Starting from $(-1)\times5$, write various products showing some pattern to show $(-1)\times(-1)=1$.

To do:

We have to write various products showing some pattern to show $(-1)\times(-1)=1$.


Few products showing the pattern to show $(-1)\times(-1)=1$ are:

$(-1)\times 5=-5$

$(-1)\times 4=-4$

$(-1)\times 3=-3$

$(-1)\times 2=-2$

$(-1)\times 1=-1$

$(-1)\times 0=0$

$(-1)\times (-1)=1$

Thus, from the observation of the patterns generated above,  it becomes clear that on multiplying a negative integer by a positive integer we get the negative integer as a result, and on the other hand on multiplying a negative integer by a negative integer the result is always a positive integer.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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