second lecture of our Steemit course! In this lecture, we will cover the first achievement on the Steemit platform, which is creating your Introduction post.

Your Introduction post is an essential step to getting started on Steemit, as it is the first impression you make on the community. In this lecture, we will cover all the details you need to know to make a great first impression.

We'll start with an overview of what the Introduction post is and why it's important. Then, we'll dive into the details of crafting a compelling introduction that showcases your personality, interests, and goals on the platform. We'll cover everything from formatting your post to using images and videos to make it easy to read and engaging.

In addition, we'll discuss how to use tags and hashtags to help your post get discovered by other users on the platform. We'll also cover best practices for engaging with the community, such as upvoting and commenting on other users' posts.

Throughout the lecture, I will provide examples of successful Introduction posts and offer guidance on how to make your post stand out. By the end of the lecture, you will have a clear understanding of what makes a great Introduction post and how to create one that will help you get started on Steemit.


In this lecture on Basic Security on Steem, we'll focus on educating new users on how to keep their Steem account safe and secure. We'll start by discussing the various keys that users need to be familiar with, including their Posting Key, Active Key, Owner Key, and Memo Key. New users will learn the purpose of each key and how to use them to ensure that their account is secure.

We'll also discuss the importance of keeping your master password safe and the different permissions for each key. We'll guide users on the correct use of each key, such as logging into Steemit every day with the Posting Key, using the Active Key for more sensitive tasks such as transferring funds, and storing the Owner Key offline for account recovery only.

Furthermore, we'll cover the different use cases of the Steemit wallet, and how to use it for transactions, power up/down transactions, converting Steem Dollars, and other important tasks.

We'll also provide tips for keeping your Steem account secure, such as not sharing your password or keys with any third-party site. We'll discuss the risks of losing your master password and how to store an offline copy of it somewhere safe, such as on an external disk or flash drive, or even printed paper.

By the end of the lecture, new users will have a good understanding of the basic security measures they need to take to keep their Steem account safe and secure. They'll be able to differentiate the use of each key and know how to use the Steemit wallet for various transactions.

I hope you'll find this lecture helpful in protecting your Steem account and your rewards. Remember to keep your master password safe and to log in using the appropriate key for the task you're performing.


In this lecture, we will be discussing the Economic Activities Diary Game post on Steemit. The Economic Activities Diary Game is a popular contest on Steemit where users share their daily economic activities and expenses to win rewards and engage with the community.

During the lecture, we will go over the rules and guidelines for the Economic Activities Diary Game, including what types of economic activities to report and how to structure your post for maximum engagement and visibility.

We will also discuss some helpful tips and strategies for crafting a high-quality Economic Activities Diary Game post, including how to present your data in a clear and organized manner, how to use relevant tags and hashtags, and how to engage with the Steemit community through comments and upvotes.

By the end of the lecture, you will have a solid understanding of how to create an effective and engaging Economic Activities Diary Game post on Steemit, and how to leverage this contest to grow your presence and earn rewards on the platform. Whether you are a seasoned Steemit user or a newcomer to the platform, this lecture will provide you with the insights and strategies needed to succeed in the Economic Activities Diary Game and the Steemit community at large.


In this lecture, we will explore and understand the concepts of #club5050, #club75, and #club100. These are three hashtags that are often used on social media platforms, including Steemit, to signify a reward distribution scheme.

The #club5050 hashtag indicates that the rewards from a post will be split equally between the author and the curators. The #club75 hashtag signifies that 75% of the rewards will go to the author, and 25% will go to the curators.

Similarly, the #club100 hashtag implies that all the rewards from a post will go to the author. During the lecture, we will delve into the details of each of these reward distribution schemes and how they impact the earning potential of authors and curators. We will examine the benefits and drawbacks of each hashtag and how they can affect the visibility and popularity of a post.


In this lecture, you will learn how to write and publish a daily diary post on Steemit. A daily diary post is a unique and engaging way to share your daily activities, thoughts, and experiences with the Steemit community.

The lecture will begin by introducing Steemit as a social media platform that enables users to earn cryptocurrency by creating and curating content. We will then dive into the details of creating a daily diary post, including how to choose a topic, how to structure your post, and how to engage your audience.

The lecture will provide step-by-step instructions for writing and publishing your daily diary post, including how to format your post, how to add images and videos, and how to use appropriate tags to enhance the discoverability of your post.

Additionally, the lecture will provide tips and techniques for creating engaging and high-quality content, including how to write in a conversational tone, how to include interesting anecdotes, and how to include your personal experiences in your post.

