State whether the following statements are true or false:
(a) To make a battery of two cells, the negative terminal of one cell is connected to the negative terminal of the other cell.
(b) A car battery is just one big cell.
(c) When the electric current through the fuse exceeds a certain limit, the fuse wire melts and break.
(d) A compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) has a filament in it.
(e) MCB works on the heating effect of electric current.
(f) The heating element of an electric iron is made of tungsten.
(g) Compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) works on the heating effect of current.
(h) An electromagnet does not attract a piece of iron.
(i) An electric bell has an electromagnet.
(j) An electromagnet is a temporary magnet.

(a) To make a battery of two cells, the negative terminal of one cell is connected to the negative terminal of the other cell. (False)


In order to make a battery of two cells, the negative terminal of one cell is connected to the positive terminal of the other cell. 

(b) A car battery is just one big cell. (False) 


A typical 12-volt car battery is composed of six cells, not one big cell. 

(c) When the electric current through the fuse exceeds a certain limit, the fuse wire melts and break. (True) 


A fuse wire is a short-length wire of a low melting point. So if a large current exceeds a safe value (due to short-circuiting or overloading) it heats the fuse wire too much and the wire melts and breaks the circuit.

(d) A compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) has a filament in it. (False) 


A compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) contains argon and mercury vapour housed within a spiral-shaped tube, instead of a glowing filament.

(e) MCB works on the heating effect of electric current. (False)


MCB does not work on the heating effect of current, rather it works on the magnetic effect of current. 

(f) The heating element of an electric iron is made of tungsten. (False)


The heating element of an electric iron is made of Nichrome, an alloy of 80% nickel and 20% chromium, because it has relatively high resistance and does not oxidize and burn easily at high-temperature (high melting and boiling point).

On the other hand, Tungsten oxidizes at red hot temperatures and eventually burn out unless protected from oxygen in the air by sealing in an inert gas atmosphere. 

Also, tungsten is more expensive than nichrome. 

(g) Compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) works on the heating effect of current. (False)


The Compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) works on the principle of ionisation. 

(h) An electromagnet does not attract a piece of iron. (False) 


An electromagnet is a temporary magnet that works when the current is passed through it. Therefore, it can attract a piece of iron.

(i) An electric bell has an electromagnet. (True)


An electric bell works on the principle of electromagnetism. In an electric bell, a coil of an insulated wire is wrapped around a piece of iron, and when the current passes through the coil it behaves as an electromagnet.

(j) An electromagnet is a temporary magnet. (True)


An electromagnet is a temporary magnet because it works as long as the electric current passes through it.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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