SSH vs VPN: Which is more secure?

What is VPN?

A virtual private network (VPN) is a private network connection constructed over a public network infrastructure like the Internet.

Authorised VPN users can access their business network remotely using security methods such as encryption and masking the user's IP address. VPNs may also be used to secure personal information when using public Wi-Fi, such as at airports. Multi-factor authentication (MFA), context-aware security techniques, and the usage of strong passwords are all common features of VPN apps.

Advantages of Using a VPN

Following are some of the advantages of using a VPN −

Protect Your Network

The advantages of utilising a VPN are numerous. One of the most significant is the ability of enterprises to adequately safeguard their network. without your knowledge, software or websites can track your online activities. They can then evaluate the information they have gathered and use it to try to target you with advertisements. Without a VPN, you may see an invasion of pop-up advertising, which can disrupt your surfing experience and be generally annoying.

A VPN can prevent individuals, software, and web browsers from obtaining access to your connection. This ensures that the information you provide and receive is secure and anonymous.

Avoid Data Throttling

Data throttling occurs when you have used up a certain amount of your allotted data and your Internet service provider (ISP) decides to slow down your service. If you have a VPN, you'll quickly discover that one of the perks of VPN is the ability to bypass a data cap, especially because neither your ISP nor your ISP can see how much data you're using. This may be especially useful for employees who must utilise data plans on their mobile devices to access the Internet while on the go.

What is SSH?

SSH is an abbreviation for Secure Shell. A shell is a type of software that allows you to interact with the operating system. The communications are carried out through the usage of a command line. The shell does not need to be installed on your device. Logging into your shell account from another computer allows you to access the shell. After checking in, you will be able to access your emails, personal files, news, and much more.

While a conventional web browser communicates with web pages on the Internet via HTTP, the shell account employs public key encryption to provide a better level of security when browsing. SSH is more secure than protocols like Telnet and FTP. It is available in two variants.

SSH was created primarily to allow a user to securely connect to a distant machine and conduct shell and network functions. It may, for example, be used by network administrators logging into a distant Web server. It is also regarded as a secure alternative to the Telnet, RSH, and Rexec protocols.

SSH-based communications/processes typically operate on a client/server architecture consisting of a client and server SSH. The client is securely authorised and connected, and it transmits encrypted orders to the server, which are subsequently performed. RSA public key cryptography-based digital certificates are used to authenticate both the client and the server. SSH employs the encryption techniques AES, IDEA, and Blowfish.

Advantages of Using an SSH

Following are some of the advantages of using an SSH −

The Technical Characteristics of Command Lines

SSH is more concerned with command lines. This makes it difficult for non-technical individuals to understand or access the information. It also allows you to access the target computer's graphical user interface.

The technique also allows you to engage with the distant computer without incurring additional costs. You have full access to the file contents on the target machine. If you know the scripts, you can easily set up a file syncing solution. Files can also be accessed using your computer's browser.


IT managers may utilise SSH to remotely administer their servers. Using the same protocol, mobile application developers may test applications on mobile devices.

VPN or SSH: Which is More Secure?

The fundamental distinction between the two technologies is that SSH connects to a specific machine, whereas VPN connects to a network. Each of these adds an extra layer of security when exploring the web.

If you're searching for a business solution, a VPN offers the superior security and privacy option of the two. You may use both SSH and VPN to access the Internet for more privacy when using public Wi-Fi.

In various ways, each of the technologies provides enough security and privacy to consumers. The applications that require more security dictate which of the two technologies you will choose. When it comes to VPNs, the company you choose impacts how secure the connection is.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2022

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