By the end of the lecture, you will have a solid understanding of how to write and publish a daily diary post on Steemit. You will be able to create engaging and informative content that resonates with the Steemit community and potentially earns you cryptocurrency rewards for your efforts.


In this lecture, we will explore and understand the Weekly Steemit Engagement Challenge. The Weekly Steemit Engagement Challenge is a popular initiative on the Steemit platform that encourages users to engage with each other's content and build a supportive community.

We will explore how the Weekly Steemit Engagement Challenge works, including how to participate and how to complete the tasks assigned for each week's challenge. The lecture will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of how to participate in the challenge, including how to engage with other users' content, how to leave meaningful comments, and how to build strong relationships with other members of the Steemit community.


In this lecture, you will learn how to withdraw money from Steemit using Binance. Steemit is a social media platform that allows users to earn cryptocurrency by creating and curating content. Binance is a popular cryptocurrency exchange that enables users to buy, sell, and store a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, including Steem.

The lecture will begin by introducing Binance as a cryptocurrency exchange and explaining how it can be used to withdraw funds from Steemit. We will then dive into the details of how to withdraw your earnings from Steemit using Binance, including how to create an account, how to deposit Steem into your Binance wallet, and how to sell Steem for other cryptocurrencies or fiat currency.

The lecture will provide step-by-step instructions for withdrawing your earnings from Steemit using Binance, including how to navigate to the withdrawal page, and how to choose your withdrawal method.

By the end of the lecture, you will have a solid understanding of how to withdraw your earnings from Steemit using Binance. You will be able to convert your Steem to other cryptocurrencies or fiat currency and transfer it to your personal wallet or bank account.


In this lecture, you will learn how to post Achievement 3: Content Etiquette on Steemit. Achievement 3 is a part of the Newcomers Achievement Program on Steemit, which is designed to help new users navigate the platform and learn the ins and outs of creating content.

The Content Etiquette Achievement is focused on teaching participants about the importance of proper content etiquette on Steemit. This includes guidelines for proper sourcing, citing, and referencing of sources, as well as best practices for creating original content and avoiding plagiarism.

The lecture will cover step-by-step instructions for creating a post for Achievement 3 on Steemit, including creating an account, navigating the platform, and writing and formatting content. The lecturer will also emphasize the importance of using appropriate tags and titles to make the post more discoverable by other users.

By the end of the lecture, you will have a solid understanding of how to create a post for Achievement 3: Content Etiquette on Steemit. You will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of proper content etiquette and contribute valuable and informative content to the Steemit community, all while building your reputation and potentially earning cryptocurrency rewards.


In this lecture, you will learn how to post Achievement 4: Applying Markdown on Steemit. Achievement 4 is designed to help new users navigate the platform and learn the ins and outs of creating content.

The Applying Markdown Achievement is focused on teaching participants how to format their posts using Markdown, a lightweight markup language that allows for easy formatting of text on the Steemit platform. The use of Markdown on Steemit is an important skill for creating visually appealing and easy-to-read posts.

The lecture will cover step-by-step instructions for creating a post for Achievement 4 on Steemit, including creating an account, navigating the platform, and applying Markdown formatting to text. The lecturer will also provide examples of different Markdown formatting techniques and explain how to use them in your posts.

By the end of the lecture, you will have a solid understanding of how to create a post for Achievement 4: Applying Markdown on Steemit. You will be able to use Markdown to format your posts and create engaging, visually appealing content that stands out on the platform. This will help you build your reputation and potentially earn cryptocurrency rewards while contributing valuable content to the Steemit community.


In this lecture, you will learn how to complete Task 1 of Achievement 5: Exploring Steemworld on Steemit.

Task 1 of Achievement 5 is focused on exploring the Steemworld website, which is a powerful tool for analyzing and monitoring activity on the Steemit blockchain. The website offers a wealth of information about user activity, transactions, and other data that can be useful for understanding how the platform works and identifying opportunities for engagement.

The lecture will cover step-by-step instructions for completing Task 1 of Achievement 5, including creating an account on Steemworld, navigating the platform, and exploring the different features and functions available. The lecturer will also provide examples of how to use the information available on Steemworld to monitor your own activity on the platform and identify areas for improvement.

By the end of the lecture, you will have a solid understanding of how to complete Task 1 of Achievement 5: Exploring Steemworld on Steemit. You will be able to use this powerful tool to monitor your own activity on the platform, identify areas for improvement, and engage with the Steemit community in new and exciting ways. This will help you build your reputation and potentially earn cryptocurrency rewards while contributing valuable content to the Steemit ecosystem.


