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Spring Boot with REST API, MVC & Microservices

person icon Sadhu Sreenivas


Spring Boot with REST API, MVC & Microservices

Unleash the complete potential of Spring Boot

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Sadhu Sreenivas

category icon Spring Boot,REST API,Spring MVC,Spring Boot Microservices,Hibernate,

Lectures -50

Duration -20.5 hours



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Course Description

The course is designed for Java beginners keen to learn Spring Boot from Basics.

It is designed and taught in such a way that beginners can easily grasp and code their own Spring Boot applications with minimal effort.

Spring Boot is a powerful framework for building Java-based applications, providing developers with a streamlined and opinionated approach to application development. Combined with Spring's extensive ecosystem, it offers a comprehensive solution for building a wide range of applications, including RESTful APIs, MVC web applications, and microservices architectures.

REST API Development with Spring Boot: Spring Boot simplifies the creation of RESTful APIs by providing built-in support for various features such as:

  • Annotation-driven programming model: Developers can use annotations like @RestController, @RequestMapping, and @GetMapping to define REST endpoints and handle HTTP requests.
  • Automatic JSON serialization/deserialization: Spring Boot automatically converts Java objects to JSON and vice versa using libraries like Jackson.
  • Embedded server: Spring Boot includes an embedded servlet container (e.g., Tomcat, Jetty) so that you can run your REST API as a standalone application.
  • Actuator endpoints: Spring Boot Actuator provides built-in endpoints for monitoring and managing your application, making it easy to monitor health, metrics, and other runtime information of your REST API.

MVC Web Application Development with Spring Boot: Spring Boot simplifies the development of MVC (Model-View-Controller) web applications by providing features such as:

  • Spring MVC framework: Spring Boot integrates with Spring MVC to provide a robust web framework for building web applications.
  • Convention over configuration: Spring Boot adopts sensible defaults and auto-configuration, reducing the need for manual configuration.
  • Thymeleaf, FreeMarker, or other template engines: Spring Boot supports various view technologies for rendering HTML templates in MVC web applications.
  • Static content handling: Spring Boot can serve static content (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript) from the classpath or external locations.
  • Embedded web server: Similar to REST API development, Spring Boot includes an embedded servlet container for running MVC web applications as standalone applications.

Microservices Architecture with Spring Boot: Spring Boot is well-suited for building microservices-based architectures due to its lightweight nature and extensive support for distributed systems. Some key features for building microservices with Spring Boot include:

  • Spring Cloud: Spring Boot integrates with Spring Cloud to provide features like service discovery (e.g., Netflix Eureka), client-side load balancing (e.g., Ribbon), distributed configuration (e.g., Spring Cloud Config), and circuit breakers (e.g., Netflix Hystrix).
  • Externalized configuration: Spring Boot enables configuration to be externalized, making it easy to configure microservices independently of each other.
  • Containerization and orchestration: Spring Boot applications can be easily containerized using technologies like Docker and orchestrated with platforms like Kubernetes or Docker Swarm.
  • Resilience and fault tolerance: Spring Boot integrates with libraries like Netflix Hystrix to implement resilient microservices that can handle failures gracefully.

Overall, Spring Boot provides a comprehensive platform for building RESTful APIs, MVC web applications, and microservices architectures, offering developers a productive and efficient way to develop modern Java-based applications.

 This course is a one-stop solution for all the Spring Boot technologies.


  1. Understanding Spring Boot Fundamentals:

    • Gain a solid understanding of the core concepts and features of the Spring Boot framework.
    • Learn how to set up a Spring Boot project and leverage Spring Boot's auto-configuration capabilities.
  2. Building RESTful APIs:

    • Learn how to design and implement RESTful APIs using Spring Boot and Spring MVC.
    • Understand best practices for handling HTTP requests, responses, and status codes.
    • Explore techniques for handling data validation, error handling, and versioning in RESTful APIs.
  3. Developing MVC Web Applications:

    • Learn how to build MVC (Model-View-Controller) web applications using Spring Boot and Spring MVC.
    • Understand the MVC architectural pattern and how it applies to web development.
    • Explore techniques for building dynamic web pages, handling form submissions, and managing session state.
  4. Implementing Microservices Architectures:

    • Gain an understanding of microservices architecture and its benefits and challenges.
    • Learn how to design and implement microservices using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.
    • Explore topics such as service discovery, client-side load balancing, distributed configuration, and circuit breakers.
    • Understand best practices for building resilient, scalable, and maintainable microservices-based systems.
  5. Best Practices and Advanced Topics:
    • Gain insights into best practices and design patterns for developing Spring Boot applications.
    • Explore advanced topics such as security, caching, asynchronous processing, and reactive programming with Spring Boot.
    • Learn how to optimize the performance, scalability, and reliability of Spring Boot applications.


  1. Java Programming Language:

    • Proficiency in Java programming is essential, including knowledge of object-oriented programming concepts, data structures, and basic syntax.
  2. Spring Framework Basics: (optional)

    • Familiarity with the core concepts of the Spring Framework is beneficial, including dependency injection, inversion of control (IoC), and aspect-oriented programming (AOP).
  3. Web Development Fundamentals: 

    • Understanding of web development fundamentals, including HTTP protocol, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  4. Database Fundamentals:

    • Basic understanding of relational database concepts, SQL queries, and database design.
Spring Boot with REST API, MVC & Microservices


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Course Agenda - Spring Boot with REST API, MVC and Microservices
1 Lectures
  • play icon Course Agenda - Spring Boot With REST API, MVC And Microservices 09:37 09:37
Development Environment Set up
1 Lectures
Introduction to Spring and Spring Boot
6 Lectures
RESTful Web Services
7 Lectures
Lombok Framework
1 Lectures
Spring Boot with Hibernate / JPA
6 Lectures
2 Lectures
REST API CRUD Project using Spring DATA JPA - EMS
1 Lectures
2 Lectures
REST API - Spring Security
5 Lectures
Spring MVC
8 Lectures
Spring MVC CRUD - Real Time Project - Employee Management System
5 Lectures
Microservices with Spring Boot
5 Lectures

Instructor Details

Sadhu Sreenivas

Sadhu Sreenivas

Manager, Developer and Trainer

R&D Expert, Developer, and Trainer.

Expertise in Java Technologies (Java SE & Servlets, JSPs, Hibernate, Spring boot) Web Technologies (HTML, XML technologies, JavaScript Libraries, PHP) Database technologies: MySQL, Oracle, DB2 (with SQL and PL/SQL) Anonymity Networks and Security.

Areas of Interest: Information Security, Computer Networks, Database Systems, Cloud Computing and Java & Web Technologies (HTML5, JavaScript and XML technologies)

Trained over 1000 people on Java Technologies, C/C++, SQL, Python and Advanced Java (Servlets, JSP), Hibernate, Spring Boot.

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