Speed up a slow pc without spending money

If anybody PC gets slow down, they should not blame to the PC hardware. It’s true, they can speed up their PC by adding RAM, up-grading CPU, or exchanging hard drive with an SSD. All of these solutions tell to spend money.

Users do not have to reinstall the operating system to speed-up their PC, they just have to apply some tricks on the PC to fixes the system problem.

This article will definitely help those users who do not want to spend money on purchasing any tool (Software or hardware) at the time of system get slow down because of heavy uses.

Stop unwanted processes using Task Manager

Some time computer runs lots of processes on the system which takes lots of resources. One of the simple way to know processes running on the system, right-click on the taskbar and select Start Task Manager. Click on, the Processes tab and then the CPU column header. This process will show all the processes running on the system with memory uses and their descriptions. Choose unnecessary processes running on the system and click on End Process button. If any processes is really using heavy resource which slow-down the system, stop that forever.

Stop all useless applications

Window boot process automatically loads numbers of other applications, sometimes time applications are small or some time big, which becomes one of the major reasons of PC slow-down.

In the right side of the Task Bar some groups of small icons appears that basically known as the “system tray”. The Icons shown in the “System tray” are basically programs running in the background of the system. Each icon consumes available memory and processing power, or resources, that’s why closing(exiting or cancelling) unused icons return those resources, memory and processing power to the system.

There is one more way to disable programs which start with the Window boot process by going to “System Configuration” using Task bar.

User can get Window’s list of autoloader in Windows XP, Vista, or 7 by going to Start, Run, type “msconfig” and press “OK”. It will open System Configuration window, in this Configuration window click on Start-up tab, using this user can disable unwanted application by un-checking them, after un-checking click on “Apply” and “OK”.

User can use the trick – disabling, re-enabling, and rebooting to figure out which application is causing the problem.

In Windows 8, right-click on taskbar to select Start Task Manager. After opening Task Manager, open” Startup” tab directly or by clicking on “More” details. To disable an item, right-click it and select Disable.

Remove Malware or Trojan like stuffs

Sometime this can also be the reason of system slow-down. Just to be on safer side, scan the system every day.

This Malware or Trojan like stuffs basically comes from opened suspicious email attachments, questionable Web sites or Torrent sites, try to avoid these kinds of sites.

Today, anti-virus software becomes must for any PC. There are various purchasable anti-virus software in the market which are good too but apart from those there are many other free anti-virus software that also do good. Some of them are – Avast, AVG, and Avira AntiVir, these all comprise regular “virus definition” file updates that permit the anti-virus software to identify and secure from the latest virus being released.

Try to open useful applications at a time

Keep on habit to open fewer applications at a time, open only those applications which are useful. Running more applications on system – slow-down all opened applications.

Shut down/reboot process

There are some applications which do not release memory properly after closing the application. Even a slit restart doesn’t do a correct job. To do so, user needs to completely shut down and then restart their system.

Clean the Recycle Bin

Simply deleted files from the disk doesn’t get disappeared from system, these files go to sit in the Recycle Bin that usually displays on the Desktop. User should review those files before deleting from Recycle Bin. After deleting, the space on the hard drive will be available for reuse. Free hard drive becomes faster to call other applications.

Uninstall those applications that are not required for longer period

If user installed the application, game or other stuffs some years or month back, and now those applications or games become useless for them, but still they kept those stuffs on their system and installing other useful applications that overload the hard drive which makes the system to slow-down. The better way is to uninstall those applications that are not required for longer period and then install the other application. To do so, go to the Control Panel’s “Add or Remove Program” or “Programs and Features”, choose unwanted applications and uninstall it.

Check all hard drives errors

Correcting the hard drive errors will speed-up the system performance. For that, go to “My Computer”, right-click on a hard drive icon and select “Properties” followed by “Tools”. In the “Error-Checking” category, click on “Check now” button to check hard drive errors. When user click on “Check now” button, it opens “Check Disk Local Disk” window with two options (Shown in the figure), select one of them and click on start, to start error checking.

Search and Delete Temporary Files

Temporary Files are used for maintaining some applications for an incomplete period of time and left unused for later. To get temporary files in Windows XP – Go to “C:\Documents and Settings\Local Settings\Temp”, in Windows Vista – “C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp” or in any version of Window – user can use “%TEMP%” command in notepad to open Temp folder and delete all the files from this folder. If there is a problem deleting one or more files, skip those files and remove the rest. This will free a lot of space on the drive. The Temporary Internet Files directory can also be emptied.


Follow all above tricks to enjoy your work, keep on habit to spend 10 to 15 minutes in a day on system cleaning process. This process will be equivalent to less money and more production.

Updated on: 16-Jan-2020


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