In this lecture, we will focus on Achievement 5 Task 2 and explore the blockchain explorer tool, Steemscan. Steemscan is a powerful tool that allows users to view, analyze and track all activities on the Steem blockchain. Through this lecture, you will learn how to use Steemscan to explore the various features and functions of the Steem blockchain.

We will start by introducing the basics of the Steem blockchain and the role of Steemscan in exploring it. We will then delve into the various features of Steemscan, including how to use it to check your account information, review transaction history, and explore different block and transaction details.


In this lecture, we will focus on Achievement 5 Task 3 and review the website Steemyy. Steemyy. is a popular platform in the Steem community, providing users with a range of tools and features to explore the Steem blockchain.

Through this lecture, you will learn about the various features and functions of Steemyy, including how to use the platform to explore and analyze different Steem accounts, view and analyze different blockchain data and metrics, and participate in various Steem-based games and contests.

We will start by introducing the basics of the Steemyy platform, including how to sign up and navigate the website. We will then delve into the various features of Steemyy, such as how to track your own account performance and growth, discover popular content and topics on the Steem blockchain, and participate in various Steem-based games and contests.

Additionally, we will discuss how to use Steemyy to monitor and analyze the performance of other Steem accounts, and explore the various data and metrics available through the platform. By the end of this lecture, you will have a strong understanding of the many benefits of using Steemyy to explore and engage with the Steem blockchain community.


In this lecture, we will focus on Achievement 5 Task 3 and review the website Steemdb. Steemdb is a powerful blockchain explorer tool that provides users with a range of features to explore and analyze the Steem blockchain.

Through this lecture, you will learn about the various features and functions of Steemdb, including how to use the platform to track and monitor different accounts, explore different blockchain data and metrics, and discover popular content and topics on the Steem blockchain.

We will start by introducing the basics of the Steemdb platform, including how to sign up and navigate the website. We will then delve into the various features of Steemdb, such as how to track your own account performance and growth, monitor different Steem accounts and transactions, and explore different data and metrics available through the platform.

Additionally, we will discuss how to use Steemdb. to discover popular content and topics on the Steem blockchain, and engage with the Steem community through various contests and games. By the end of this lecture, you will have a strong understanding of the many benefits of using Steemdb to explore and engage with the Steem blockchain community.


In this lecture, we will focus on Achievement 6 and explore the concepts of curation and community in the Steem blockchain ecosystem. Curation is a key feature of the Steem blockchain, which allows users to vote and curate content, based on their quality and relevance to the community.

Through this lecture, you will learn about the importance of curation and community engagement in the Steem ecosystem, and how to effectively participate in these activities to grow your Steem account and reputation. We will start by introducing the basic concepts of curation, including how it works, and how it benefits both content creators and curators.

We will also explore the importance of community engagement in the Steem ecosystem, including how to interact with other users, join various communities, and participate in various Steem-based activities, such as contests and games.

By the end of this lecture, you will have a strong understanding of the importance of curation and community engagement in the Steem ecosystem, and how to effectively participate in these activities to grow your Steem account and reputation.


In this lecture, we will focus on the final task for the Newcomers Achievement Program, which is to compile all of the previous task posts into a single comprehensive document. The Newcomers Achievement Program is a series of tasks designed to help new users navigate the Steem blockchain ecosystem, and this final task serves as a capstone for the program, providing users with a way to showcase their learning and growth.

Through this lecture, you will learn how to effectively compile and organize your previous task posts into a single document that accurately represents your progress and achievements throughout the program. We will start by introducing the basic requirements and guidelines for the final task, including what information should be included and how the document should be structured.

We will then explore various strategies for effectively organizing your task posts, such as grouping them by topic, highlighting key insights and takeaways, and providing examples of your work and engagement within the Steem community.

Additionally, we will discuss the importance of presenting your work in a professional and polished manner, including tips for formatting and editing your document to ensure clarity and coherence.

By the end of this lecture, you will have a strong understanding of how to effectively compile and present your achievements throughout the Newcomers Achievement Program, demonstrating your growth and learning within the Steem blockchain ecosystem.


  1. Understand Steemit Fundamentals: Ensure that participants have a comprehensive understanding of what Steemit is, how it operates, and its role within the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem.

  2. Create and Optimize a Steemit Profile: Teach students how to set up an effective Steemit profile, including profile picture, bio, and cover image, to attract and engage followers.

  3. Produce High-Quality Content: Guide participants on creating valuable and engaging content that resonates with the Steemit community, ultimately leading to higher rewards.

  4. Master Steemit's Reward System: Explain in detail how Steemit's reward system works, covering upvoting, curation, and the distribution of rewards, enabling students to maximize their earnings.

  5. Grow Your Steemit Network: Teach strategies for building a strong Steemit network, gaining followers, and collaborating with other users to increase visibility and engagement.

  6. Monetize Your Content: Provide various methods for monetizing Steemit content, including earning from upvotes, power delegation, and other blockchain-based opportunities.

  7. Avoid Common Mistakes: Highlight common pitfalls and mistakes that new Steemit users often make and provide guidance on how to avoid them.

  8. Stay Informed About Steemit Updates: Encourage students to stay updated with Steemit's evolving features and changes in the platform's rules and policies.

  9. Ethical and Responsible Posting: Emphasize the importance of ethical and responsible content creation and engagement on Steemit to maintain a positive reputation within the community.

  10. Achieve Steemit Success: Ultimately, help participants work toward becoming successful and respected Steemit users who consistently earn rewards and contribute positively to the platform.

  11. Build Long-Term Wealth: For those interested in long-term wealth-building, guide them on strategies to accumulate and manage their Steemit earnings wisely.

  12. Engage with the Steemit Community: Encourage students to actively participate in the Steemit community by commenting on posts, joining contests, and collaborating with others.

  13. Track and Analyze Progress: Teach participants how to track their Steemit earnings and analyze their performance to make data-driven decisions for improvement.

  14. Stay Safe and Secure: Educate students on best practices for securing their Steemit accounts and cryptocurrency assets, emphasizing the importance of online safety.

  15. Celebrate Milestones: Set milestones for students to achieve throughout the course, such as reaching a certain number of followers or earning a specific amount of cryptocurrency.

These course goals can serve as a foundation for structuring your Steemit Earning Course, providing a clear roadmap for your students to follow as they embark on their journey to success on the platform.


Before students embark on your Steemit Earning Course, it's important to set clear prerequisites to ensure they have the foundational knowledge and resources needed to succeed. Here are some course prerequisites to consider: 

  1. Basic Computer Skills: While participants do not need extensive computer skills, they should be comfortable using a computer or smartphone for internet-related tasks.

  2. Internet Access: Ensure that participants have reliable internet access to engage with the course materials and create their Steemit accounts.

  3. Desire to Learn: Emphasize the importance of motivation and a genuine interest in learning about Steemit and blockchain technology, especially for those new to the platform.

  4. Time Commitment: Clearly communicate the expected time commitment for the course, as active participation and engagement are essential for success, especially during the account creation process.

  5. Access to a Computer or Smartphone: Participants should have access to a computer or smartphone for creating their Steemit accounts and interacting with the platform.

  6. Open Mindset: Encourage participants to have an open mindset and be willing to learn and adapt as they navigate the Steemit platform.

  7. Patience and Persistence: Highlight that creating a Steemit account and starting to earn on the platform may take time, and participants should be patient and persistent in their efforts.

  8. Respectful Behavior: Promote a respectful and ethical approach to using Steemit and interacting with the Steemit community.

By focusing on these prerequisites, you can ensure that participants are well-prepared to begin their journey on Steemit, even if they have no prior experience with the platform. You can then guide them step by step through the account creation process as part of your course content.

Steemit Earning Full Course step by step


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17 Lectures
  • play icon Steemit introduction 01:46 01:46
  • play icon Earning Proof 09:46 09:46
  • play icon Earning withdrawal proof 03:46 03:46
  • play icon Steemit 101 The Ultimate Guide for Newcomers and Content Etiquette 11:00 11:00
  • play icon STEEMIT ACCOUNT CREATION 07:04 07:04
  • play icon Tron account linking with steemit wallet and creation tron account 02:45 02:45
  • play icon Achievement 1 Introduction post on Steemit 17:23 17:23
  • play icon Achievement 2 : Basic Security on Steemit 16:58 16:58
  • play icon Achievement 3 : Content Etiquette 05:24 05:24
  • play icon Achievement 4 : Applying Markdown 13:33 13:33
  • play icon Economic Activities Diary Game post on steemit 14:48 14:48
  • play icon Plagiarism free content creation 08:08 08:08
  • play icon Understanding #club5050 #club75 #club100 02:24 02:24
  • play icon How to write your daily diary post on steemit 04:51 04:51
  • play icon Understanding weekly steemit Engagement Challenge 09:24 09:24
  • play icon Template design & free images for steemit post 08:59 08:59
  • play icon How to withdraw money from steemit 11:46 11:46
Achievement Tasks
6 Lectures

Instructor Details

Hamza Yousafzai

Hamza Yousafzai

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